Many of you have already heard that raw, organic, and unfiltered apple cider vinegar can assist in weight loss and overall well-being. The apple cider vinegar diet is probiotic, and has many additional health benefits. Here we explore how the apple cider vinegar diet as part of a healthy lifestyle can help you lose weight while at the same time, acting as a tonic for the body.
Although many fad diets that create rapid weight loss have come and gone over the years, it is encouraging to note that the apple cider vinegar diet leads to gradual weight loss. It would be nice if we could shed pounds quickly and never see them again, but experience has shown that weight that leaves easily comes back easily.
The Apple Cider Vinegar Diet
If you lose weight quickly, your body will oblige you by kicking in mechanisms to make it more likely this weight will slip back on in no time. But if you can be patient and do not expect instant results, your fat cells will adjust to their new size more willingly and not insist on contributing on your waistline. The apple cider vinegar diet is perfect for this.
Great ways to learn to love ACV: The Apple Cider Vinegar Diet!
- Explore 100 tasty apple cider drinks in this book!
- You might also like: 12 Apple Cider Vinegar Recipes
- ACV has other great health benefits in addition to weight loss. See 6 Health Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar
- More reasons to use ACV: 23 Research-Backed Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar.
- The post popular brand is Bragg Apple Cider Vinegar, which is organic, raw, and naturally fermented, though if you find those qualities in other brands, they're fine, too.
Apple Cider Vinegar is best taken before meals
When you give it some thought, it makes good sense that drinking apple cider vinegar before meals would help with weight loss. Apples are a good source of pectin, and including pectin in your diet can make you feel fuller and more satisfied. Since apple cider vinegar contains the same amount of pectin as apples (one apple has about 1.5 grams pectin), it can suppress your appetite in a similar way.
There is also good science behind why apple cider vinegar would encourage weight loss even more effectively than eating raw apples. In general, acids help with the digestion of protein, the building blocks for some of our hormones, especially growth hormone.
We’ve seen how this hormone is instrumental in breaking down fat cells. By increasing the acid present in your stomach before a meal, you’ll ensure the chances for thorough digestion and increase the availability of protein for hormone synthesis.
Apple Cider Vinegar assists protein utilization
Greater protein utilization helps the formation of growth hormone, the substance that keeps the body’s metabolism going while we’re at rest. This is why it is important to drink apple cider vinegar before or with your evening meal.
Apple Cider Vinegar stimulates digestion
Because apple cider vinegar stimulates digestion, it also reduces the amount of time that fats remains in the digestive tract. It’s important that your body gets a chance to remove key nutrients from your food, and conditions that contribute to diarrhea can be life-threatening.
At the same time, it can be unhealthful to have food remain in the intestines for too long. If fats present longer than necessary during digestion, more fats will be absorbed.
Apple cider vinegar works at the very beginning of the digestive process to stimulate your appetite and increase your interest in food. Normally, you wouldn’t think of this as being the direction you want to go in if you’re trying to lose weight. But apple cider vinegar works positively to support your efforts by increasing your interest in whole foods.
Apple Cider Vinegar assists in utilization of iron
ACV can improve the body’s utilization of iron, a nutrient that acts like fire-starter for fuel. Iron is a key component in substances that carry oxygen to the cells and hold it there. It’s the ability of apple cider vinegar to increase iron utilization and energy consumption in the body that makes it such a supportive food for weight loss.
Apple Cider Vinegar is great source of potassium
Apples are a great source of potassium, and likewise, apple cider vinegar, taken on a regular basis, will contribute the potassium you need to help balance the sodium in your diet. In fact, try replacing salt in your diet with apple cider vinegar. Use it to top foods you might be tempted to salt, such as vegetables or protein foods. A little vinegar over a plate of beans is a regional favorite in many parts of America.
Recommendation for losing weight with the apple cider vinegar diet:
Here is my recommendation for using the apple cider vinegar diet to lose weight, based on the work of Dr. Jarvis and others:
- 1 to 2 teaspoons apple cider vinegar + 8 ounces water *
- Drink before meals 3 times a day
* Though this author recommends 1 to 2 teaspoons of ACV per cup of water, other sources call for 1 tablespoon per cup of water or other liquid, and that seems to be what VegKitchen readers have found most effective.
Excerpted from Apple Cider Vinegar for Weight Loss & Good Health* by Cynthia Holzapfel (Book Publishing Co.), reprinted by permission.
Read Next: Apple Cider Vinegar Drink Recipes, 23 Research-Backed Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar
zelu says
im on for using apple cider and see if it will work for me just like the dr have said
Raja Qaisar says
I have used Apple cider vinegar myself and i have lost more than 40lb of my weight in less than 4 months.I started taking it when i found out that i was diabetic.Your article is very is informative but you did not mention that Apple cider vinegar can also helps to reduce/cure diabetes.
I have setup small wp site: --where I have mentioned Apple cider vinegar and other remedies for weight loss and to cure diabetes. Your site is good, please keep your hard work going.
Sincerely, Raja
tami says
do you mix the teaspoons of viniger with the glass of water?
Nava says
Tami, sorry for the delayed response. Yes, you'd mix the vinegar with the water.
Monica says
Does it matter what temperature the water is?
Nava says
Monica, I think room temp to lukewarm should be just right.
lisa says
i drink 2tbsp apple cider vinger 8oz apple, and 2oz of grape juice
lisa says
every morning
Larry says
I've started to take apple cider vinegar, mainly because of ibs and so to help flush out the plaque and bacteria in the colon, also for better nutrient absorption. Does it flush out the good bacteria too tho?
I was happy to read about the great protein synthesis and GH production because i'm male and currently trying to bulk up in the gym. And so am concerned of the weight loss.
or is this weight loss specific to fat loss? and further how does it react to good fats?
Nava says
Hi Larry -- thanks for your good questions. I will have the author of this author respond here, hopefully early in the week of Jan.30. Stay tuned!
tympestt says
I can take the 2 tbsp of vinegar more willingly without the water, otherwise I would think about the taste too much and not drink it.... can I still get the same results without mixing water?
Nava says
Tympestt, I can't say for sure, but I wouldn't take the vinegar straight -- I understand it's really hard on tooth enamel that way. I wonder, too, whether it might be too acidic for the stomach taken straight. Maybe at least put it in 1/4 cup water, and make sure to brush your teeth afterwards!
kathy says
Should you drink the water and vinegar right before your meal or an hour before?
Nava says
From what I've read, Kathy, it's pretty much right before a meal. Maybe within 15 minutes. An hour would likely be too much time.
shanthi says
hi, My son is turning 13 this years this year. My worry is, he s putting on inches at his belly. Is it safe for me to give him Apple Cider Vinegar before his meal.
Nava says
Hi Shanthi, I don't think it could do any harm if taken with water before meals but for a 13 year old, more activity would probably be better. Often a growth spurt helps with that baby fat around the belly, so hopefully with exercise and a good diet that extra fat will disappear.
Lorraine says
I was wondering if taking apple cider vinegar pills would work as well as drinking the vinegar mixed with water?
Nava says
Lorraine, I am not familiar with cider vinegar pills, so I can't comment on if and how they'd work. I wonder if they'd be hard on the stomach; though the sensible thing would be to take them with lots of water. Sorry I can't be more helpful.
Maureen says
I am currently taking 2 TBSP before each that amount too much?
Thank you
Nava says
Maureen, that's a lot of vinegar-- and though this article is written by a different expert, I'd say to be careful; the acidity could be hard on both your stomach and teeth. make sure you take the vinegar w/ plenty of water, and brush your teeth afterwards. Or dial it down to 1 T per cup of water and see if you still reap the benefits.
Kay says
Hey I was wondering how much weight I can loose while drinking apple cider vinegar for 1 week
Nava says
Kay, there is no way to know this ... it also depends on so many other factors; how much/what do you eat, amount of activity you get, etc. But try it for a week and see what happens; report back to us here and let us know!
Marnie says
Hey I'm curently substituting 2 of my meals with a special k shake & the 1 meal that I do eat I do the 2 teaspoons of apple cider vinegar mix wit a glass of water. My concern is I'm I gonna get the same effect from intaking only 1 mixture of the apple cider vinegar & water a day, as you would if you do the 3 intakes a day?
Nava says
Marnie, since this article was written by a guest contributor, it's hard for me to answer such specific questions on this with any degree of accuracy or expertise. the only thing to do is to try it for a week and see what your results are. But I'm more concerned that you're replacing two meals, as I'm not sure that's sustainable over the long run. Good luck!
Becky says
I take 2 TBSP before each meal. No water. Like someone said before, I couldnt get it down of I had to drink it. I have heard to put natural honey in the water of the taste is to bitter but have not tried it myself. My questions is this; Sometimes I forget to take it before my meal and will take it during or after, do you know if it still has the same effect? I have been taking the A.C.V. for 2 wks and I am down 2lbs. I was told when I started to expect about 1-2lbs a week. I have found many of the things mentioned in the article to be true. I suffer from chronic fatigue, depression, I am obese and so on...I am experiencing an energy surge, clearer thinking and a craving for fruits & veggies. Thank You for this article, it is very helpful & inspirational.
Nava says
Becky, I'm glad that this post has been helpful to you. I wonder, though, if you should chase down the vinegar with some water. I'd be worried that all that acid would be hard on your stomach and teeth. I really can't say if the vinegar would have the same effect taken with or after your meal. That would certainly be hard to quantify, but if anything it can't hurt.
An energy surge and craving fruits and veggies are good signs! As soon as you are able, add movement into your daily routine. Activity is the key to sustained weight loss.
Kierra says
I have school during the day so will it still work if i drink the vinegar and water every hour for 2 hours then the third hour 15 minutes before i eat?
Nava says
Kierra, I don't think so; I think it's supposed to be taken before each meal.
Heather says
This is my first time seeing this article, but I've been drinking an apple cider vinegar drink for about a month, and I am starting to lose stubborn abdominal fat with no other change. Also, my complexion has improved. I take 2 tsp. of vinegar, 8-9 drops liquid stevia, and the juice from half a lemon, with a full glass of water. It's actually quite tasty that way, I really like it.
Nava says
Heather, thanks for this great tip. If you do check back in, could you tell VegKitchen's readers whether you do this before each meal, or just once or twice a day?
claudia says
I've heard about acv and have been trying it for about a week. No changes in weight loss but my stomach is feeling less bloated after meals. My question is will it still work if I drink it throughout the day? Like before and after eating? I usually drink a glass of acv then drink some green tea. I've cut out any other liquids cause I have been having trouble loosing those last extra pounds and as a full time student I don't have enough time to hit the gym.
Nava says
Claudia, it's really hard to say if it will work. I hope you are drinking it in a glass of water, otherwise it will be hard on the stomach and on your teeth! Give it a try and let us know how you make out.
Jane says
I Would like to know if I can eat apples and drink the apple cider vinegar as well and still manage to lose weight? I really Want to lose 20 lbs before the summer.
Nava says
Jane, there is actually a book called The 3-Apple-a-Day Diet Plan that talks about eating apples to lose weight:
Rose says
Im drinking acv only once a day, I wonder if this will have the same effect as if drinking it twice a day. In the morning I eat cereal or drink a shake then drink acv wit my lunch meal and for dinner im eating vegetables. If its recommended to drink acv twice a day with what meals should I take it or should I just continue to drink it once a day?
Nava says
Rose, all this information is anecdotal, but my sense is that if you drink the ACV in water before both of your main meals rather than just one, it would probably have more effect. Do let us know if you see any results.
Lilly says
I am trying to loss weight, and I think to try that with ACV would that help. And how much is a glass of water.
Nava says
Lilly, it doesn't have to be exact. 8 to 12 ounces of water is about right.
Jasmine says
Hey , I was wondering do we have to drink it everyday ?
Nava says
Jasmine, in the article it says that taking 2 teaspoons of ACV in a glass of water before each meal on a regular basis leads to weight loss. So yes, I'm afraid this needs to be done on a daily basis for it to work. Try also adding a little lemon juice and a few drops of liquid stevia as another reader suggests; it's good that way -- almost tastes like lemonade.
Bailey says
Hi, I am new to drinking ACV. I was wondering if I take my ACV with a bottle of water (which is usually about 20 fl oz.) will I still get the same effect compared to 8oz. ?? I workout 3 times a week, and I have a fairly balanced diet, but I'm having trouble losing this horrendous belly fat. Thanks in advance.
Nava says
Bailey, I can't say for sure whether that's a good idea or not, but intuitively I'm not sure it would be a good thing to take the ACV in the water bottle you use to keep yourself hydrated. I think the concentration of the 1 to 2 tsp in one glass of water before meals is the formula recommended in this article. Good luck!
Brittany says
I was wondering if I only take in two tablespoons of ACV a day with exercise for 30 minutes a day will that lead to faster weight loss?
Nava says
Brittany, adding 30 minutes of exercise to your day is very likely to lead to quicker and more sustained weigh loss. No way it could hurt, so do give it a try and let us know how you are doing.
Marie says
Will I be able to lose weight in a week? Maybe 3 pounds?
Nava says
Marie, there's really no way to predict. It also depends on what you are eating, how much activity you get, and how consistent you are with the ACV. ACV weight loss is generally known to be very slow, so unfortunately this is not a quick fix!
Rock says
Im eating a lot of protein and mainly veggies for carbs and I'm extremely active in the gym I take a tablespoon of acv straight up do u think my fat loss would be quicker this way?
paula says
Hi ive been doing the avc diet for 2 weeks now although im using the braggs raw unfiltered acv i mix 2 tbsp with a few drops of lemon juice to a 16.9oz bottle of water 3-4 times a day. I eat my regular foods i dont eat diet stuff and have had great success. I have lost 12 lbs in the short time. I have also added exercise to my daily routine. I want to lose another 30 lbs.
Nava says
Rock, I would still put the ACV in water -- otherwise it might be hard on the stomach and the teeth. As far as whether it would be quicker, it's hard to tell, it really varies according to body weight and overall activity. Paula, a 12-lb weight loss in a short time is amazing! Way to go ...
beth says
is it okay to take two teaspoons and chase it with a glass of water rather than mixing it.. I find it easier to get it down this way?
Nava says
Beth, I think that sounds perfectly reasonable!
aneeqa says
I am suffering from pcos. will acv help me lose weight?
Nava says
Aneequa, it is doubtful that acv can be the entire solution to a medical issue like pcos. Perhaps if you treated the underlying hormonal condition, a folk remedy like ACV would be more effective.
latha says
i have tried a lot to get the Bragg ACV but i could not get it .Is it suggestigle to use any other brand to loose weight?Please suggest.
I am from Hyderabad,India.
lydia says
can i use ordinary ACV i cannot get organic ACV,and does this ACV have any sideeffect on the liver.thanks
Nava says
Lydia, I don't know about any specific effects on the liver, the only thing I've heard is positive, that it helps the liver do its job. Personally I wouldn't use anything other than organic ACV. Apples that are not organic, after all, are heavily sprayed with pesticide and I'm not sure that it's totally mitigated with the fermentation process. I would look for a source to order Bragg's or other organic brand of ACV online, or ask your closest natural foods store to order you a big bottle -- it lasts a long time!
Nava says
Latha, I wish I could help you but I really don't know what would be available in India.I wonder if you can get any brand of organic ACV other than Bragg's.
jovie says
how long will it take for you to see results
Nava says
Jovie, it really depends on other factors -- do you exercise, are you eating reasonable portions, etc. I found that when I stopped doing ACV before dinner, I started putting a little weight back on; I do thing it speeds digestion. But it's a very slow weight loss process and you shouldn't expect quick results. Give it 30 days to see if it works for you.
tiara says
So it has to be organic ACV? I have bought a store brand and another question I'm planning on doing 20 sit ups before bed will that speed up the process? How many lbs did you lose in thirty days?
Nava says
Tiara, organic ACV is simply healthier. I recommend Braggs. Doing 20 sit ups will help with muscle tone but not weight loss. The speed of process is quite variable, but this is a slow process in general.
Louise says
I drink a shot of acv at bedtime for relief of heartburn. Does anyone else do this? Should I be diluting it?
Nava says
Louise, I've never heard of it for heartburn, but hey, if it works, why not? I would't do it undiluted, though, as it can be hard on the stomach and teeth. In a short glass of water would be safest.
LKK says
I bought the Braggs ACV at Meijer.
mcpatty says
This really works..i recently resumed acv drinks because I was constantly craving sugar and refined carbs- I have lost 4 lbs in less than 2 weeks. Drinking Bragg's ACV diluted in plenty of water and sweetened with Stevia.
Nava says
McPatty, I'm glad this worked for you! I think it has helped me avoid colds this season as well.
Sharon says
Just want to say that I've been taking a tablespoon of Braggs vinegar before dinner every night for over a year now and I have noticeably lost weight! I haven't increased exercise or changed my diet (except it's true that vinegar will make you crave healthier foods and eat a little less). It has also helped in other ways (seems to have regulated my body temp, I've avoided getting sick, less blood loss during cycle and more). I highly recommend ACV!
zikhona says
I am also looking for organic acv have look at pick n pay and every grocery shop where can I buy it .I'm in pretoria south africa
Nava says
Zikhona, I wish I could help you. Perhaps you could look at a South African online source?
Maz says
I have reached plateau on my diet. I don't eat much as I am on slimming capsules. Can I take acv and still take my slimming capsules?
I don't really want to stop the slimming capsules, however I need to break through from this plateau.
I want to try acv purely just to end this plateau.
Nava says
Maz, I don't think ACV would interfere with slimming capsules, but I think a better strategy is to increase your level of activity if you have reached a plateau. A 15-minutes burst of aerobic activity would probably be an effective way to break through.
But you might think of stopping the capsules, as you can't do those forever. Another good thing to do is to make sure you are eating 2 to 3 pounds of vegetables every day. these are practically calorie-free, and fill you up!
Maz says
Thanks for your response.
I started the acv today and I had been to the toilet ten times by noon.
I have read that fluid retention is the main reason for weight loss plateau regardless of the approach you take to lose the weight.
Is this true?
Previously I was not urinating at all despite all the water I was consuming, as it is a symptom of malnourishment. I've started eating healthy foods especially protein, in conjunction with the acv I'm really hoping I get my body balanced and be on my way to losing my last 10kg.
Do you think I'm doing the right thing?
Maz says
Btw I will be walking for half an hr a day as I do think my physical activity is rather low, I just gave birth so I'm stuck at home.
Also the I didn't want to get off the slimming capsules although I have reached a plateau as they contain serotonin and also give me energy for the new bub, I have a tendency of having post natal depression and very bad mood swings...... These pills have helped me avoid these.
As soon as I get back to work I'm normally better mentally, and so don't need pills.
Maz says
How long does it take for the water weight to come off with acv?
Can't seem to find anything online
Zara says
Hi, im not sure why Bragg's acv is the one advised as a good one to use (perhaps due to a commission based contract with the publisher?) as when i was told of the benefits of acv i was told to get a acv that is
4 THINGS 1. Raw as in un pasturised (not boiled or cooked) to keep the nutrients alive.
2. un refined, as in all the nutrient rich bits left in the acv
3. No added extras, as in water, alcohol ect to dilute and destroy the helth benefits and lastly but MOST IMPORTANT NO. 4 your acv should have what is called "MOTHER" (look it up) naturaly occuring in your acv (if you have the top 3 down then 4 is a given) if you want the best THAT is the ACV YOU WANT!
Zara says
p.s if you are only wanting to use avc for weight loss you can shed pounds very quickly by drinking a tall glass of water with half a FRESH lemon squeezed into it first thing in the morning an hour before your breakfast, substitute water for your usual drink of choise and add a little light exercise (or not) and watch the weight drop off.
There are other health benefits to adding half a lemon to your diet every morning too.
Nava says
Hi Zara, the four reasons you state are exactly the ones why Bragg's ACV is recommended here. There is no commission! I wonder if Bragg's is not available in the UK. Perhaps your equivalent brand is different. If so perhaps you'd like to share that with VegKitchen readers, as there are plenty from the UK. And thank you so much for your tip on the water with half a fresh lemon. I have no doubt that's a great way to wake the body up, though it would be a difficult habit for those of us addicted to our morning coffee!
Anita says
I live in UK and you can buy Bragg's apple cider vinegar online from Real Foods:
You can also buy there a few other apple cider vinegar that is raw as in un pasturised and un refined with no added extras and with “MOTHER IN”
Naesha says
Hi,I'm looking to lose 20-30lbs.will ACV help? (I also do cardio workout)
Nava says
Naesha, a lot of people have found ACV to be helpful, and it certainly can't hurt ... it has a lot of other health benefits. But I think that doing cardio and weights, plus portion control and eliminating white sugar, high fructose corn syrup, white starches and high fat foods will go a long way toward weight loss. Good luck!
Mrs. Lady Perry says enter Keyword search : Braggs Apple Cider Vinegar
How long we have to take this and any said effect,,,,,,,,?
Nava says
Manjunath, this is a long, slow process from what I understand. It may or may not work for everyone trying to lose weight. But if you use the organic ACV the only side effect is a good one — it's supposed to strengthen your immune system and improve digestion.
Natasha says
As you've recommended to take it thrice a day ,...does it mean the same glass to be taken three times or every time a glass of water with 2 tbs of acv to be taken. I am confused.
Nava says
Natasha, I do beleve that the author means three different glasses of water with 1 to 2 teaspoons each time. Hope that clarifies ...
abby.g says
Is it okay to blend acv in juices? Like pineapple, ice tea , shake etc... or just water.?
Nava says
Abby, it wouldn't hurt from the perspective of the other benefits of ACV — ie, it's good for the immune system, etc. — but if it's strictly for trying to lose weight, I think a big part of it is the combination with the glass of water just before meals.
Aneuk says
Hi, I just found your article. I have been drinking ACV for a while now, twice a day 30 mins before breakfast and dinner 1 tbs dilluted in water and 1 tbs of raw honey. I didnt take Bragg's brand as I couldn't find it in my city. So I 've been taking Heinz. I read a few articles that doubted this brand because it was claimed to be not natural. Thankfully I`ve still noticed weight loss after two weeks. at least 2 Kg (no exercise) or even more if I did exercise. My first aim was to reduce my allergy (and it did!) but I got weight loss bonus as well because I dont crave food even though it looks very delicious and smells tempting. I`ve eaten regularly and felt full with the sufficient amount of meal.
Great article by the way!
Nava says
Aneuk, I'm glad this method is working for you. Bragg's, because it's naturally fermented, has other health benefits, so you might want to seek it out at some point. even sells it!
Terry says
I add a few drops of angostura bitters - it improves the taste, and makes it taste less of vinegar I think. And I drink it through a straw because it really can remove enamel from your teeth.
Nena says
Does drinking acv helps cleaning your liver, improving liver enzimes and eliminating? I've been drinking it and it really helps with going for elimination.
Lulu says
Hey. I am now using the Heinz ACV with ultra-filtered. I have just started it a week ago. Can it still help me to lose some weight? I am now drinking the acv 2tablespoon before each meal + some dancing(I've heard dancing help to lose weight too). But yeah, can the ultra-filtered acv still help me lose some weight?
Nava says
Lulu, the dancing is much more likely to help you lose weight than the Heinz ACV. I think the Bragg's Organic ACV, since it is naturally fermented, is essential to this. Two tablespoons might be a bit much. And you need to water it down, and then brush your teeth afterwards, as that amount of ACV will wear away at the enamel on your teeth.
fifi says
I want to loose weight 6_7kg....can ACV help me???because I don't have time to exercise...I m 17yrs nd my height is 5.5 nd my weight is 60.....plz z thr any way to loose me plzzz....
steph says
I used Braggs organic ACV (mother) and it works first you lose the inches and the dancing and walking helps. I also start eating smaller meals and much more vegetables and blueberries. The weight is coming down as it should in a healthy way.
Nava says
Steph, that is fabulous, and you're right, the good way for weight to come off, by eating lots of fruits and veggies and moving more! The ACV doesn't hurt, I'm sure, but is more effective if combined with the lifestyle changes you describe.
Roslyn says
How long before each meal should I drink the ACV?
Nava says
Roslyn, the rule of thumb seems to be about a half hour before meals.
Jess says
I have a 5 month old that I am Breastfeeding can I still use this technique of water and acv to help with weight loss while Breastfeeding ?
Nava says
Jess, I'm not comfortable with giving such specific advice; but the breastfeeding itself should help in weight loss! I can't imagine that the ACV would hurt, as, after all, it's a food, but certain foods affect how the breast milk tastes and/or how it agrees with the baby. Perhaps a Registered Dietician can address your concern with more credibility!
Jess says
Thank you
sadee says
Started today,just had my first sipp @ 1:20 am,i been doing my exercises just need a faster push
I'm now moving into regular use of this to assist in my weight transformation / im ridding myself of 70 pounds in all / i use 2 tablespoons acv to 8 ounces water so when drinking a bottled water 16.9 ounces i add 4 tablespoons to it and i do this 3 times per day. I'm proceeding into this weight transformation journey with a positive outlook and LOTS of acv/ exercise/ and waist training to boot ... yIPEEE!
Joyce Mataya says
I was taking ACV for fibroids and just discovered I lost 4kgs in 6 weeks. surely it works
Nava says
That's amazing … and for those not on the metric system, 4 kgs is about 9 pounds. Good for you, Joyce! And I hope it helped with the fibroids as well. Thanks for all the other recent comments by others, as well.
claudia says
I have a ? can we eat anything with this. I started ACV
Sylvia says
I like to drink a glass of grapefruit juice before breakfast and lunch, do you think it would be ok to mix the acv with this instead of water?
Nava says
Sylvia, I really don't know but sounds like it wouldn't hurt. also sounds quite tasty and tangy! Claudia, it's always best to eat healthy food only, so then it's not a "diet," but a way of life.
fanaa says
how much days should we drink ???
Nava says
Fanaa, you can do this forever if you want, as ACV is good for you in other ways, but you can stop once you've lost the desired weight, if this method works for you.
Steven says
When was this type of weight loss invented?
Nava says
Steven, I'm not sure exactly when it was invented, but the idea was put forth by Dr. D.C, Jarvis. You can read a bit about him in this short article on Wikipedia:
Natari says
Is there any particular type of cup use for drinking ACV? Like you have to use glass or ceramic? Is it okay to use the sports bottle?
When you say before the meal, is there time gap needed? 10 or 30 min before meal.
Reena Darius says
Yes there is other apple cider organic vinegar you can
Use if you can't get the Bragg's brand. You
Can also use the heinz apple cider organic
Which is just as good as the Bragg's brand.
Reena Darius says
Apple cider vinegar is good for lots of stuff, eg, diabetes, flu, heartburn and much more, I read about it, I lost 8 pounds in 6 wks.
Nava says
I don't think it matters what kind of container you drink it from, though 30 minutes before mealtime is what's generally recommended.
Nava says
I'm not sure the Heinz brand is as good; the Bragg's is fermented, which is one of its benefits.
Nava says
That's amazing, Reena.
Debora Rioja says
My dad was telling me about this , and so
I decided to start this first thing this morning.
However what foods and beverages including
Alcoholic drinks should be avoided?, or does it
Even matter.
marie Rowley says
What if you don't have the organic. I have great value apple cider vingar. Will that work or no?
Juanita Boyd says
For those who really want to lose weight, Bragg's Vinegar is the best. No other brand is better.
Barbara says
I suffer with RA and I'm hoping the taking shots of Apple cider Vinegar will help with the inflammation that goes along with it.
I'm lost as I am doing gluten free diet, low salt and sodium , also low to no sugar added in everything I eat.
I have put on 30 pound that I assume is all the medications the doctors have me taking.
Now I'm trying to get off the meds and hope the Apple cider Vinegar will help me with the pain, inflammation and lose the 30Ibs.
Barbara says
I have heard that wheat is something to stay away from to help lose Belly Fat.
I enjoy a few beers and am trying to find one that is wheat free part of my gluten free diet; however the calories are always higher than lets say Miller Light that I drink only because its 90 calories or less.
Any suggestions regarding a little drink here and there?
Lrn says
Is this really works? It seems like an advertisement campaign for Bragg ACV
Nava says
Lrn, VegKitchen doesn't receive any advertising dollars from Bragg. This is an excerpt from a book on the health benefits of ACV. Like all weight loss plans, this works for some people but not others, and depends on consistency and other factors, but from some of the comments posted here, it seems it does work well for some people. Either way, organic raw ACV does have other health benefits and is inexpensive, so there's not much to lose by trying.
martha lucas says
I have the following question, I am on H202 (35% food grade), therapy for cirrhosis, I have to drink that (diluted) on an empty stomach, when do I drink the A C V in relation to the food and H202. I have a few issues, gluten allergy, corn allergy,overweight, much arthritis due to back surgery, no gallbladder, etc. H202 therapy helps all of the issues, but Apple cider vinegar is needed to restore my intestinal flora. any suggestions any one......... anxious in Montreal.
indra says
today is my very first day that i started using and I'm going to see how is works on me.
Nava says
Martha, your question is an important one but it is too medical in nature for us to answer. You would do well to consult a Registered Dietician in your area. Good luck!
kim says
Is trader joe's organic pasteurized unfiltered acv as good as the braggs? Is the difference the raw?
Eunice says
can you use Anchor white Malt vinegar as well or no
Nava says
I think this method is only for raw organic ACV.
barbara says
Can I use Raspberry ketone and acv together for weight loss? Any adverse side effectv
J Nichols says
I've definitely heard about the benefits of apple vinegar for weight loss. Great tip at the end of making it part of your daily routine taken with water. Do you have any other organic weight suggestions you can share or write about in a future post?
Jewell says
was on bed rest for 8months, then had a c-section, as a result of laying down for so long I put on soo much weight, but thanks to Braggs ACV I moved from 100 kg to 70kg. Its being instrumental in my candida issues as well.
amy says
My mom recommended this to me. Her sister lost 30 pounds back in the 1950s just by drinking 2 tablespoons of vinegar with water twice a day. No diet changes or exercise. Well I started 1.5 weeks ago. Couldn't handle the 2 tablespoons so went down to 1 tablespoon twice a day. I am down 4 pounds. Cleaned up my diet a bit but in the past when I would not have seen such a big loss. The biggest change I have seen is cravings for sugar. Its easy to say no to cake and junk. My appetite is definitely down. I started with white distilled and switched to ACV.
rachel sumlin says
I have been taking antidepressants and have put on a lot of weight will acv help me loose weight and will it interact with my meds?????
Nava says
Rachel, a lot of people have commented on this post that ACV has been helpful in weight loss. However, we at VegKitchen aren't qualified to say whether it will interact with your meds. Please ask your practitioner, or a qualified Registered Dietician. And good luck!
kwena says
Can apple cider make u loose belly
RG says
Can ppl who suffer from HYPOTHYROIDISM also take ACV??? is it the same effect ???
nancy says
Is it ok to do acv and Pgx daily appetite suppressants?
kristy says
Mailyn says
A friend of mine lost 200 pounds she weighed 400 I saw the her pictures the same day I drove to trader joes and bought 2 bottles of it. Ive been taking it for 4 days now , its very nasty but im hoping for the best and will not give up on this. Some wish me luck ladies
lisa says
im trying this to just started it but im also putting in a tsp of honey in it
Deo says
I wanna lose 30kg over the next 3 to 6 months. I am using Apple Cider Vinegar and a strict diet. I use raw and cooked veggies for 1week then I change to a fluid diet with veggies. I feel great and I've lost about 8kgs in 4weeks.
jackie says
I have been losing weight with the Heinz...though this Bragg one may be better do to it being organic not all of us can afford higher items...
shasha says
how much acv do you have to take a day? and
do you have to have an exercise plan?
Nava says
Shasha, near the end of this article, it recommends: 1 to 2 teaspoons apple cider vinegar + 1 glass of water - Drink before meals 3 times a day. and of course, if you're trying to lose weight, exercise is a must!
Gertrude Williams says
Hi I have been on so many diets but it has not worked. I'm starting my diet on 10 Marc 2014. Will I still loose even if I cant' exercise.
Esther says
Must I take ACV before meal to achieve the desired result of weight loss. What if I take it any time but three times a day? Will I still loss weight
vineshree south africa says
Hello I've also recently started using safari apple cider vinegar, its fermented. I take two tablespoon of it to boiled water and one tablespoon honey in it. I just started on sunday. Is this a good combination nava? Will this way help me?
Monique says
I don't have the luxury of being able to workout. Can I still take this and not workout at all? My goal is to lose about 30lbs.
Marguerite Hubbard says
I am taking apple cider vinegar with water and adding a packet of Stevia (a natural sweetener).
It is really delicious! I am hoping to lose
10 lbs over the course of three months! So
far, I feel much less "sugar craving." That
helps the weight loss experience a whole lot!
Nava says
That's a good tip, Marguerite. Stevia also comes in liquid drops, and a little goes a very long way … natural sweetening with no added calories.
Nava says
Monique, it won't hurt to try this, but some exercise —even walking —is always helpful. For weight maintenance, it's still a matter of calories and calories out. Even if you can't join a gym to do workouts, you can stretch and do weights while watching movies or TV at home; and just find as many ways as you can to do extra walking.
Nava says
1 tablespoon of honey is 64 calories — not terrible, but you might want to try doing 1 T vinegar at at a time — 2 tablespoons may be too much, and then cutting the honey to 1 tsp. Or, if you have access to stevia, that's a natural sweetener with no calories at all.
jana russell says
Can you do it once aday in a 8oz glass of water one table spoon
MINC says
Changes in Eating habits is also key! Keep up the good work.
Ray Dockham says
Does acv change the PH in your system
Nava says
Ray, this article explains how ACV makes our bodies more alkaline: — which is the optimal state for health. Hope that helps!
Ray Dockham says
what about our PH levels?
revathi says
I didnt get bagg apple cider veniger I get american garden natural apple cider vineger shall I use it to loss weight
Micki stephenson says
I have never posted a review on any website before but feel compelled to do so here. I was having gallbladder issues and started taking Braggs ACV daily in the morning with some apple juice in November 2013.. It is now march 2014 no gallbladder pain, over 25lbs lost and feel better than I have in years. I will forever take this daily.
Nava says
Micki, that's amazing. Thanks for your comment, and I hope you continue to feel good!
Palmer says
I searched for Braggs because my child woke up with a tingling in his scalp then the hair there fell out. I dabbed the area with acv in an effort to keep the hair follicles clean so his hair can grow back. I have since started drinking 2 tablespoons in 8oz of water. I did it twice the other day, 3x's yesterday and once so far today. Aiming for 3x's a day for inflammation and wight management. I must admit I am feeling very energetic. Hmm, could this be the acv?
christina says
I wanna try this really bad I'm at gym 5 to 6 days a week trying to take in less calories so far so good I have a weight problem I'm getting some tomorrow if it helps I'll comment again
faye rivkin says
I have trouble digesting apples so i've been told not to use unfiltered acv. do you think that filtered acv would have the same effects? thanks!
Nava says
Faye, that's a very specific question to which we have no answer. However, it's assumed that this method works best with the raw Bragg's type of ACV.
Needo says
Guys, apple cider will help u lose a lot of weight. Eat less than 1000 calories a day(1500 MAX), walk 30 minutes a day, chop a cucumber into slices and pour apple cider all over these slices. Lost 2.2 pounds in 1 day
Mark says
Can I drink the Braggs ACV straight for better results?
Nava says
Mark, not a good idea. the ACV is very hard on your tooth enamel. Taking it in water is better overall for your stomach, too.
Jim says
I just started on my ACV journey 3 days ago, my body has never been healthier and it literally cleared my colon, I feel so much lighter! This blog here is helping me lose weight:
Kathy says
I'm taking 2 tsp, 3x a day. I mix mine with green iced tea--much better tasting than mixing it w/ plain water! I also have been on the Metabolism Miracle plan. Only two weeks out, lost about 3 pounds. I hope this works.
Mrs Keisha Hughes says
Is it okay to drink it with Apple Juice. I'm just starting my ACV Braggs journey. Can I add it to my applesauce as well? I'm looking for ways to incorporate it into my diet. All suggestions are welcomed.
ayofemi says
I am currently trying to lose weight I'm going to try this I will keep updated with results.
ayofemi says
I hope it works.
rachel sumlin says
I have been drinking ACV for 6wks now, when I when I poop I feel a pulled from the upper left side of my stomach, I have no pain and I'm not straining is that normal???
Maureen says
Guys I want to loose weight so badly I tryed to jog but nothing is happening , I want to try acv & see if there will be any difference. I won't stop jogging thou!!!hope it works.
Laurie says
Will Apple cider vinegar pills work? Over the summer, I was taking Nature's Way ACV supplement pills 3xday. I just heard about Bragg ACV and it dawned on me, that I seemed to have more energy last summer and I did lose a few pounds. Not sure if it is just a coincidence or if it was the pills. Do you know?
Nava says
That's a good question, Laurie, but one to which I don't know the answer. It's possible though, or maybe it was the fact that most of us feel better and are more active in the warmer months! In general, I think it's best to use the actual ACV if convenient for you.
Edwina says
I'm turning 50 in two days and I need to lose weight . I'm
Going to try the ACV plan 3times a day . I hope it
Works . I'll post again after some time
Minivel says
starting today..will give a update in a month
Katy says
The key word is "Help" you lose weight. I think some people might be under the impression that if you start drinking ACV the pounds will just fall off, unfortunately it's not that easy. It's great for suppressing your appetite though. If anyone's looking for a diet program that works, here is the one I follow, I love it:
Takela Townsend says
I'm trying to lose pure belly fat????
Le'le says
I can't find the Bragg's,so will the regular ACV work?
eddi says
Hello. I have been using ACV in an 8oz glass of water with fresh lemon juice and pure honey three x a day. I have noticed in one month all my food taste much better. I love fruit and veggies and ACV enhances the great taste. I work out more as a result of feeling better about body. In one one month I can notice a flatter stomach.
Shirley says
Hi to everyone 😉
I saw a earlier post about eating 3 meals a day and take the apple cider in water and drink with your meal. My problem is I do not eat 3 meals a day. I only eat two and at sometimes one. Can I still take it three times a day?
Bryan Horton says
I have been taking 1tablespoon of acv, 1tablespoon of lemon juice, and 1tablespoon of raw honey in 8oz of water 3x a day. I started on January 15th and on April 1st I have lost 25 lbs!! But I watch my calories and eat better than I did before.
Andrea says
Takela, if you're trying to lose belly fat, check out Katy's comment above you. It's a fantastic program.
angie says
i hope its works
Tami says
What stores sell braggs??
Nava says
Tami, you can get this brand at most any natural foods store, and places like Whole Foods. Not sure about Trader Joe's, but that's another possibility. You can also order from Amazon:
Nava says
That's amazing, Bryan. And you're right that it takes more than just the ACV; good habits are important, too.
Tami says
Just found it at Meijers!!!
Rose says
Was told about Braggs ACV several weeks ago. Purchased it two days after hearing about it and love it. Take upon rising with organic honey and room temp water and a squeeze of lemon. It's rare I get it more than once a day but I've noticed my abdomen is flatter. In addition, when I can do my stretches (have sciatica problem) find I'm not as sore.
Amanda says
I have been trying to lose weight for a number of months an nothing seems to work I have tried watching what I eat and eating healthier.. I started to excercise but nothing works and I'm busy during the day chasing two little kids and two dogs around while cleaning the house. I am going to try this and I really hope it works I'll comment in a month and let everyone know how I'm doing.
Donna says
You can buy ACV at any Kroger it's sold in the Organic you might want to try the organic isle of your local grocery store and the raw honey too. (I bought a 32 oz bottle today for $4.99 it was on sale).
sana says
I didn't get Bragg apple cider vinegar; I got American Garden Natural Apple Cider Vinegar. Shall I use it to lose weight? Please reply.
Nava says
Sana, it looks like this brand also has enzymes and is naturally fermented, and if so, it should work.
Katherine says
For those who hate the taste of Apple Cider Vinegar, try mixing it with orange juice, it works wonders. 🙂
Also, I have to agree with others. ACV isn't a weight loss miracle. That's not to say it doesn't work, just try not to set unrealistic expectations.
You'll see the very best results if you take ACV alongside a solid diet plan. If you're unsure about the diet side of things, I'm also a massive fan of:
Good luck people! I'm about to have my ACV and orange juice now 🙂
Dan B says
I drink Bragg's ACV straight from the bottle 2 - 3 times a day (then drink water to chase it). I have done this for a long time and have had no issues with my tooth enamel. Drinking water right after drinking it straight is necessary though.
I am already in pretty good shape, but I use it to reduce the acidity level in my body and for cutting body fat. It's fantastic and works very well. I highly recommend adding it to your diet.
Katy says
Agreed Dan, plus if you're that worried about your tooth enamel you can always drink it through a straw. 🙂
@Monique - If your goal is to lose 30 pounds you need to focus on your diet. ACV is amazing stuff but it isn't a miracle unfortunately!
As I said in my previous comment, here is the diet program I follow, It's fantastic:
John Towns says
I never thought that cider vinegar can help people lose weight. Very interesting information.
May says
Does it hve to be Bragg acv or any brand of acv
Nava says
May, it needs to be a naturally fermented brand. But not the kind of ACV generally sold in supermarkets.
Phetheni Smith says
Where can I buy the Bragg acv
Glenn says
You can get the Bragg at many health food stores. The apple cider vinegar will work, I have to mix it with water... otherwise some of us who can't drink it straight will gag - I recommend not to do that. The apple cider vinegar with 'mother' in it and chunks of stuff is strongest and one can even find it at some Walmart stores, but if one is on a budget regular apple cider vinegar is OK.
Kamala says
i live in Malaysia. What is the best brand of ACV i can buy here? where can i find it?
Darrell says
im a 50 year od man, 12 months ago i started mixing acv and tart cherry concentrare together pour out a couple onces out of a water bottle and mix 1.5 oz of cherry conc.and 1/2 to 1 oz acv and drink everday
I was 220 lbs 6 foot one now in down to 195lbs
it works if you consistent
nisha says
Mem kamala , I bought it from a health store in tesco meru klang. Im sure u can get it from health stores in malls
rukky says
Can acv hlp me reduce my hips? Someone recommended it and am starting it. My problem is my hips — kinda getting so wide.
Marbel says
Hi, does anyone know of the acv from trader joes works just fine? It's unfiltered... I'm currently drinking this one and I want to make sure it works just fine. It has a very strong taste. I did a lot of research and the best way to take it is with either grapefruit or cranberry juice 8oz of juice and 2 teaspoons of acv and mix them together, take it before bed or before your dinner. And it helps reduce heart problems, weight loss, diabetes. Etc.
Nava says
Marbel, as long as it's naturally fermented (and contains the "mother," as that cloudy thing is called), it should do the trick. I'm not specifically familiar with the Trader Joe's brand.
Huma says
I am a GERD patient....someone told me to drink apple cider vinegar if i want to get rid of acid re-flux that true???
Misty R. Bernal says
which is better apple cider vinegar or just pure apple? Because my cousin is only eating apple during snacks, she already quit junk foods and as what I see she reduce weight by it. But I'll try this apple cider vinegar too. Thank anyway.
Katie says
I was having uncontrolled burping after meals for years. Nothing the doctor perscribed worked - they hear burping and assume it's GERD and too much stomach acid. I did my own research, and learned that many people over 50 have LESS stomach acid than they need for proper digestion. I drank 1-2 teaspoons of ACV with water before dinner for a few weeks, and I went from burping 200 times after a meal to two or three times. I stopped the ACV and am still doing great! Sometimes it's not an antacid we need, but more acid!
Charlene says
i have recently started drinking apple cider vinegar mainly for weight loss balance. i have to say it aint the best tasting. i have paurchased the wescobee brand. Is this any good?
goji actives says
Yep! Like others, usually about 1-2 pounds :/ ..... But then comes right back off .. I put it down to water retention and ... possibly eat some things like chocolate .... lol .. All within my calories * of course * .. but sugar does not help!
jane says
I just started ACV a couple of weeks ago. I do feel like it has given me more energy, but don't know about any weight loss. Should I follow a certain diet with the ACV?
Sharon Dunn says
working on the AVC. Im a diabetic. Praying this will lower my blood sugars.
raja says
How do I mix the acv — in hot water or normal water??
Nava says
Warm,cold, or room temperature, as you prefer.
Elaine James says
I need to lose 12 pounds to get down to my target weight. I have been on a protein shake diet for about 4 months. I had hoped that the protein shakes would help me to lose the weight, unfortunately, that has not been the case. I am going to continue to drink the protein shakes at least two meals per day but drink the Bragg's unfiltered, raw apple cider vinegar and hopefully the weight will at least slowly come off.
Elaine James says
I just wanted to let Katherine know that the website that she mentioned ( has been blocked.
Elaine James says
Marilyn, how long did it take your friend to lose 200 pounds?
Yes, you have to acquire a taste for the Apple Cider Vinegar. I began drinking the ACV diluted with water two days ago, 30 minutes before each meal. I don't expect any result yet but I hope to in a month or so. I currently weight 122.2 pounds and I want to get back to 110 pounds.
I wish you LOTS of success, Marilyn!!
Katherine says
Hey Elaine, the website works fine for me, what does it say on your end? Anyway, good luck with your weight loss goal, 12 pounds is definitely do-able with ACV. I look forward to hearing your success story!
Marci says
Do Apple Cider Vinegar pills work. I took them a few months ago and noticed a weight loss. This was before I heard anything about Braggs. I was also taking a couple of other supplements so I'm not really sure it was the vinegar. If so, it would be much easier to stomach.
Renee says
I love drink Apple C.V. just found the Bragg it was in Target were I work at I mix grapefruit juice and honey some time I am work out to I can get back in to some of my size 9,Do not give u
Diane Wilson says
I first used vinegar to drop 10 pounds after having my first baby 29 years ago and have been using it ever since. The first time I used plain clear vinegar and in 3 weeks may clothes started getting looser every day. After the 2nd baby I used apple cider vinegar and got identical results. I had never heard of Bragg Brand, and I have used every cheap and expensive brand in the book, THEY ALL WORK VERY WELL !!! I use it with any drink I have in the house and with whatever sweetener I have in the house at the time - water, ANY juice you can name, kool-aide, lemon-aide, tea, etc. I have improved the taste with honey,agave, sugar, and salt. I have used it just before meals, during, and after meals, NO MATTER WHEN,HOW, OR WHAT KIND YOU USE IT ALWAYS WORKS !
However: I am about to give vinegar the test of its' life. Now I am in perimenopause which has turned me into a greedy, bottomless pit, and the weight is coming on LIKE NEVER BEFORE because I am eating 24/7 and I CAN NOT CONTROL MY APPETITE ! I have gained 10 pounds in just 2 months AND COUNTING. I am about to find out if vinegar works against menopausal weight gain and its' 100% appetite control loss. For me this will really define if my true reliable friend vinegar is the heaviest hitter of all weight loss aides like I hope it is. You've done me proud for 29 years vinegar, please don 't let me down now when i need you the most.
Will post an update in about 5-6 months.
Denise says
I am a 44 year old woman,150lbs,5`1".Yesterday,one of my Facebook friends posted Bragg ACV. I went & purchased it a local Winn Dixie near my house.I'm looking forward to some results before my vacation in August. Hopefully, soon I'll be able to post my results. Thanks everyone for your comments, you have prove to me that I can do this.
Guest says
Damn. I want to lose weight SO bad, but not enough to endure THAT taste every day! Dear God, that'll make you bulimic!
Chesca says
hi... I cant find any Braggs ACV in the country im working now. I only saw and bought Freshly Brand made from USA though. Will it have the same effect as Braggs? seriously my weight is annoying. I am almost 200 lbs. I badly want to lose weight. I've tried eating salad with the above acv brand. still waiting to lose some weight. really need some advise... honestly im losing my self confidence... ;(
Nava says
Chesca, the important factor is that the ACV is naturally fermented and organic. We're not familiar with the Freshly brand, but if it has those two features, it should be fine.
Virgil says
My blood pressure was 150 over 90 now it is 127 over 70 helps a lot I love it ty braggs .
Kim Saxton says
Diane Wilson - I am having the exact same problem. How is it going so far?? Just starting the ACV Braggs today.
Lacy says
If you can't find apple cider vinegar, pickle juice will work just as well. I drink an ounce once a day.
kaydee says
I live in a caribbean country called Trinidad and Tobago..I just had my daughter who is now 10 months old..I'm only 22years old and I'm dying to lose this belly weight..I only have the regular vinegar I saw in the comments that someone used it n saw results 😉 so I'm crossing my fingers..would msg again in a month to let you know if I see results.
Allie says
I lost 7 lbs my first week. 4lbs in week two and 6lbs last week! It is not water weight either it is belly fat because my jeans keep falling off.
This is my fourth week of trying the Lady Soma Detox - After seeing this on Dr. Oz I figured I had to try it and I glad I did.
derek simmons says
i just bought a bottle from shop rite, and am going to start drinking asap..thanks for this info
Dee says
Most Health food stores has BRAGG and it can also be ordered online. The regular white vinegar works too. I have lost 25 pounds in the last 1 1/2 months without working out, but from cutting back. What works for me is eating salads mixed with any baked meat or none at all. Grapefruits, blueberries, bananas or any fruit. Water is the key. Want more info, e-mail me at [email protected]
Dee says
Just an addition, I don't just eat salads, but broccoli, baked chicken salmon and beans. Just stay away from sugar. I still eat ice cream, cookies,pizza and whatever else at least every 3 weeks, IF I want it and I have not gained anything back. Now it is time for me to be strict and drop the weight faster. Main focus fruits and veggies. You will see notice the pounds shedding. Good Luck to everyone on the weightloss journey. Stay focus.
m0cha says
I just bought ACV yesterday however it is the American Garden brand.. It only says Natural Vinegar.. Will this work too?
Nava says
I'm not familiar with American Garden brands; it should say raw and organic to work optimally, which is true for Bragg's.
june says
I have been taken ACV for a month now. I definitely do feel more energized, but I have not lost any weight, any advice would be welcomed.
Naftali Greenwood says
When I did a teaching unit about ACV years ago, I read that ACV had anti-allergenic properties if it was locally produced. Is there scientific evidence for this?
Nava says
Naftali, I've never heard this claim, but it sounds pretty suspect to me. Very little ACV could be locally produced, as there are relatively few regions hospitable to growing apples in the first place and even fewer for growing organic apples.
Arnold says
June, if you are drinking drink a glass of water with 1 or 2 tablespoons of ACV before your meals, the insoluble fiber in ACV should help you feel full with less food.
The fiber should also decrease the likelihood of binging on un-healthy foods between meals.
- Arnold
(Lead Contributor at )
Tracy says
How about Heinz acv? It is all I can find.
Alina says
In Mexico you can find Bragg´s at GNC stores, maybe that could be the case in other countries as well.
Nava says
Tracy, that wouldn't be ideal. A raw, organic and naturally fermented ACV is what's needed. You can find those at any natural foods store, even large supermarkets, and online sources including
Dekula says
I need to lose about 30lbs. I am 78 years old and after 7 children, never had the problem of losing the weight, until now. My husband passed away 7 years ago, and I have continually been gaining weight since I am not as active as I was. I bought acv (Heinz) for another reason just this past week, but I will try and use it as a way of losing the lbs. Hope it works. Will let you know.
Nava says
Dekula, you'd do better to uses an ACV like Bragg — organic, raw. That's part of its weight-loss ability, as it aids digestion.
Ashley says
I agree with Nava, make sure you buy raw, organic ACV because this has the mother of the vinegar. (Very good for you)
Also, if your goal is to lose weight, the most important part is to focus on your diet. ACV is amazing stuff for your health but it wont work miracles in terms of losing weight.
I highly recommend the weight loss guide at: - It's designed specifically for women and works very well.
Good luck Dekula.
Lesley says
Me too. I bought Heinz. Hmmmm is it bad?
Nava says
Lesley, I agree with the commenters who say that it's important to use a raw, organic ACV for best results. Even if weight loss isn't your goal, it's that type that confers the greatest health benefits.
Anne says
I normally use Bragg or similar organic, raw ACV, but guess what? Heinz has now brought out an all-natural, raw, unfiltered ACV! I just bought a large bottle, and it's much less expensive than Bragg's, and is loaded with the "mother." So far, so good....
Nava says
That's really good info, Anne. Thanks for sharing!
Sharon says
I have seen the Heinz, but with the pesticide level of apples, I still buy the organic
Nava says
That's a really good point, Sharon.
Bettie says
I have found Wellington's AVG, can it work same way?
victoria says
Hi am 23 I have about 195 pound I use apple cider vinegar tablet to loose weight I don't have a appitte at all I use warm water n lime juicy and take the tablet 3 times daily I don't eat for and entire day only at nite I force myself to eat something I get cramps n pain ever since I started to use the tablet are these normal behavior or is it somethg I should worry about ?
orvny says
If you're eating only at night and starving all day, your body is not getting fuel. You're using your muscles to get energy and that 's why you're having cramps. You have to eat when your hungry and that means your body needs fuel. Starving yourself will get you fatter sooner or later.
betha says
Is it safe to keep the mixture of ACV water all day and drink it before meals? I work on a field and it's hard for me to make the ACV water everytime i want to eat..
Nava says
Betha, I would think this kind of mixture would keep well, as Bragg ACV is fermented. You might like to keep it cool and fresh in a thermos-like container in any case, with a little ice. It would be more refreshing like that on warm days!
Adam says
To the nay-sayers....I've been using Heinz "Raw Unfiltered ACV" from the Grocery store now, 6 months and have had good success using don't get me wrong, I'm still working out almost daily (4-6 days a least 45 minutes of high intensity cardio on the elliptical.....and then an hour or so of weight lifting, high reps, low weight) and thus far I've lost 79 lbs.....
Adam says
another note.....I've noticed, the more I use the ACV.....the less "nasty" it tastes....and I've heard of this before.....something to do with the body "alkalyzing" or something.....the body grows to "accept" the yea, I typically take my 1 tbsp. with 8 oz. of water.....first thing in the morning. and ya at first I nearly spit it out.....but now I take it like a champ.....
The only thing I can't figure, is how these "ACV Diet Pills" work.....hoow they manage to get a liquid into a powder tablet form.....don't make sense to me.....
mylene concepcion says
is it okay? because I'm using not organic apple cider vinegar?
Nelisiwe chili says
Apple cider viniger is the best in weight lost program /diet.I have lost 5 kg with in a period of 3 weeks.
Nelisiwe chili says
It's really woking amazing u could result in 3 weeks
Dawn says
I have gone from 332 pounds to 278. I feel great. I watch what I eat and work out. Get the raw it can be combined with juice to cover the taste. Good luck.
Ericka says
I am using the Braggs ACV by adding it to water, adding honey and heating up to drink like tea. This is working for me but will this process take away any of the benefits of just adding it to water? When I prepare it this way, I can consume more than just 2 tablespoons at a time.
tracina vaughn says
I just started today, I can't wait to see the aftermath; I wanna go to the beach this summer.
Choonni says
I wanna give a try. Pl wish me all the best. Thanks!!!
nadia says
i just consume the raw apple vinegar 2weeks ago then its suprise me that i lost 2kg in 2weeks.rather than before 500gm is very difficult to lost.
but i consume after meal cause i hv a gastric
it is ok?
michelle says
I have been taking 2 tblsp of acv with 1/2 þsp of honey every morning, and have been watching what I eat but have not lost any weight. Any suggestions?
Karliesha says
I just started this diet this morning. I read another review where the woman used apple juice instead of the water. (For the taste) And it takes basically like apple juice. She lost 10 pounds in the first WEEK! and lost 40lbs total. I am excited to see the results!
Shivana says
So even though I want to lose 10pounds easily I would gain it back fast.....?? If I use the Apple cider vinegar ?
Nybria says
Does shut fine acv work as good as the others to loose weight
Dorina Hobbs says
I live in Italy, and complaing to my daughter, that 4 of my fingers were painful and the bone was over sized.
She suggested bragg, now taking faithfully, after I noticed that the pain was gone and the bone size reduced to almost normal. I have past this information to lots of Amercan and Italian friends. Plus I lost 7lb.
Thank you for this great product.
[email protected] says
I am just checking...On another site it says not to take ACV daily or on a regular basis as it can lead to lowering potassium levels and bone density...Is this correct ??
Tracy says
Is Nature First Organic Apple cider Vinegar is good for losing wieght?
Nava says
Tracy, we're not familiar with Nature First, but if it's fermented and raw (and preferably organic), it should be good.
bianca says
Just need to know is it safe to use the Safari apple cider vinegar!I'm suffering from anxiety and would like to know if I can use it
Wendy says
I inconsistently would take a tablespoon of ACV with the mother (braggs and Heinz with the mother, organic) and then I finally took it for a week straight. I notice my skin is nice and I went from 184 to 175 in a week. I still eat but I'm hardly hungry. I eat enough calories to keep my body from going into starvation mode. Now if I can get to 160 I would be in my normal range for my height. I was wearing a very tight size 8 and now my pants arent tight anymore. I also haven't had to take any water pills. I think the ACV acts as a diuretic as well.
Amanda Lopez says
I need to lose weight. I have always been over weight and I have tried everything does this really work. Please help
Debbie says
I'm doing the apple vinager , 100% honey! lemon juice, and cimmon in a 12 oz glass every morning... Should I be doing this 3 times a day ? And can this hurt you ?
Anastasia says
Heinz DOES have an organic ACV that contains the mother ... it's a pretty good product. Braggs is not always available where I am, so it's a good alternative.
Keys says
I started ACV by Braggs about a week ago. It actually helps me with the bloating I was feeling, I eat smaller meals, and my skin is clearing up.. I haven't weighted myself and don't plan on it for about another week but I noticed my clothes don't fit as tight as they did before( its only been a week) I'm praying this works because no matter how many crunches I do this stomach won't leave me in peace..
Tabby says
I've been doing the apple cider vinegar diet for a week and a half now plus I walk daily I have lost 6 lbs already my question is a friend said that it will hurt you really bad a lower potassium she said that it could kill you is this true?? I am happy with my results so far and my appetite has cut but a lot!!!!
jujubean says
The only vinegar anyone should be drinking is Braggs or very similar AND you always , always should dilute it with water- preferably. You will get sick from drinki g white, red, rice vinegar. You need to make sure you you dilute or you will end up with mouth, throat burns/sores an upset stomach and take the enanmal off your teeth. If you are going to advocate apple cider vinegar You MUST clarify that it is only real, apple cider vinegar - Braggs or the equivalent AND that to drink it you MUST dilute it. Be thorough with your information!
Jass says
Now my weight is85kg. But before baby my weight was 62 kg. now I am always so upset. Please you ask me what is easy method for reduce weight. Two days before I use start apple cider 3 time a day. But you ask me I take any brand or only special brand. Please help me because now my looking no good and I hate too much our figer .
Reema @ TGP Drugstore Philippines says
Apple cider vinegar? I didn't know that it is good for losing weight. Thank you for sharing this helpful and informative article.
prema nair says
Two years before my husband bought ACV and informed me that acv is very good for health. every time my hubby, me and my kids will close our nose because of the bad smell. I have bad dandruff problem, my hubby suggested to apply acv, so I took his advice and applied to my scalp. Amazing, now I don't have a dandruff problem. Last two weeks I try to drink acv, because I want to lose weight. First, I was scared because I have gastric problem. But after I took it I don't any gastric pain. I want to try to take acv to reduce my weight.
love sunkwa- mills says
Thanks for the information, i will try it
keisha says
i have heard that ACV really works... i currently have a slip disc and i recently put on some weight which is really affecting my back so i need to get rid of the pounds asap. i cant exercise as i want to so i need some help to loose this weight.. do i have to use ACV once a day before meal or before every meal? any suggestions will be greatly appreciated.. thanks
jay. shel says
Is great value apple cider vinegar okay.......
KDM says
I take 3 teaspoons before every meal and I just utilize the regular apple cider vinegar bought from food lion and it just has apples, and distilled water (made from the juice of apples) I'm assuming although not organic; it's totally fine. I don't dilute it because I actually enjoy the taste and there is no burning sensations whatsoever. I'm assuming regardless of not diluting nor getting organic; it's just the same and has the same effects??
chad says
I have had Crones for over 15 years. I have not found anything that really works. I just started taking Braggs a few weeks ago. I have only had maybe 2 days that my stomach and intestines have bothered me very bad. I try to do it at least 3 times a day.I take room temp. water that is filtered 2 tbs of vinegar. It took me a little bit to work up to it and 1 tbs organic real maple syrup and mix it real good and just take it as a shot. It has helped my stomach and intestine IMMENSELY. I am now going to start using it for a toner for my face. The taste is not the best thing but that's why I just do the shot and get it over with. I also was around 204lbs and I am down to 194. It definitely works for loosing weight and keeping your stomach in check. It also helps with hangovers.
Nava says
I'm glad this is working so well for you, Chad, but I'm not sure doing a shot is the best thing, as it could be really hard on your teeth and stomach, unless you brush immediately afterwards, and chase it with water.
Jennifer says
Are you saying that the regular ACV will not do what the organic or Bragg will do ?
Jennifer says
Cab you tell me off this will help with any other problems like headaches, diabetes,asthma, or high blood pressures. Just asking
Nava says
Jennifer, that is correct. It really should ideally be raw and fermented. There may be brands other than Bragg. However, we are not qualified to say whether it is appropriate for other conditions such as those you asked about it your next comment. Good luck!
Nancy says
Thank you very much for the information. I was weighing 98kgs my younger sister introduced me to acv. Just 2 weeks now and I've lost 5 kgs already.I am using Wellington or heinz but I've asked my hubby to buy brags on amazon for me. Am from Ghana.
Leanna says
It's very important to buy organic ACV because this is what contains the mother. There are plenty of good brands out there but Bragg is the most reputable.
I've taken ACV for years simply for the health benefits and the boost of energy it gives me. In terms of weight loss, don't expect miracles. I find that it suppresses my appetite slightly so I guess it helps in that sense.
Katy, if your goal is to lose weight, I follow the program at: and I've had really good results.
Hope this helps!
Rehan Gillani says
In addition to using Apple Cider Vinegar before every major meal, do you recommend any special set of precautions in order to maximize weight loss?
emily says
I am already taking green coffee bean tablet for weight loss, can I use it together with AC
Ana Arvelo says
This is new for me I would like to know more. Thanks
anum says
i used apple cider vinegar but its side effect was that my complection became so dull and dark , maybe i used any local or copy brand......... i want you to guide me that which brand should i purchase and from where i can get easily this amazing product as i belong from the city karachi , pakistan thank you
Nava says
anum, I wouldn't have any idea where to get the right kind of ACV in Karachi, but the only kind that has benefits is the raw variety like Bragg. You might try searching online. Good luck!
Janai says
that was my next question, how much should u consume before each meal? Does it have to be bare or can you mix it with juice? Thanks in advance
Nava says
Janai, it's best not to take it straight. Hard on the teeth and stomach! As the article states, mix 2 teaspoons or so in a cup of water or other liquid before each meal.
grace hall says
You can find it for $7.00 supertatget. The big bottle. In California anyway.
heer says
Taking ACV first thing in morning, how long should I wait to have breakfast ?
Nava says
Generally, it's about 30 minutes. Thats a very intense thing to do first thing in the morning!
tinani says
I recently bought American Garden ACV, does it really works like other brands because in my opinion it was too cheap?
David Leckrone says
In the 1960's I read a book about ACV and have used it off and on since then. I never have heartburn and recommend it for others.
Yasmin says
Hi I am a small built person and take a size 32/34 but the only problem I have is my tummy and below my chest & that is truly getting to me DAILY,its actually stressing me out, nothig I do take or do helps, I am usually a very small eater for years. Can you advice me as to should I take the Apple cidar vinegar or tablets which I saw on TV3 for 64 tablets at R30.00 SA price. I am constantly constipayted for years & years so I have to take something twice a week to relief. I would apreciate your response in private on my email. I live in South Africa in Pietermaritzburg so where about is your branc in PMB that I can go to. I would apreciate your help,
Many Thanks
Take care
kaitlyn says
if you cut apples and put some apple cider in a bag with the apples and u shake it up and you eat it everyday will u lose weight
Anne says
Is this is safe to be consumed by a diabetic person
fiona pari manuel says
hi im fiona i was wondering how effective with apple cider be on me as i have pcos and currently on metformin im on a diet but however no matter how hard i try to lose the weight i dont see any progress and this makes me realy emotional i have unbearable mood swings
thanks regards
Rosie says
So can vinegar take the place of my probiotics or can i take both?
Nava says
It probably wouldn't hurt to do both, especially if either are done inconsistently.
Britt says
Hi - I used ACV for a while on and off; its really good, and makes your skin the prettiest. It makes it glow - I love it. It gives me energy also.
[email protected] says
How much vinegar to take for weight loss and energy? How to take it for water weight?
Deirdra Doan says
I have found it helps keep the weight I have lost from coming back on! I also crave it. I use to not be able to take it. My body would become acid. Very weird but I am changed now with way better health through natural things like homeopathy and Vegan diet and maybe it was trying to help me but I was too messed up.
Anyway I love to use it as a treat as well by adding it to Sparkling water with stevia or honey and ice...yum..and helps me not go eat something like cake..ha when I want a treat.
shabana says
Need to do diet and excersise??
DanaB. says
Could you take the ACV in veggie capsules instead of drinking it?
Gyamfua says
I've bn drinking Braggs for a week now but I take it after meals and my dose was 2tablespoon with a glass of water twice daily. I just learnt the correct dose but I want to know if this may create any side effects for me.
sudha says
without knowing the correct information I have bought some filtered apple cider vinegar bottles.. if I use that filtered one will it give the same result of unfiltered one... shall I use that or not please reply me.
Pamela says
I take 2 tsp Apple cider vinegar with 1 tsp honey in warm water twice a day. Just to take the edge off. I m doing weight watchers so I do have to take the honey into account for my daily points but I find it very soothing n refreshing
inayat rasool siddiqui says
i am 48+ & i have 2much fat on abdominal area
my weight is 85 approximate pls advise me for apple cider & when & how much quantity & alone or with lemon npls tell me///it will b kind of u///thanks
inayat siddiqui
christina says
Can i get this product in nigeria
anon says
Hi Christina, yes you can, i got ACV Braggs in a Pharmacy at Surulere. Divine Pharmacy,opposite Conoil Aguda, Surulere
noor says
Hello, ur website is great with many eduucative messages. I'm taking turmeric, can I use ACV along side it pls?
Nava says
Sure, they're both so healthy. And their flavors go together well.
Vanessa says
Hi! Can i still take Myra (it's a vitamin e supplement) together with ACV? Thanks
T Ohar says
I've been drinking acv morning and night for about a year and a half now and I'm a believer. I used to get sick (common cold) often.. Like a few times a year since I was little (37 now) and I haven't been sick one since I began drinking acv.
I've also used it (rarely) as a conditioner on my hair after shampooing and it works similarly. It leaves my hair feeling more smooth but maybe just slightly less than conditioner.
I've used it on my face (BE SURE TO DILUTE IT!!!) after washing for acne.. Not sure if it helped much but others have said it did for them.
I have definitely noticed a suppression of my appetite and boost of energy as well. In fact, I stopped drinking coffee thanks to the healthy energy boost (although I didn't drink tons of coffee normally).
I normally mix in a couple tablespoons with a full glass of apple or orange juice.. It does make it a little more tart, but not sour tasting. I actually enjoy it. If it's too strong.. Add more juice or use a tad less acv. This winter I plan on trying it in a cup of hot apple cider.
Whichever brand you go with, (I too use Braggs), be sure that it contains "the mother". This is the most important part and is the crucial strand for health benefits.
Oh and.. Brushing your teeth after is probably a good idea to stop the extra acid from slowly eating away at the enamel on your teeth.
T says
Oh and almost forgot.. Warm water with a bit of honey really seems to take most of the harsh taste away if you're having issues with it.
Nava says
... or agave or maple syrup or stevia ... thanks for all of your input!
Amanda Waller says
Apple cider vinegar has a lot of medicinal and nutritive value, including weight loss, treatment of skin problems, as a natural conditioner for hair, and so on. Learn more about the apple cider vinegar benefits from
abanifi phoebe ijeoma says
I am currently on a diet called the Marple Syrup diet and I use to to add apple cider to it. they say it will give me fast results. 8 more days to go I pray I drop some weight drastically. I'm a beautiful girl, but my weight add want to disable me
latoya says
Hi i have been using acv in the goya brand. Is that brand effective ...can i get bragg in Jamaica? And can i drink it in cold water?
HELP says
An FWI...I put three cotton circles on my feet with straight apple cyder vineger several months ago and fell asleep with them on. trying to rid two warts one on each foot. Didn't work I still have the warts! Any idea how to remove them? 🙁 also
My chiropractor tough me about ginger baths. 1 cup ginger 1 cup apple cyder vineger and 3/4 cup chopped ginger to bath. used for 2 1/2 to 3 weeks daily at times twice a day. She says its completely safe but i think it really dried my skin out. Was for sore muscles but i kept getting sicker and sicker so i had completely stopped them all together. Anyone ever do these baths like this? Have any problems from it? Its suppose to be a great detox. I smelled forever really bad smell. I still smell but not as bad as was. What can I do for my skin since its so dried out? thank you!!
mariyam adam says
can i try it while trying to conceive
bhagfyashree says
I recently bought American Garden ACV, does it really works like other brands because in my opinion it was too cheap
...Also i m taking it after meals...will it b work?
Renee says
I have read different commits on losing weight drinking Bragg apple cider. I am going to try it and see if I have any results. I will post in about a month to tell you my outcome.
Abdurrahman says
Nancy you lost 5kg in 2 weeks ?? Did you include exercise and diet along with acv ????? Please reply
Maria says
Would you tell me if ACV help with thyroids?
shae says
hey Latoya, its sells at Megamart in Jamaica
vdada says
Does Bragg ACV sell in liberia
paula says
Are the capsules as good as the actual cider vinegar?
Nava says
Paula, I've heard that they are not.
pushpa says
just started to drink early in the morning
Linda says
Can I take apple cider tablets or does it have to be liquid form? I just can't stand the taste!
Also, does it really help you lose weight? Thanks in advance!
Caroline says
Linda, if you want the full benefits it has to be the organic liquid form apple cider vinegar. If you don't like the taste, try mixing it with orange juice. I find that it really helps! 🙂
To your second question "Does it help you lose weight?" The answer is yes and no. It helps in the sense that it suppresses your appetite and prevents cravings. However, it wont magically burn away fat I'm afraid. (Wouldn't that be great!)
If your goal is to lose weight, I highly recommend the Venus Factor. It's designed specifically for women and works amazingly well. You can find it at:
Hope this answers your questions Linda. Good luck!
Lisa Robinson says
I just got me a bottle of Organic Bragg Apple Cider Vineger today will be the first day of a new beginning on loosing weight and getting fit .I will check back to let you all know how it works for me 12/18/14 best wishes to all and Happy Holidays to everyone.
manfaat says
I often hear about health benefits of ACV but but I seem to have night sweats really bad and almost as if after taking for a couple of weeks that I begin to have a UTI or something of that nature (almost as if my insides are raw) just wondering if you have ever heard of anyone else having these issues or if they are just symptons of my body detoxing and I need to stick it out.
Nava says
I wonder if you're taking too much, or not diluting the ACV in plenty of water as suggested. You shouldn't be having these symptoms!
symone says
How soon do you see weight loss results?
Kim says
My friend drank the cider with Orange juice twice a day and lost 25 lbs in 6 months... with no exercising. My husband and I are getting ready to start this and we will incorporate exercising with it. He has to lose 60 lbs and I have 25 to lose. fingers crossed that we will see results.
silviana says
well i need to lose the weight let me try apple cider Viegar but how to use it
Sharon says
What do you eat while drinking apple cider viegar?
max says
i used the apple cider vinegar and i lost 55lbs in 2 months i just ate once a day thank you very much for your post.
Bella says
I bought Heinz Pepper Perfect ACV. Will it work? Is it the same. Pls help
Nava says
Bella, you need to use raw unfiltered organic ACV for best results.
Dillion says
Just started using the apple cider vinegar and i must say its very good. it makes the body feels different. ill check in with more feedback on my 65lbs weight loss
Shanerha says
I bought the store brand of apple cider vinegar and I have only taken it twice but both times were before a meal. Although the taste is awful, it definitely curbs my appetite and makes me fuller after eating less food. I only want to lose my post pregnancy stomach
Vern says
I want to lose 60 pounds. I guess I was so desperate at first where I was taken 1 to 2 teaspoons undilute acv twice a day. I thought that eating anything would not matter because the acv will burn all the fattening away. Not so. Would love the right approach.
lay says
I want to lose 50 pounds and I start drinking my cider vinegar on Monday this week...
Chileshe mwansa says
Am looking 4ward 2 lose weight. I have just started taking apple cider vinegar, but 4 how long?
lay says
Need to ask which Acv is the bst for weight loss.wellingtons or borgers or it has to be any cider ans me pliz even in my mail ill be greatfull
Gx says
Braggs is the best brand. Also, make sure it has the mothersweb
Jessie says
i just started drinking avc this morning and i use the pepper perfect. will it give the same result?
lay says
So where cn i find this braggs with motherweb here in capetown coz in pnp their is no
Robin says
I've heard of adding 1 spoonful of honey to the water/vinegar tonic is good. Is this true?
Margot says
I started using ACV after being unable to get my BP under control. It has always run approx 106/80, then for a year it was running 130's to 150's. I knew this wasn't right, but when I went for my monthly check-up it was 180 over 115. Terrified me. Unfortunately this was right before Christmas and my Dr. was in a hurry to get home for his vacation. I researched a home remedy to lower it in a hurry. Not a lot of hope, but gave the AVC a try. After 4 days I felt so much better! I was amazed when at my next monthly visit my BP was it's normal 106, and I'd lost 6 lbs...over the holiday mind you. I've continued to lose weight, and maintained my normal BP. I have about 35 lbs more to go and 4 more lbs gone in this last 2 weeks with no other changes in my daily routien. I may have been very deficient on some level and the AVC has benefited me far more then others. Please don't expect my results, but I will never say not to try it. Just make sure to let your doctor know if you are on medications. I just put two caps in a extra large soda cup of ice water and drink it morning and night. It was very bitter/sour at first but now I'm used to it. Don't run out...3 day cold turkey led me to severe diarrhea for a few days. So if you quit, do it slowly. As a side note, about half of the lbs I'm losing are actual belly fat! Yippy 🙂
Margot says
I'm sorry, right b4 Thanksgiving I did this.
Shirley says
I'm using spectrum brand of apple cider vinegar ... is it okay? thanks!!
Yirmares says
Hi I just started the diet but I don't drive and have limited income therefore I bought the store brand do you guys think it will work ??
costella paige says
BishInHeels says
The only vinegar to use doing this is Baggs raw unfiltered organic apple cider vinegar with the mother!!!!!! This would be the only one to show results. I've done it before and about to again! Love it!
lay says
so here in south..capetiwn where cn i get thus apple cider with the mother pliz help coz am just drinkn apple cider
Ashley says
Do I have to wait to eat after taking it?
connie renee alfred says
does Apple cider vinegar really works
cynthia says
I had a throat virus that acted like strep, but no antibiotic would help it, my throat was on fire, I mixed 2 Tsps vinegar, 2Tsps of honey,2Tsps of lemon juice in a cup of hot water drank it for a full day and it took the fire out of my throat, in the process I curbed my appetite and have lost some pds, I added a touch of cinnamon for a added bonus, it works!
Rob says
Found this on a website....Get the right vinegar. You don’t actually have to limit yourself to ACV, since all vinegars contain acetic acid. “Wine vinegars have a smoother taste, but even white distilled vinegar works,” says Johnston. Just look for one whose label says 5% acidity, which is what you’ll find in most cooking and salad vinegars. (Avoid pickling vinegars, which have a higher acid content.)
Jamie says
Just bought the organic apple vinager and hope to see weight loss results.
Taylor Monee says
I've been drinking acv for only a short time now and the taste was very bad for me at first. My boyfriend told me about the way his grandmother use to make it for him. He said to mix it with raw honey and warm it up. I did and it's great. Better than ever! It took me about a day just a overnight actually to get use to the new taste and actually appreciate it. I really do like it and I hope that this helps me to stop packing on the pounds. I've been gaining rapidly. 20lbs in 2 years and I just left the doctor's yesterday I'm not diabetic just too much snacking.
Charlie says
Just bought it as I feel the need to detox liver and kidney. Found another interesting health supplement that helped my dad After he took it, he looked very healthy but it is pricey.
lene439 says
I tried ACV in just 1 month i loose weight and my big tummy is now flat. Im so happy with the result.
lene439 says
It worked well for me. Thanks a lot. I loose weight and flattened my tummy.
Kristin says
The bottle has a recipe to add 2 tablespoons of vinegar & 2 tablespoons of raw organic honey to 8 oz of water it tastes just like apple cider. I only eat once a day so I don't know if this will help me lose weight.
razwan says
I have just starting taking ACV and geting an amazing result
Jenna Klabot says
Next to using Apple Cider Vinegar, what do you guys think about doing a very low calorie diet? I'm in doubt if I'm going to do this because I was reading about this diet on a site ( ) but I'm not sure if the article is trustable or not and from a verified source. What do you guys think? Is a low calorie diet safe and doable? Thanks 🙂
razwan says
Hi Jenna!
I have gone through your link. It's useful i think...
bmos says
Please i need your help.I bought apple cider vinegar but its fermented. is it ok for me to drink it? please respond.thanx
Nava says
If it's fermented "on purpose" — like Braggs, then that's actually what you want. But if it got fermented due to spoilage, then toss it.
Hazel says
i jus bought acv hw do i take it also for how long.which type of food should i take while on that course
Mia Parker says
It cleans u out good when u go to the bathroom
shevon says
It really works I have been using it over 3 weeks now and I already seeing result.. just tell tour self u can do it and put your mind into it
Mbalenhle says
I use naturally fermites vinegar from Pick n Pay and it works perfectly. From South Africa
Gabriel says
Apple cider vinegar is amazing stuff. Just be sure to drink it through a straw whenever possible, as it can damage the enamel on your teeth over time.
There are many benefits to ACV, most of which are mentioned in this article. I personally love the boost of energy it gives me. (It's a great and healthy substitute for coffee by the way)
In terms of weight loss.. don't expect anything drastic. You might lose a couple of pounds but real weight results are achieved through a solid diet program. If you are trying to lose weight, there's a fantastic program at:
Great job with the site by the way, very user-friendly.
Nelson says
i really want to try it and shed some kilos.
dollie says
may mom told me to use apple cider for lots of things.
Jim says
I've lost 25 lbs in 6 months cutting sugar out&drinking ACV
Mandi says
(drink in place of sodas and carbonated drinks.
1 cup ACV
1 cup honey or agave nectar
64 oz spring or distilled water
I love it!
Richard says
I think its not the greatest idea to add a cup of honey or Agave to your Vinegar aide. An extra 1000 calories for what reason?
Great idea to replace the soda but not by adding lots of other sugars.
suzan says
According to me, losing weight is much more than just consuming fewer calories to bring about a drop on the weighing scale. For a lot of people, it is essential to safeguard themselves against the growing menace of lifestyle diseases.
We all know that one of the first rules of losing weight is to ditch 'fatty foods' and switch to a 'healthy diet'. Nutritionists believe that weight loss does not simply mean scrapping fatty foods, it requires you to bring about a balance by actually sneaking certain foods in your diet.
Dale says
I lost 63lbs in about 16 mths, drinking ACV. A 16.9 oz bottle of Ozarka water add 2 tablespoons of ACV. Be patient, you can still eat your favorite foods,but your taste will change. you will feel satisfied and not want to eat as much. And drink extra water. good luck.
Tracy Spinks says
I also want to lose wt.Please give me some good advice & I hope to hear back from you ASAP!! Tracy
Kina zvawanda says
i have start to use apple cider vinegar but its not the Bragg's apple cider vinegar. i bought the one with a red apple 5% acidity apple cider vinegar from Ok supermarket here in Zimbabwe. My question is;is it going to help me lose some weight?
Thiru says
I bought the Dicshem brand ACV. Will it work ?
Teresa says
ive tried every diet and pill program available
My weight goes up and down like a yo yo
I believe in natural remedies
This is the first time I've heard of ACV
I'm excited
I'm going. To buy some today 4-7-15 this is Teresa
If I can get back to this website
I will let YOU know
Teresa says
Hi I've tried every diet and pill known to man
Nothing works
Always feel like I'm starving
I'm 53
I would be happy to loose 30 lbs
I also have a lot of health issues FMS and arthritis
I'm so excited
To try this ACV Getting some today I will let you
Know 4-7-15
Ghazala says
hi - I start the acv add on my salad already feel lighter
simone johnso says
I tried so many things just to lose weight and I heard about this Apple cedar vinegar and then I said am gonna try it so I got my first bottle was scared to drink it then I said I wanna lose weight so am doing this it's quit harsh but I have confidence it's gonna work.
Lana P. Nathan says
so after trying so many different diets I'm willing to go out on the lim n try this one only I got Essentials Apple Vingar 5% activity, n I'm wondering if this will work ???? waiting for ur responds thanks for ur site it was very satifing to know there is hope @@@@@@
J.C says
I am ready to try this as a weight loss supplement. i tried it a while back for heart burn. Somebody said it worked better and faster than some other products and cheaper. They were right. Now that i have the heartburn under control.. going to ry and melt a few pounds away. I am using Braggs. I figure between ACV, a healthier diet and getting into a light excercize routine,( i have very bad knees and screws in my feet) i should be able to shed a few pounds. Wish myself and everyone else on here Good luck.
jm1968 says
I've heard that acv tablets work as well, for weight loss
Donald says
please give tips how to use for gout, high blood and blood sugar.
Cheryl says
I started using ACV about 3 weeks ago, I have lost
10 lbs since taking it. It has gave me more energy and
curves my appetite, found myself eating much smaller portions too. It doesn't work over night or at least for me it didn't, took about 2 weeks to feel the effects of taking it. It has made me feel so much better, for me it Works.
Good Luck to All, that try it.
Mary_SM says
Though it may not be a miracle worker, I must say using apple cider vinegar on salads instead of balsamic vinegar in salads for example kind of made a difference. You also feel less hungry once you have had dinner. Keep up the good work!
Tdenwitty says
It does work. I was suffering with a thyroid issue. I started the ACV for the weight issue and now I got on the scale and noticed a weight loss. 237 and then within three weeks I am not 221. Also, if you try organic coconut oil it gives you the same effect. The coconut oil adds mental clarity. I have been using them both and now into two months later I am down to the weight of 198 POUNDS.
debbieflowers says
It works, give time , hv patience
Jolene says
Thank you all for your comments! They are very helpful to me. I have been taking ACV for about 2 weeks now and I have noticed a difference in my appetite. I crave less fatty foods, and I feel fuller. At first, the taste was so strong,but now I'm used to it,and I love it! I take it as a shot in a one tbl spoon measuring spoon, and then chase it with a bottle of spring water 16.9oz. Sometimes I also add 2 tbl spoons to my water 16.9 oz bottle. With exercise and changing our eating habits a little I believe ACV will help cut some of our fat! A good way to start getting on the right path! 🙂 good luck all!
Jennie says
I tried the ACV diet a few years back and was shocked that I lost around 20 lbs in 3 or 4 months without changing my diet or exercise. The weight loss wasn't quick, but it also didn't require much effort. I also remember feeling more energetic. To those who asked if 5% ACV from your local market will work, you just need to be sure it's the cloudy "unpasteurized" ACV... not the distilled kind. I'm jumping back into this diet tomorrow, and it was inspiring reading about people's successes on this site. Thanks for sharing!
Tribe Judah says
Thanks guys just got mine and will update. I am excited
christine says
hi, braggs acv is not easily available here in baguio city or manila. i have seen the heinz and the american garden variety though. will that be ok to use ? and i can't relate to the organic coconut oil one reader was saying. did he mean virgin coconut oil ? how do i use both then ? thanks much and Let's all be healed and blessed by God through these gifts..
Ami says
Hi this is ami from India a new remedy for a blood pressure and a high clestrol 1 cup garlic juice,1 cup lemon juice,1 cup ginger juice , 1 cup AcV add all mixture then biol it till they become three cups from four cups then lastly add honey one cup to it then keep all the mixture in one bottle then take three spoon with a glass of water every day it's will effect immediatly
Cheryl says
I'm so trying this... I get that it wouldn't help to add extra calories to this, but don't you also have to make changes in your overall diet not just drink this..
Diana says
How about america garden ACV? Is it healthy to use it? Please help? Or which ACV is recommended?
gmula says
I just started it today! the taste is awful but it's a quick and easy thing to knock out. I'm desperate to lose weight and this is something I can see really helping me out.
Mila G. Ramos says
ACV is very effective I had already consumed 3 bottles only but I canfeel its effectiveness. The problem suddenly became out of stock in our place since first week of April owww where will I buy now
leigh says
I took two cap fulls of white distilled vinegar for a and i lost over 20 pounds in two months...Yes it does work. Never tried the apple cider vinegar.
leigh says
I used the plain white distilled vinegar and lost over 23 pounds in 2 months. Yes it does work.
maria says
I had heard about acv, then I started to use it drinking 3 times a day. And by the time family members were telling me that I was losing weight, so it really does work.
Karleen says
My dad have been using acv for quite sometime because of thyroid problems.. Now I'll ask my mom to buy me one too.. But we only have the heinz acv.. Is heinz acv effective??
Only three days to start ACV...better than ...
Ali says
Mix 2 spoons lemonade and 1 spoon ACV in 1 cup full of water, early morning every day and you gonna lose weight.
Nilesh says
Hi guys, i have done my research on ACV and its benefits. I am looking for a good diet program that can help me reduce my weight fast. Any help is appreciated.
Dee says
I am prediabetic and taking ACV to help reverse this and the insulin resistance I believe I have. I'm on week 2 morning blood sugar has decreased from 123 to 99 as of this morning . And my post prandial numbers from 145-170 down to 135 or lower. No weight loss yet but if I can keep this up the hope is my body will start processing sugar better no the weight loss will follow.
namrata says
Can I have acv early morning by adding in coconut water as every morning first thing i have is coconut water......and if not what should i have first acv ? or coconut water? and withing how much time gap???
Vasantha Guru says
ACV really works....its only 3 weeks on this and i hv lost around 3 kgs.....i take two tea spoons ACV with 1 teaspoon honey stirred in a big glass of water in the morning....i am happy with the results...will continue and post my further reviews later
sumathy says
I have Heinz apple cider vinegar, is that good for weight loss?
Andrew says
I have been taking two tablespoons of ACV with water for the past two weeks and I am gaining weight, is there a problem.
Moira Monney says
Great post. I'm using ACV to get rid of the stiff joints associated with arthritis. It really works, amazing!
Chiara W. says
Great post thank you. I put 1-2 tablespoons of ACV in warm water and drink it every morning to boost my immune system and it worked all this harsh winter. I shall test it for weight loss as well.
Brandy says
I have been using Heinz ACV and I know it's not organic but it very much suppresses my appetite. 2 tbsp's in a bottle of water 30 minutes before meals. Also add Garcinia Cambogia capsule which is a great appetite supressent and green coffee bean burns fat. Absolutely NO jitters.. Natural.. I also added l thiamine 200 mg. Make sure it's all trusted brands. No side effects and use natural colon cleanser as suggested to take with Garcinia Cambogia.. I have no changed my diet nor any excersizing. I know that I should be doing that though... But I eat less and not near as hungry... Stay full... I am losing 5 lbs a week and still eating the same... Besides less hungry. Shocked I am losing so much 5-6 lbs a week but slow weight loss is better. I am going to try that soon.
lee says
ACV is doing wonders, I feel lighter.
Jessi Disuza says
Apple cider vinegar is one solution for various health problems. I started consuming True element apple cider vinegar before a year just to lose my weight and then gradually I came to know about many other health benefits of it. –
It is useful for diabetic patients to lower their blood sugar level.
Improve your digestive system and many more
anam says
i was drinking acv for few months really worked ..i lost so many pounds but now i have gained it back and again i start drinking it but its not working now... what happened...
Lexi says
Can you take before bed?
julia says
I use it for everything and you will lose weight but you can't go back to eating all the stuff you was eating before.It's also good to rinse your hair with and your skin
Michelle Saunders says
@Anam - Has your diet changed at all? Apple cider vinegar helps, but it doesn't work miracles in terms of weight loss.
If you're trying to lose weight, you need to focus on your diet. This is where you will see real results. That's not to say you shouldn't use ACV because there are many other health benefits.
If you're unsure about which diet to follow, I highly recommend the program at: - It personally helped me lose 19lbs and I feel great.
Also, if it hasn't been mentioned already, use a straw when drinking ACV. This way you wont damage the enamel on your teeth!
susan says
Thanks for sharing that link Michelle. I really want to lose a few pounds before I go away.
Brenda says
I've also used that program Michelle, it works wonders for fat loss.
Anybody else hate the taste of ACV? I don't suppose it matters if I mix it with fruit juice?
Tiena Mabongo says
I just started now using ACV so I just wanted to know, I'm using right with cold water?
Nava says
Cold water is usually best but you can use in warm, as long as you don't boil it.
mike says
Apple Cider Vinegar not only helps you lose weight, it also decreases your appetite, all too often diets leave us feeling insatiable, and it’s far too easy to give in to our guilty pleasures, yet vinegar can have the same effect as a high carb meal, only at a fraction of the calorific intake.
Tom Alter says
I don\'t know what to say, but after reading this post I Imported it to my country and I have been drinking it from last 20 days, but I really can\'t feel even a reduction of 1 LB from my weight 🙁
I wish I soon get some results.
sandya says
if i can use acv, i reduce my weight but if i can stop using acv, while i come back my original weight? ple tell me anybody..
Lu Ann says
I love AVC I lost 12 pounds. Second I stopped I gained every pound back then some.
jhoan says
i am taking acv and acv capsules for 3 weeks now. what i noticed is that i am more hungry most of the time and my appetite increased. i dont know why 🙁
Vrysomchalady says
Just as someone mentioned. If you use ACV, don't think you will see quick results, or even think don't need to change your diet. But also when I was taking it, I was excersing and my portion of food I cut in half and I got great results.But ACV does work.
LeeLee says
Please everyone be reminded that nothing is magic you must also include a small amount of walking at least. I walk 2 miles a day when I get off from work. It is healthy to eat 5 meals a day small portions or even just snacking on something your appetite will slightly increase because your body is burning the food faster.
faryal says
can someone tell me is it necessary to use it before meal?is it okay if i drink 2 times a day and 1 teaspoon is enough or 2?
vivian says
Damian says
When it comes to losing weight, there are so many different methods and theories we can find.And Apple Cider Vinegar is one of it, but to get the require result always include to exercise
Paula says
Does the acv have to be Bragg?
Nava says
It doesn't necessarily need to be Bragg but should be a brand that's naturally fermented and raw.
sabrina says
I have a back injury an can't exercise, can I use ACV after meals? I use it in a 1 liter bottle of drinking water at room temperature.
Christopher Sanders says
Great article!
Joan bartimeus says
Good information. I ll give it a try. Thx
Wil Ehlers says
Apple cider 3x/day,absolutely No sugar or starches or fruit, mild amount of protein,increase healthy fat like Avocados and coconut shavings and coconut oil.
Plus mild exercise
.......see what happens!!!
Niesha coleman says
Thank you for sharing this with me I really need some tips on losing weight because I don't eat that much like I use to I have cutting back
sandeep jain says
Thanks for information so I have to acv before meal 3 times a day for reducing weight
Ben Menton says
The tips you shared are very helpful. I will give it a try one of these days. Thanks!
Aileen says
Can i use the family dollar brand of acv?
chhiwat says
Thanks for all the good ideas
Aleynia says
I'd like to add that this really does work. After having three kids, one being a set of twins, and eating the same amount as my husband, whose metabolism is redonkulously high, I got pretty big. It's was noticeable. I went from 120-180. I actually had my husband inform me, "babe I love you, but you are fat". So I took to exercising, smaller portions, extra water, and acv before every meal, and I went down to 125. It is a chore to keep the weight off, but two years later I'm still at 125.
marsha etler says
Does using higher percentage vinegar make it work better???
Lesa Thomas says
Nice information.
Thanks for sharing......
Shal says
Hi all, I'm drinking ACV for past 3 weeks. before lunch and before bedtime. 2 tbsp in warm water. From 61.9KG now I am 57.5KG !! ACV really helps to eat less. I cut out carbs n eating more vegetables. 5 KG more to lose. Hooray!
Adam says
Plz tell me that it have any side effects coz iam afraid my teeth will rot due to this and will it effect anything else?
Adam says
Plz tell me does it have any side effects on any part of the body if so than what to do
Claire says
You're not going to lose weight with acv if that's all you're doing. I'm a holistic therapist and have been prescribing use of acv for many years and drinking it myself. Rule one of weight loss - make changes. Acv can only do so much to help you. It's not a skinny pill. It is an natural appetite suppressant and metabolic stimulating used correctly but not more than that. You must cut out bad eating habits and really commit to weight loss by being more active - walk at least half an hour a day.
Acv will only help if you drink it half an hour before meals, as it's purpose is to stimulate digestive enzymes in the gut to prepare for more efficient digestion and excretion. If you're drinking it at other times it's not going to be effective and you will feel hungrier. You know it's working if you have to go to the bathroom at least three times as much as normal I've found personally.
Also be prepared for spots, as it draws out impurities in the skin in the beginning but if u stick with it, it'll clear up and make you glow.
Good luck everyone and don't be fooled into buying brands. It doesn't matter which company are selling it, as long as you can try and get the unpasteurised one with bits of apple residue floating in it.
Ben Menton says
How many times should I use ACV in a day?
TK says
I started drinking acv mixed with grapefruit juice about 65 days ago, to date I have lost 27 pds! It really works people and it's all natural so there's no harm being done. I also changed my diet to strictly high fiber and high protein foods and I consume a maximum of 1800 calories a day and do the elliptical machine and treadmill about 3 days a week. I look great and feel even better. Give it a try, you'll be pleasantly surprised at the results.
lucy says
I have been on it a week. It totally got me off my sweet kick and I think I'm sleeping better. I'm over 70 and need to lose some weight and stop carbs. So I have cut my lunches to lite things, tuna no bread, banana few spoons of cottage cheese, some watermelon fruit at nite. My one treat I won't quit it is my toast coffee with creamer sweetner in the morning. I am not quitting eating out only going to 1/2 portion. I even love a sweet potato with butter for lunch after vinegar. Hope I can Bragg in few weeks to Bragg Vinegar Co.
Michael says
ACV cannot help you lose weight by itself. Both men and women are being overwhelmed by estrogens in the body and bad bacteria in the gut. I have lost 20#s in 6 months and it hasn't come back(with zero exercise). It is all chemical reactions in the body that helps you lose weight. You must change your lifestyle and what you put into your mouth if you really want to lose the weight for good and keep it off. Supplements DO work when the gut has the proper balance of good vs bad bacteria. It must be 80-20. ACV is a plus for your body if it is used in conjunction with several other things. And I repeat, exercise is not required.
Michael says
I just read your post after I submitted mine. Looks like we were on the same page. I'm not a holistic therapist, just a guy wanting to win the war against fat. I have spent years of research and trial and error to finally accomplish my weight loss goals. I was amazed at the fact that while exercise is good for you, it won't work unless the proper chemical reactions are taking place in the body. And trust me, being a 52-year-old male, married to a 33 year old Russian model, I've learned how important it is to get back into top shape, for my wife,(if you all get my drift!)
Stamina is very good for a marriage, and I repeat, as long as the proper chemical reactions are taking place in the body. ACV is definately a plus in my war.
Zora says
I've read many comments here... Some neg and some positive feedbacks. Im concern if i start taking the ACV , and if i stop will i gain double the weight? I ACV is the HEINZ brand, is it the same effect? Because i dont know which brand of ACV is the most natural
Nava says
Zora, most people who use ACV for weight loss use the naturally fermented brand, Bragg or something like it. I don't think anyone has gained double the weight back once they stop.
I am a 66 year young woman, I am also a breast cancer survivor, I do have several health issues, such as diabetes 2, high blood pressure, anxiety, osteoporosis and a hypothyroid problem. Years ago I never had a weight problem because no doctor would listen to me that I had thyroid until after I finished my chemotherapy. Now my weight has comeback I lost 105 pounds on my own and now I weight close to 180 , I am now trying to use the ACV and see if it works, I am confident that it will and I will exercise 3 to 4 times a week. So I can relate to everyone who has made a comment on this site. Good luck and God Bless to all.
John Paul says
Aleynia, your husband is supposed to encourage you, not insult you. Great ways for him to have shown support would have been to become your gym buddy or agree to eat healthier foods with you. Just because he didn't gain weight doesn't mean his lifestyle is healthy. Now that you've lost the weight, you need to have a conversation with him about respect because even if you don't gain the weight back, your body will change as you get older.
mary chigoga says
I used ACV for skin rashes; it really worked.
pranali says
How fast does it work? In how many days will I get results? Which water is good; warm water or normal water?
Lena Wurz says
Is it okay to use the capsules instead of the liquid?
Karey says
Lena, I'm pretty sure it has to be the liquid to get the full benefits.
Karey says
It has to be organic too. I've seen a lot of people recommend Braggs but I don't think it matters too much
Nava says
I agree, organic is important; as is naturally fermented.
Aneka says
will apple cider vinegar help me lose 5kg in under a month? how often to drink it? thanks
Martha says
Aneka, I have 2 tbsp every day. One first thing in the morning and one before bed.
ACV can aid in weight loss, however if your goal is to lose 5kg in under a month, you will see the best results by focusing on your diet. As somebody else mentioned, the 3 Week Diet is brilliant for burning fat. You can find more at:
Nava also has many great vegan recipes that are delicious. Remember, consistency is key!
shania says
So do we have 1 cup before breakfast then one before lunch and dinner is that how it goes ??
shania says
So do we have one before breakfast and before lunch and dinner is that right ??
phindile says
I bought apple cider capsules, will I lose 5kg in a month?
chana says
the capsules are never going to be as good as the real thing. Try making a 6oz tea. I use 2 Tbs vinegar, 2Tbs honey, 6oz water, and a green tea bag. It is best to drink fast. I will also use vinegar to replace salad dressing, i use it as a marinade for any meat. I use it when I get horrifying leg cramps. I swig it right out of the bottle and the cramps stop in seconds.
naricel says
apple vinegar and apple cider vinegar are the same?
Nava says
I would like to say yes, but I'm not 100% sure. You just need to know that for this purposes you need naturally fermented (unfiltered) organic apple cider vinegar.
Marcella says
Do I use apple cider vinegar or apple cider vinegar all natural unfiltered with the mother? The unfiltered looks really nasty. I don't know. If I can drink it. . Thank you Mrs.Auer
Nava says
Ideally, it is the latter — natural and unfiltered; because it's also organic.I do agree with you about the look of it; yuck. But "the mother" just sits at the bottom of the bottle and you can avoid that. Toss the vinegar out when it gets to down to that level.
Nava says
Readers in this post's thread have consistently indicated that the capsuled are not nearly effective as the vinegar itself.
Patricia Taylor says
I just started with the Bottle of Apple cider Vinegar. It's not bad to drink. I started 2 weeks ago 2 times a day i drink a big glass of it with 2 Tbs. And i feel great. I also notice that i lost some weight drinking the Apple cider Vinegar.
Mickey A. says
AVC is good for weight loss as well as detoxifying bad toxins in our body.
hira khan says
How long do you keep the vinegar on your hair?
Patricia McDaniel says
I use apple cider vinegar on my hair in place of all the chemicals in creme rinse. And I love it. I usually wash and rinse with the vinegar, leaving the vinegar on while finish washing and then rinse it out. My hair is very long, way past my waist and combing it out is a breeze.
Rita says
Hi I'd like to know how long do i drink apple cider vinegar to lose weight i like to lose 20 pounds so how long do i drink it
Jasdeep says
can u ask me It is sure with apple cider wight lose because before I am use this product for two month but nothing any effect that's way please u ask me if any other method because my now weight 85 kg and I want 70 kg thank you so much
Nava says
Are you using the organic, unfiltered apple cider vinegar? Regular ACV if it isn't a brand like Bragg or similar won't have the same effect. Scroll back through some of the comments here and see what has worked for other readers.
duaawafaa says
I take apple cider vinegar 2 times a many months it takes 2 lose weight?.my weight is 80kg height 5.7
Nampa says
I brought safari apple cider vinegar (naturally fermented) will it help me to lose weight and how to use it?
renu says
How fast does it work? In how many days will I get results? Which water is good; warm water or normal water?
Balesh says
I have purchased normal apple cider vinegar of American garden it OK to use the same for wright lose...I suffer from acid reflux .is it OK to use this product...pls let me know..thanks.
Lakme Rebello says
Pls tell me from where to get Apple cider vinegar. Is it harmful to our internal organs?
Nava says
Lakme, organic apple cider vinegar can be gotten from natural foods stores and online sources like Amazon. Our favorite brand is Bragg. And on the contrary, it is very good for internal organs.
Nava says
Balesh, sorry for the delayed response. I'm not familiar with American Garden, but if it is raw and organic (like Bragg) that's what you want. Otherwise it's mostly useless.
Nava says
Renu, how fast (or if) it works really varies from person to person. And room temperature or warm water are both fine.
priyanka (piyu) says
I used non-organic ACV a month ago.. I just finished one bottle in about a month. And trust me it was as amazing as an organic product would be. I felt less hungry and more thirsty while drinking ACV twice a day. After a few days i drank 12-15 glasses of water in a day! And trust me i couldn't even drink 6 glasses of water before i started using ACV.! I did not crave for any kind of sweets and chocolates during those days. And my body just felt refreshed. I hardly lose any weight but i definitely burned fat because i lost two inches on my waist and i lost extra fat on my thighs. Im getting married next month so I'm gonna start drinking ACV again from today! Guys, try it without any doubt , ACV is just amazing.... 🙂
Florry says
I have just bought the organic apple cider vinegar and molasses with pure black strap. Can I mix this together as a drink to loose weight and keep healthy. Thanks
Mayvelyn says
i want to know the proper way of how I will use the ACV for losing 10 lbs of my weigth
pls can someone with ulcer drink ACV? and again is HEINZ apple cidar okay? says
Good page. It's really educating
Josephine says
I bought Wescobee Apple Cider Vinegar and Honey with the mother, the taste was really good but I don’t know yet if it’s effective for weight lose, Just now I started to drink ACV.
gladies cobb says
Need to loose wt had knee replacement surgery will start today with avc will report back on the results I know avc is good for any uses
saima says
I want to loss 3 kg in 15/20 days...How much apple cider vinegar should I take?? If I drink before meal not before bedtime then is it works???
lia says
Can i drink ACV 1tbsp without water?? In the first morning??
lynn says
You really should drink it in water, or a water chaser. The acid in the vinegar eats through the enamal on teeth if the vinegar is not diluted by water, or water used after. If after. Try swishing the water around a bit too, that helps.
misheal says
av used the ACV I used to take it three times a day and three lids direct no water I then hard sorws in my stomach cause I was adviced wrongly so now am in the hospital and on injections please people dont take it direct
misheal says
I took ACV direct I was adviced to dronk it direct three lids three times a right now am in the hospital because of wring advice by my friend so please dont take it wrongly iwas burnt in my stomach I hav sores in my stomach ryt now
Najeeh says
I been taking the Bragg brand apple cyder vinegar, the one with the mother. Since 2 years or less on and off depending on the availability in my country. Because I'm not doing a sport or any walking. I not losing weight. But still I'm feeling healthy inside me. I dont get tired quickly like before. I'm passing regularly unlike before. I'm not after of losing weight though at this moment while not going to gym.
I start my day by drinking acv. I mix with it glass of water squeeze a half lemon and add honey.
mhey says
I bought apple cider, i am 60 kls.since i bought it i crave much food, is this just normal in the 1st few days?
Carri says
I started drinking APPLE CIDER VINEGAR (BRAGG) with this
- 2 tablespoon of Apple Cider Vinegar (BRAAG)
- 1 cup of grape fruit juice
- 1 teaspoon of honey
Put all the ingredients in a blender. Mix until you get a hemogenous mixture.
*drink before every meal, lunch and dinner.
Is it okay? Would it help me lose weight?
barbara says
i drink applecider after i eat i have lost 17 pounds so far and i started after christmas i also eat blueberries ans other fruits and salads with the vingar on it
Masoud says
Pls is it ACV for ladies only or ???
Di di says
Hi can you tell me if ASDA apple cider vinger will work
Lynds says
Hi. Im trying Aspell apple clider vinegar. Can be purchased in most UK supermarkets. After watching TV programme, thought I would give it a go. Only week 1 so not sure about results. Good luck everyone 😀
Herbert Wilson says
I been trying it, and we love it,
Weigh loss, l lost seven pounds and plan to loss 20 more, my goal is to loss 55 pounds in three months.
My wife is losing a lot, she drinks it, three times a day, please don't eat a lot of fried foods, try to eat healthy and happy this year.
vishalini says
hi my weight is 105 kg,please let me no how to drink ACV to lose my weight,i want lose 40 kg before September 2016 .im going to marid on october..please help me i already buy BRAGG ACV
Sheree says
Used apple cider vinegar twice daily in water. It did NOTHING for weight loss. So don't think it's the miracle weight loss product because it's not. Will stop now and see if I do better.
Bette P. says
I'm a Type 2 Diabetec on insulin (a fat tissue) resulting in increased weight especially the belly. I'd like to try the acv but Will it increase my sugar level?
Cat foster says
Well today is my first day trying to raw vinegar two teaspoons in water twice a day I hope it wrks
paula says
I ve been taking ACV for few days now.I take 2teaspons of ACV with a glass of water first thing in the morning n last thing before bed.Am not able to sleep at night could that be the cause of my sleepless nights
ashley says
Anyone tried it in their hair?
dorethy jenkins says
omg 3 week diet plan she must have been paid to advertise that link !!!! jokes !!!!
Nava says
Oops, you're right, Dorethy — didn't look close enough when moderating, and we've removed it. Thanks!
As I had consume it for two days, I can't sleep for those two nights well. Is that might be one of the things that could be the side effect?
azza says
Maybe have it in the morning and not before bed? It gives me energy so I know what you mean
ANNA says
Works great. Thanks for the info
pranali says
Is warm water best? Or doesn't matter?
Leanne says
I also take it in the morning and I've quit drinking coffee.
risa says
i am taking acv capsules but i will switch to organic liquid with the mother
scuba says
I've noticed the difference in my skin and hair, brilliant stuff.
Martia Smith says
Can't stand the taste but I do feel better for it.
Janette dunlea says
I take warfarin will ACV. Affect me in any way
Jonisha Boone says
Hi is Heinz Apple Cider equivalent enough to the Bragg brand for belly fat detoxing?
Tina Chambers says
Can u take it if u have a-fib
Anika says
It should take with hot water or cold water...plz reply
ottilia tsvingu says
is it good for a
breastfeeding mother
Lee says
yes, my hairdresser uses a cold vinegar rinse on my hair each time i go and it is good for the scalp and leaves a healthy shine on the hair..
Nada says
Di took the pill and it raised my ggt in blood, but its amazing for loosing weight
nicola sampson says
Today is my first time trying ACV with "the mother". I use it om my face and also add it to my water. I awaits the results.
Novelle Chong says
Is heinz apple cider vinegar are useful?
Kionna says
I will give it a try I am trying to lose my belly fat so bad I've been trying everything I tried lots of things so I would give this a try something different or do anyone have any suggestion?? Please
Angie Roberts says
I have been taking acv (with the mother) 2tbs in a coffee mug of water every morning for 2 month 2times a day first thing in the am and last one before dinner my skin is clear and so healthy looking and I have lost 7 pounds so I deiced to switch up my diet completely no starch vegetable's and fish chicken no pork or beef for the next two months with a 30 min walk this should be interesting
Jean says
I was just told about this by a friend. I am stopping to buy it on the way home. How is everyone doing, any results? good, Bad? thanks
John Crooks says
I have been trying to lose weight on a low carb diet for like 2 months, to no avail. I am a member of sparkpeople and use it to track my meals. Only today did I realize I was misinterpreting my carb intake.
In short I was having way to many carbs, hence the stagnancy. I entered a meal plan that currently stands at 49g of carbs. No sugars or starch is included. How can I get in low carb veggies and keep my carbs at 50g? The math doesn't add up. I would like to use this meal plan everyday.
Debbie Davidson says
my future mother-in-law swears by this stuff....she has lowered her blood sugar, dropped some weight...her doc told her she'd had the best blood test results she's ever had.
Darrell C says
For those wondering about Heinz, it doesn't have the properties of organic ACV because it has been pasteurized and cooked. To get the growth hormone, as well as various bacterium that aid against infections (similar to honey) you need Mother. "Normal" cooking vinegar has that cooked out of it.
I use it on my skin to treat eczema and I'm amazed at how well it works.
Amy says
John Crooks-You do want to get the bulk of your carbs from Veggies but you also remember that you can subtract the fiber from your carbs. So if you eat a veg that has 10g carbs but has 5g of fiber then your net carbs will be 5g net carbs. I don't know if you were already doing that but it is helpful. Also I am not sure what low carb diet you are following. As 50 seems a little high, most low carb diets I have done are between 20g for woman and 30g for men. Happy low carbing! Good luck!
Nava says
Jeanette, you really must dilute it in water, otherwise it's hard on your tooth enamel, and it could irritate your stomach as well.
Vicky says
This is something I'm going to try. Pray for me ! Will let you all know the results.
Sylvie says
I've use this for 3 years. The results are amazing. I lost 9 pound in first 6 weeks.
But most important, I had constipation for many years, now I can have stool 2 to 3 times a day. (Depending of how many meals I take per day)
So the ACV is wonderful but must be organic with mother.(I buy mine from Trader Joe"s)
Sams says
Should i it be taken in warm or cold water?
Nava says
I don't think it really matters, but room temperature is always best.
Rebekah says
I've been taking Bragg's for 2 months now. 2 tbl spoons with lemon with warm water 2x daily. Yes warm water helps.. I feel great. I eat less. Don't feel bloated. I don't have an issue sleeping at night at all. This stuff is great.
Heather says
ACV and water is more than my taste buds can handle! - will it work the same if I use juice instead of water?
Lilly says
just tried it on monday, hopefully it will work
nnena says
Is American garden brand of ACV a good substitute of Bragg's ACV?? i have hunted everywhere for bragg. still cant get my hands on it.
Nava says
Hello -- the ACV needs to be raw, unfiltered, and organic. I'm not familiar with American garden. You can find Bragg online, like on Amazon, if American garden doesn't have those qualities.
Pam says
You can get whiteHouse organic acv at Walmart!!
pacada says
i used it with one lemon and a honey... drink it every morning
Candys says
Just picked a journey with ACV,I strongly believe in positivity ....I remain hopeful though
Candy says
I have been using for 2 months, it does work. shrinks stomach and lowers blood sugar. Twice a day before breakfast and before dinner. Walk two miles a day 5 days a week. Sat sun off eat fruit and vegetables drink plenty of water. Sweets 1 a week low carbs and more protein. It is also a inflammation a enzymes called phosphate. Dont stop once you start it takes time for your body to ajust to it. 100% WORKS MY OPINION!!!!
Andrew Hewman says
This stuff is legit, I can definitely notice the difference.
ross stephens says
im guessing the liquid form is much better for you right?
Nava says
Oh, yes. Whenever you take something in supplement form, you never really know what you're getting.
Kelly says
I have the found the biggest benefit is how it kills my appetite. I get the worst cravings late at night and apple cider vinegar helps so much.
patricia says
Can you use this in your hair?
Nava says
Patricia, I believe some of the commenters have used this in their hair to make it shiny.
alex morgan says
as others have said, can I mix it with juice rather than water? I literally cannot stand the taste.
Jamie says
Best article I've read on apple cider vinegar, great info.
To echo what has already been said.. avoid ACV in pill form if possible. It must be organic and contain the 'mother' to reap the full benefits.
I personally like to add ACV to Organifi green juice, which is basically a mixture of all the best super foods in one. Quick, easy and very nutritious. Here's what I'm talking about:
When you give your body what it needs, it's incredible how much better you look and feel for it. Always choose natural ingredients... Mother nature has everything you need!
Avanel fredericks says
i have been drinking it 3 times a day an it really wrks u do lose weights'
charmaine says
Hi. How many time a day must I drink it?
Khungeka says
I want to start to use it how do I use it
Chesca says
Hi, I just started drinking ACV today. Is it okay if I just drink once a day? Thank you. 🙂
sara says
I drink a tablespoon of ACV in 8 ounces of water at bedtime. I have lost 4pounds in a week. Something must be working. I am also on a low carb no sweets or processed food diet.
Maddy says
Really agree with Jamie's comment March 2nd. Whenever I increase my veggies/greens, I get ++ bloating and gas. Will ACV help with this too?
I am i will take ACD at night time
Mrs. Ahmed says
I'm taking ACV 4 weeks now but I have not lost any weight. And I'm doing 3 mile walk 4 times a week as well.
Shira Giselle says
I searched about it for long days, Now only, I have come to know for good one. Its working for both men & women. I suggest that I burnt my 33Lbs Exactly 42 days routine simple workout and food. Its really awesome one!!! No words to say about it. Most of the people deceving in many sites to cure fat, Apart from that, I got this link and I following this.. Exact one. Now my hopes are still alive to burn fat.
brttyking says
Excellent post! Thank you for sharing Simple ways to help lose belly fat. Apple cider vinegar also has a compound called acetic acid, which turbocharges the body’s ability to burn fat and simultaneously hinders fat storage.
Jerrick says
I started drinking ACV for 4 days now every morning before breakfast and I have not seen the result yet.I think I should follow what is being advised here. Taking it 3 times a day before meal.
Shanni says
If you want to lose stomach fat and lose weight, then you gotta take a fat burner - thats the only way that worked for me - even when I changed my diet, I still needed something extra. The Dr Max Powers Burn supplements worked in about 2-3 days - I saw a difference. Its been one month now and I've lost about 21 pounds. No weird side effects.
Lizzy says
Works great
Benson says
I can definitely tell the difference, thanks.
sheila says
Will try this tomorrow!
Asu Manda says
very good i hope to try
Kate says
Just cant stand the taste but will hopefully get used to it.
Ren says
I've got used to the taste now. Like anything when you have it enough, it doesnt taste that bad.
Ken says
I've been drinking it once every morning before breakfast. (Just a tablespoon) Will I notice more of a difference if I have it in the evening too?
naomi says
think if i combine this with my running i will lose some weight. thanks
ashley fritz says
I've lost 3 pounds. Not sure if thats down to apple cider vinegar or changing my diet. Maybe both
john says
drink it 3x a day before meal time it can lower ur hunger level
Steven says
I agree john. I think that's one of the main benefits of ACV. It suppresses your appetite which is helpful for weight loss.
Shinji says
this is great tips it will surely help
Ryan says
Really excited to try this. I will update with results.
Lily says
Cant wait to try this thanks!
Greta says
Anybody tried this on their skin and hair? If so how much so you dilute it?
Ryan says
Day 3 and I'm a little over 2 lbs down. Skin looks a little better too but could be placebo.
Ryan says
Also I've found it gives me a bit more alertness first thing in the morning. Definitely not the placebo effect.
Vik says
do you need to exercise when taking this? To loose weight?
Kytnam says
Helpful information, many thanks.
Caitlyn says
Does anybody know if Heinz is a good brand? I only ask because my local shop sell it. I see a lot of people saying Braggs is the best. Does it matter?
bobby says
Its a wonder cure for sinus, sinus headaches body pain , keeps you fit. I just take brisk walk and drink it with green tea.
Harris says
Caitlyn I dont think it matters, it just has to be organic and contain the mother.
Harris says
Greta, I personallly dilute it half and half. Maybe just a little more water than ACV
lamal says
how many times a day we gotta drink this?
cynthia says
I was recommended apple cider vinegar by a friend and I'm amazed I've never heard of it. I've bought some and I will drink it before breakfast.
Rochelle N. says
ACV is effective for weight loss and helps detoxify bad toxins in our body.
saima says
I read somewhere that it's better if you drink it in warm water.. is this true? I don't see how it can make a difference. I prefer it when the water is cold.
Kendra May says
I've been researching ACV and this is the most helpful article I've found. Thank you for sharing this great information for free!
Harriet says
Saima I dont think it makes a difference. I drink with cold water and I've noticed the benefits
Avery T says
I've ordered some, now cant wait to try.
Avery T says
Does it matter what foods you eat when taking this? I think I need to cut out the pasta.. my weakness.
Mikel says
I drink before every meal works good
Shaun says
I just started today I wanna see if it really work I just need to shed a few pounds. Thanks for the advise
Steven says
Avery, a healthy diet is always going to help. You just need to keep it in moderation.
pacada says
I was recommend for lower blood sugar. I can try. Thanks
pauline says
The taste made me nauseous at first but getting used to it.
Jimmy says
I've been using for 4 weeks and have lost 4 kg. I feel great. My clothes fit better. My confidence is up and last week I picked up a girl for the first time in ages.
Ashley says
For those saying they don't like the taste, the trick is to mix it with something that overpowers it. I like to put it in my smoothies and I can't even taste the vinegar.
I'm currently on day 6 of the 10 day smoothie cleanse and I've lost 8 pounds so far. I have much more energy too. I'm going to continue adding ACV because of all the health benefits. Here's a link to the 10 day cleanse if anyone else wants to start it:
I also don't crave sugar or junk food anywhere near as much now.
Camil says
Decided to go with Braggs, I hope it helps!
rachel says
I've been using acv along with my diet pills phentermine and where i should've lost anywhere from 15 to 18 lbs in the first month.... using acv along with my diet pills i've lost 30 lbs and even after im done taking the pills im going to continue taking acv in my water or juice along with a little lemon juice
ryuzaki says
what is the main benifits of apple cider vinegar?
Aneka says
I think apple cider vinegar works well for fat loss. I mean ultimately it comes down to your diet, that's what will give you the best results. Although I find that ACV helps control my appetite and I'm less hungry.
If you're unsure about the diet side of things I recommend checking out: which works really well.
I also think I'm one of the few people on here who loves the taste of ACV with just water. I love the bitter taste!
Nava says
We have an article on its benefits here:
Dakota says
I've just started the acv diet along with my family I like to mix mine with juice to mask the taste better and I can say it has suppressed the appetite which I love due to myself being a college student and when I'm bored it's easier for me to eat so instead I take some juice already mixed with acv to drink to help me throughout the day
Theresa says
How much should you drink of the apple cider vinegar
Felipe says
Is there a limit on how many days will i drink it?
xxlekxx says
What about the other brand of acv? Is it still effective?
jill says
I take Apple Cider Vinegar pills. Do you think this is as effective as taking the ACV liguid?
jill says
Is Apple Cider Vinegar pills as effective as the ACV liquid?
Jackson says
yes or no, does acv hep one lose weight?
Rakesh Sapra says
Very surprising story of mine.I have lost 1.5kg weight just in 7 days.I take 10 ml ACV with 100 ml of plain water very before breakfast and before dinner.That weight lose is from my waist.
Nas Brooks says
What's a good acv to get an where can I buy phetermine
jillian miller says
I bought a bottle of apple cidar vinegar with the mother just wanna know more it. I wanna start losing weight around my waist line and my stomach do i use it
judy says
I keep mine in the refrigerator and read where someone said to leave it out? Please advise what needs done once its open. I know its on the regular shelves at the grocery store, never thought about leaving it out of the fridge. ? Any advise here? Thanks.
Maribel ornelas says
Hi i just bought the acv i would like to know is it possible to drink it before each meal im asking cause i dont do lunch i have breakfast and dinner or does it have to be after a meal
Christa says
Oh my goodness,i bought some of the organic ACV today. Unfiltered. I havent started as of yet,but did walk myself through all of these wonderful testimonys. I did have a question for anyone knowing this" what is the difference between the unfiltered and filted. Will they not work the same? Ive put 50 lbs on since my wreck 3 years ago and cant exercise,but can eat right. I really hopes this helps me. I woukd love to follow or talk to others on this. Anyone want to make a facebook or intagram on ACV dieting so we can all stay intouch and see everyone's progress??
Im Christa Seay Hylton on fb or Mtgirl4now on Instagram. Send me a message about this. New people i dont add unless i know you...sorry.
Ogochukwu says
how will i know the filtered and unfiltered
i have been drinking the briggs organic for weeks, yet to see obvious result.
please i need advices because i increase from 60 kg to 70kg. i need to shed 10kg. i don't need the additional weight. its annoying
Amber says
Ive heard ACV can help fade vericose veins....Is this true? Do you dilute and how do you apply?
William Madison says
There are no magic foods. Some foods may help you suppress your appetite a little. Some other foods may slightly increase your metabolic rate. Unfortunately, the effect is miniscule. The only way to really lose fat is to consume fewer calories than you burn. This way your body will tap into the fat stores to get the energy it needs.
Mary says
i am on day 2. I am still not convinced I will lose weight. I have so many things wrong, so hope it will make me feel better. When will I start seeing results for the diet side of this?
Mary Brey says
I ve just started the diet but have numerous other problems. When will I notice any results? Like weight lose, more energy, feel better?
Jasmine says
What's a good juice to add it to? And does the brand mater?
Hil says
You have to be careful too that you\'re not restricting your calories too much. If you do, you\'ll lose a lot at first, but then you metabolism will change. Not only will you plateau, but you\'ll start feeling like garbage.
Go to a trustworthy calorie calculator and run your stats. You will see a calorie total you can\'t believe, but do eat at least that much, or you will not be able to sustain your weight loss. Good luck!
Janne says
Dear all, I have been using ACV (2 teaspoons in glass of water, three times a day) for about a month. Its is not a miracle cure, of course, but I did lose 1 kg. (without further diet) and feel good. To me, it is an easy way to improve my health and weight a little bit. If you need to lose much weight, ACV alone is not going to cut it!
An important warning though (which the article does not mention): because it is so sour, ACV will damage your teeth and stomach lining if you do not dilute it, and even diluted it can damage your teeth a little, so I RINSE my mouth with water afterwards. Good luck!
Ann Magoon says
I have to honestly say that the ACV really works for losing weight. When I started to take the ACV for low stomach acid, 1 TBSP in as much water before meals about 3 weeks ago, I knew it helped lose weight but that wasn't my focus for taking it. In fact, I was planning on trying to lose weight one more time because I have changes in my life and want to be slim, usually nothing works for me after years of trying, after menopause all efforts were futile. For this purpose I found a digital scale at a good price and was surprised to find I had lost 19 lbs.I was in shock, I wasn't expecting this. This was only after 2.5 weeks of starting with the ACV, since then I have lost another 3 lbs. I am down to 243 from 265. Mind you I am also taking digestive enzymes with my meals, so that might account for helping the ACV.
Patricia Lucero says
I bought a bottle months ago and it's been sitting in my cupboard mm..... so after reading all these testimonials I think I will give it a shot.
Victoia bly says
I have pcos so i thought i couldnt have kids. Well i started the acv thing and within 3 months i was pregnant. Just a thought this might be a healing for pcos!!!
Wanda says
ThAnk u .. Good info
tammy says
I mix mine with 4 0z grapefruit juice then I add 4 0z water. Pure cranberry is good too. Then I add a little slice of lemon, a pinch of cayenne and a pinch of cinnamon. Its fabulous!
nancy says
will taking ACV cause gastic problem? Can ACV added with prune juice?
Naseema ally says
It's a slow process
JBM says
where can this AVC be bought at???
Nava says
Any natural foods store! Many large supermarkets carry it as well.
Nava says
As long as you don't overdo it, and don't take it straight — always with water or juice — it should cause no problems. Not sure about the prune juice, though.
Adam says
ACV is not a great source of potassium. It contains barely a trace. One raisin has more potassium than a serving of acv.
Amina Nasir says
Hi Dear I am drinking it 3 times a day with water from a month I didn't reduce anything yet and I feel more hungry after this so what shall I do. Thanks
Sara says
I tried diluting ACV and found that I couldn't finish the cup without gagging and being on the verge of throwing up, so instead, I take a big sip out of the bottle before every meal. It makes me feel like I'm going to die for a minute, but I find that more tolerable, since there's no second sip required.
Deb says
Sara....... Do not drink it undiluted. It will rot your insides. It's not good to do that. I take it with equal amounts of water. I take 1tbsp of each.
Hanna Williams says
i am using american gardens one . is it good
Rin Rin says
I just bought a bottle an organic of ACV Braggs unfiltered .
Will keep you updated about the result..
shiku says
does the ASV have a bad smell coz that can make me fail using it
Lio says
Shiku, the smell isnt the best but you can always mix it with juice like others have suggested.
Lio says
The article on the benefits of ACV is even more interesting, I never would've known
Pronta says
I think after a while, you learn to like the taste. Your body adjusts to it after drinking it every day for months.
Pronta says
Didn't realize some people drank it undiluted!? Doesnt that burn your throat? I have slightly more water than acv
Casey says
Can I just buy the tablets from my local supermarket? Will it help me lose weight? Thanks
Nava says
Casey, the tablets don't work as well as the actual ACV.
Ashna says
Casey, it has to be the organic liquid form of apple cider vinegar. Many people make the mistake of buying the tablets, but you wont get the full benefits this way.
To your second question “Will it help me lose weight?” The answer is yes and no. It helps in the sense that it suppresses your appetite and prevents cravings. Think of apple cider vinegar as a great tool to help with weight loss.
If your goal is to lose weight, check out the Venus Factor. It’s designed specifically for women and works amazingly well. You can find it at:
ACV is worth it for your health alone. There's another great article on here on all the benefits. Hope this helps.
Ken says
Im hoping it helps with acid reflux
Apoorv says
Hi , I have recently started using acv,I feel few cramps in and around my has swelled a bit and is very tight since I started using it. could u plz suggest y is it happening?
Nava says
Are you diluting the ACV as suggested? If this persists, though, you should stop taking it. It's hard to know why it disagrees with you, but since you have this kind of reaction, it's best not to take it.
Olivia L Escoto says
How long does Braggs Organic Apple Cider last in the Fridge? Does it have an experation date on it? I had some in the fridge for several months because I had forgotten about it and so I through it out because I saw the "mother" in it and didn't know what it was.
Maria E Moreno-Esteban says
Is it safe to drink apple cider vinegar while breastfeeding??
Ronzu says
Where I Can buy Bragg ACV (with the Mother) in Bangladesh.
Mario Salazar says
Corinna Goodlett says
Why does it have to be organic?
Teresa says
Apple cider vinegar does not have to be refrigerated
Cheska says
I have recently taking the ACV for my acid reflux and I have a spleen enlargement. Will this help? Hope to hear back from u. Thanks
Nava says
Cheska, for medical conditions we recommend that you consult with a Registered Dietician. We're not qualified to give this kind of advice. Good luck!
jewell cohen says
would appreciate the 'formula' of ACV with apple juice and slice of lemon? thanks
Tamm says
I am worried as I have been taking ACV of healthkart since three weeks bt didnt loose weight...pls reply Y dt happened..?? SHALL I CARRY ON N WAIT?
Tamm says
Is it ok to use ACV of healthkart with mother..
Sannah says
hello! I used to drink acv every morning and at bedtime for almost a month, after a month I had heavy period for two weeks, and by that time I was not seeing my period for almost five years.
Ansari sarah says
Its really helpful
Serina says
I just bought Organic ACV today and I am excited to start, although I hear it helps to suppress cravings, which is what I need, I exercise daily the most 4-5 days a week if not more, I also have thyroid issues. SO hopefully I can drop my last 20 lbs... I will keep you all updated.
yvette claiborne says
yes its help my sugar and keep under control,and I also put in my salad.
Angel says
ive been in all kinds of diet. I always envy my sister who is so slim because she naturally have small appetite and eat healthy. I, on the other hand was always hungry but i choose my food well most of the time. And as i grow older i just can feel the pounds taking in regardless of what i do but Thank God i accidentally read about garcinia cambodia and ACV article but i chose to drop the GC and instead take the ACV alone with water. And it is a miracle for me! I dont have hanger pangs in the morning or evening!basically the whole day!It is the most amazing experience in my life!now i wear size 2 or size 0, like the way i was in HS!(i'm 4'llft). Before i read about this but didn;t even bother to try because i just thought i would gag or vomit from it but luckily whenever i have my flow i will always crave for a soda and that one time instead of that i opt for ACV and water mixed and boy oh boy i never looked back. This time instead of water this is what i drink(i make it cold, it makes it drinkable and appealing to me). I uses bpa free staw to protect me teeth of course. Everytime i drink this i feel like i'm drinking soda instead! Now i feel young with the ideal appetite for food!!I wish some people struggling with weight loss will be encouraged and be helped(healed)like me. PS I buy AC at trader joes. it's organic and very affordable.
Heidi Stone says
I read to drink 2tbs with a cup of water do I drink it first thing in the morning or at bedtime
Heidi Stone says
Do I drink this morning or afternoon
vanessa says
Im on day two of drinking ACV all i can say is it makes me eat less i do find that my stomach hurts with cramps and i found out that its normal I'm doing 2 tablespoons of ACV and about 6-8 oz of water i actually don't mind the taste and i take mine in the morning and at night and all i feel is a bit of stomach pain and using the bathroom a lot more sorry if thats TMI hope this helps
Nancy says
I too love apple cider vinegar. So much so that I googled how to make it myself.
Perhaps that idea could appeal to some?
It's easier than the instructions make it out to be. Try it, you will, I am sure, be glad you did.
Deborah says
I am an older lady an I have been on a diet of 1200 calories a day, I know not much but it got so I was not losing any weight! All I did was go down 1/2 pad back up and I got mad, 1200 calories is not much surely there has got to be something. I started this ACV, AND THE WEIGHT STARTED FALLING OFF! I could not believe it, I take it 2 teaspoon ACV, 1drop of honey , an a dap of sweet-n-low in a glass of water before ever meal. Now I have had some cramping, and I urinate a lot Which I see as a good thing
Momma of 3 says
I'm going to start this on Monday!!! Hope it works! Any suggestions I wanna lose 45 pounds! Thank you
dave says
don'i eat food for 6 days only 1 cup of grapefruit juice and two tbsp of apple cider vinegar and 1 tbsp honey .That will help you loose weght very very fast and it will not come back on.
Roger says
Can you take too much of the Apple vinegar can you put it in every glass of water you drink on a daily basis for example I drink about eight bottles of water a day can I added to each bottle?
Nava says
Roger, personally I think that would be hard on your stomach and teeth. Best to take it about a half hour before meals as recommended in the post.
Ms. Rogee McLennan says
Why do you say to use " Organic Appel Cider Vinegar", What about the plain Jane kind from a Safeway Store?? It doesn't say anything about " organic". Just that it's been Diluted with water to 5% ACIDITY!
IS THIS THE SAME THING, with out the word posted > ORGANIC????
Ejane says
Hi. I wanted to try this ACV for losing weight. What are the side effectsvwhen you took ACV for the first time.. Also,is ACV good for person's with hyperacidity?
Much appreciated on you reply.
Mark cynthia says
Hi,pls I hv been using 2 tablespoon of ACV wit 1lemon and 1tablespoon of honey wit water for lik two weeks now and instead of curbing down my appetite;its increasing it and I hv not seen any improvement.I want to know y is it so
Nombuso K says
Hi . I have started using the AVC (mother) along with a cv tablets and gracing tablets as well. I noticed that I don't have cravings for food and when I do I just have a fruit instead.I also work out at home Zumba and other exercises. Can't wait to see the results. ..
Jennifer Coker says
I am 41 and I have to take meds that make you gain weight will the apple cider ving still help me if I walk and drink it three times a day.
Mani says
I started ACV nov 14th more than 2 weeks now I already lost more than 6 lb. It's really decrease the appetite. Plz try this it will work. Use Braggs ACV. raw unfiltered with mother
VK says
Hi all because of heavy weight I'm suffering from many issues. Now I want to reduce my weight. I want to know the duration time of ACv and how it works ? I want to reduce 1000 claories per day.
Thanks in advance..
Abby says
Im 5'6" height. Weight 145lbs after giving birth. I heard this ACV thing from FB. Taking 2tsp.ACV + 1tsp.turmeric + 1peppercorn + 1cup water 2x/day before meals. It's my 2nd day today. So let's see. I need to loss weight. Aiming for 125lbs (like my college weight)
Pollie says
It says I should drink before meals but is it still going to help if I drink it after meals?
Sandy says
Could I put the vinegar in a smoothie instead of water?
Tracy says
Hi I have to lose 100lbs is this something i should try
Mario diz says
It tastes so bad!!!!
April says
I have fibromyalgia and the weight gain is ridiculous! My dad used ACV years ago- worked for him! I see people adding other stuff besides the ACV to that necessary or just for taste? I just want to lose this weight - preferably 50-60 pounds(more would be great!). So, 1-2 teaspoons in a glass of water 3 times a day(before meals)...what if my appetite is off and I only eat twice? I guess I'll find out. If any other advice, please advise- thanks!
pearl says
would it b good for blood pressure patients
Kim Kay Gordon says
Can you use apple cider vinegar. Not organic.
Nava says
Pearl, you'd need to ask your MD about this; we're not in a position to give medical advice. Good luck!
Nava says
Kim, this works best with organic raw unfiltered ACV.
Kim says
I literally felt this mixture hit my stomach. It was not a good feelin! Immediately, my face became flush as if I had been sunburnt! This is a negative reaction. As a nurse, I KNOW this is my body's way of rejecting the intake. If this happens to you, please STOP! If you are dead-set on continuing, consult your MD!
Nava says
Kim, you may need to cut it with more water if you continue to use this.
Dorothy James says
I started using the acv a few days ago. Some stomach cramps,but not really bad. I'm taking it to help control my eating and hopefully to shed some pounds. I will give update later on in the weeks ahead.
Dorothy says
I started using acv few days ago. So, I'm going to see what happens in the next few weeks. My purpose for taking it is to help control my eating and craving. Also, hope to shed a few pounds. I which everyone success while taking acv!☺ I will give an update in the weeks ahead.
Pronto says
If you're getting stomach cramps, try diluting the ACV with more water. This can help.
For weight loss.. I find the main benefit is appetite control. You might lose a couple of pounds but real weight results are achieved through a solid diet program. If you are trying to lose weight, there’s a brilliant program at:
ACV is worth it for all the health benefits alone. I will continue to take it for the rest of my life. Brilliant stuff.
soony says
great tips. will try
LK says
Can be any brand, but it needs to be with the mother or it really doesn't work.
Nava says
June, that is correct. It doesn't have to be Bragg, but it has to be raw and unfiltered ACV. Preferably organic as well.
Theresa Cole says
I started ACV yesterday hopefully it will help me to lose a few pounds
Lryn says
I started using the ACV on January first and I have already lost 4.8 pounds but I have also been eating healthy. Steamed vegetables and salmon. Raw fruits and such. L
Orlando C says
I'm having serious stomach cramps. I diluted the ACV with water and even after 14 hours, still having cramps.
Shirley Browning says
I am on 3 wks no wate is shell on will start 8 oz of water in morning
renice says
It gives great results. I started 1 month ago and have already lost 4kgs. It's really controlling my appetite.
AYisha says
Do you have to workout when using apple cider vinegar to speed process
Lisa M Rodriguez says
Started yesterday, helps with the appetite, also helps if you work out, even if its only 30 to 45 minutes.
imran khan says
Helpful Tips.
I had small Question. I stay in kuwait. Here we have .Apple vinegar only. Dont find Apple cidar vinegar. So its helpful . I go with .Only Apple Vinegar. ? Regrds.
Brenda Mayhew says
I started using Braggs Apple Cider Vinegar on January 5th already feel thinner it differently has made me fell fuller
Cassie says
Started apple cider vinegar diet this week already down a kg. Haven't even changed my diet much. My stomach is already getting a bit flatter. Might try it for a month to see how it works.
Lea says
Can it be any kind of Apple cider vinegar?
Crystal says
How does everyone take it. And can it be any brand as different countries have different brands. ?
Rajalakshmi says
ACV to be taken with warm water or normal water ??
T R says
So, I have heard you dilute 1-2 tbs. in warm water. Then, this says 1-2 tsp. in water. So what is it? 1-2 tbs. or 1-2 tsp.? Warm water, or cold water?
Karen Hebert says
Do you have to take this with a diet pill are just by itself with water?
Nava says
Karen, we don't recommend diet pills at all.
Nava says
As you prefer, Rajalakshmi!
Nava says
Crystal, it can be a different brand, but it does have to be the raw unfiltered kind. Preferably organic.
Nava says
Lea, it should be the raw unfiltered kind. Preferably organic.
Angie Garcia says
Where do you buy the Braggs apple cider vinegar and. How often do I take it
Jojo says
I take some thermogenic on days I work out (3x a week; AM; fasting) so I take amino acid too. I go to OrangeTheory so it's pretty intense workout. My problem is curbing my appetite which is worse of course on days I workout.. is it safe for me to try ACV 3 times a day before meals? What if I take it during mornings when I take the thermogenic and amino acid?
Angela says
I just started today so I will see how it works but I am also changing the way I eat! I have egg, toast on wheat and fruit in the mornings! A salad or soup for lunch and maybe the same for dinner ! Cutting back on breads!
Nava says
Good luck, Angela! I can tell you that just cutting back on bread will work wonders. Bread-y things are so hard to digest.
Kara says
I just started taking ACV today hope to see results soon!
Shay says
I purchased to bottles today not at all happy with my weight espically my stomach fat I'm excited to see results i know it wont happen overnight however I've heard so many great story about others results after using ACV..I'll keep in touch.
Suzanne king says
Can you please tell me how big a glass of water to 1-2 drops of vintager
bri says
I have purchased Braggs today, I hope I get good results
Patrick says
I just started yesterday. The next morning I had Gout attack (right toe). Should I stop taking vinegar.
Jennifer Wilson says
I am 41 years old and very overweight. I have been seriously thinking of trying ACV in combination with a garcinia cambogia pill. Has anyone else in my age bracket(40 to 50) done this and how well did it work for you?
Cyndi says
I started acv on the first day of January until now. I already lost 3kg . TBTG. I don't eat rice and as much as possible I walk
Reshma says
Acv is just great.i use it everyday plus diet and work out..for the past week...I lost 11 lbs
Dena Spencer says
I've been on the acv two months I also walk almost everyday I've lost 19 pounds the holidays got me but I'm back on track. Good luck to you all.
Jessie says
I am to start ACV tonite. Hope to see result in a month. Good Luck to me.
Dana Neal says
I started ACV about a yr. ago. I love it...taste and all. I put 2-3 tbsp in my thermo cup with about 8 oz of water and a 1/4 cup of my favorite juice, i.e. apple or aloe vera juice. I also started putting a tsp. of cayenne pepper in the drink. Love it! BUT I HAVE TO STOP DRINKING IT! I'm losing weight!! And Im aready small and it took me a lifetime to gain my weight and when I finally did and later began to drink ACV I lost my extra pounds!! Bummer! Now I have to start all over again trying to gain weight. I know for many of u this isn't your problem so what I would say is yes! Give it a try. I believe it will help u shed ur unwanted pounds. It also took away water retention and I stop having swelling in my feet in the morning. Blessings to all!
sugarbaby says
I am going to start this should I use lemon and honey and plus I work out three time a week how fast will I see result
SS123 says
I have apple cider vinegar at home but it is without mother......can I still use it....will I lose weight????
Plzz reply....
I have to start tomorrow. ..
Nava says
From what I understand, it's not the same ...
Kaitlin Marie Henderson says
Has anyone acually seen this work?
Aimee says
I am starting this too! I have bought some for my hubby and I. We both need to lose weight after giving up smoking.. . I also have IBS and he has been getting very bad indigestion. So fingers crossed and I will keep you posted
MMay says
Been using this on and off but it upsets my stomach for hours every single time. I would like to continue and be on a more regular schedule, but the stomach upset is intolerable. Has anyone had this issue and found a way around it ? Any suggestions would be appreciated. Good luck everyone! Best wishes reaching your health and weight goals!
Sue Hardyway says
I take two pills twice a day and no drinks!! I've lost 75 pounds and over 70 inches overall and I feel great!!! Find me on Facebook for pictures and information!!!
Muloh says
i've been using thi ACV in few years ago. and i stoped using it because i lost like 10kg. but now i'm also gaining some kg. tommorow will start using it again. I'm tllng u guyz this ACV is real working for diet. gud luck evryone who using
Megs says
I bought today, very excited to start
Kristin says
How does everyone get past the TASTE? I'm having a difficult time getting it down.
SS123 says
Does it means that there will b no result.....???
I am 14...can I still use it?
SS123 says
Does it mean that there will be no change. ..??
I am 14...will it work on me??
Haylea-Ann says
Can you just take a straight shot of 2tsps of ACV and then drink a glass of water? I tried drinking it in the water and I could barely get it down because of the taste lasting so long... I would rather just get it down fast then get rid of the taste with water.
Maribel says
Maribel Vigo I star it today.I use Colangen pills can I keep using it even tho I start with the AvC
Nava says
Kristin, try taking it in a cup of apple juice or tomato juice. In tomato juice, you barely taste it at all ...
Nava says
If you take it straight, even in that small amount, it's hard on the stomach and teeth. As I suggested to another reader, try taking it in a glass of juice. You hardly taste it at all in tomato juice. Apple juice is good, too.
Efna says
Hey Nava. Is there a brand you would recommend in particular? Thanks
Rita says
Does it matter if you take it before or after meal?
Rayden says
Really helpful, thanks.
Rayden says
Going to start off with 1 tablespoon every morning.
Sherica says
How long after starting will you see change because I been doing it for couple days and I feel like I'm gaining
Sandra Galinanes says
I started ACV on January 10, 2017. I started taking it because I have gallstones, but I have noticed that I have lost 3lbs since then. I exercise 4 times a week. It's hard for me to lose weight, and I have been stuck on the same weight for a long time. I know that ACV has a lot of health benefits, but didn't know about the weight lose. I am excited that I stumbled into it and I hope I can lose some more weight. I mix 1 tablespoon of ACV with apple juice and 1 tablespoon of lemon juice. I drink it in the morning 30 minutes before breakfast. I use Braggs ACV unfiltered raw. In the afternoon, I drink another cup of ACV 1 tablespoon with Apple Juice. I hope this helps and encourages you to try it out.
ismail asmal says
about 30 years ago i suffered from wheezing and asthma. After going through the usual routine of steroids,nebulizers and pumps with a whole range of medication, i was told about ACV and i tried it.After only one week of the concoction, my asthma was GONE!! incredible.
now im gonna try ACV for weight loss and hope that my weight goes right down. Ismail Asmal
Aminah Muhammad says
I started drinking ACV every morning & at bedtime starting Jan 1, 2017. As of Jan 17, I have lost inches of my waistline and 3 pounds. However, I discovered that drinking it at night wasn't good for me because I seems to not be able to go to sleep I was getting energy
Alikah says
I think ACV is a great strategy for weight loss. As people have already pointed out, it's great for appetite control
Alikah says
I think the most important thing is being consistent. It will take time to see results!
Rayden says
Definitely can tell the effect it has on appetite. Already excited to keep this going. I will report back on results
Nava says
Efna, a lot of people swear by Bragg, but you can use any brand as long as it's raw, organic and unfiltered.
Nava says
Rita, most people do this before meals.
Teresa Elliott says
Well I been taking apple cider vinegar for 2 months it has worked wonderful for me it really burns fat and it suppress my appitite I love that. I tried everything but I couldnt lose the weight until I start using it. It tastes bad but I still drink it. What I do is pure some in a bottle of water and drink it during the day and it burns everything.
Lea says
I think before meals also. Much better in my opinion
Lea says
I think if you take ACV after your meal, you're not getting the benefit of how it controls your appetite.
Tablespoon of ACV with just water before every meal.
Ivy says
Aminah Muhammad.... are you exercising with it too or just the acv??
Tyesha says
How many minutes before eating should I drink this
Anin says
Aminah, I also find ACV gives me energy. It's a good substitute for caffeine
Anin says
The only bad thing is the taste... but most things that are good for you taste bad lol. I have to dilute it in a lot of water
Dorah says
I have been drinking ACV for the past week put i noticed i gain weight
Sony says
do we need to have it before meal or after meal? some say before gng to bed hv ACV for weightloss..
Mel says
Take it in soda water. It tastes just like cider yum yum
Levi says
Sorry if this is a really stupid question but does it have to be mixed with water?
Levi says
I think Id prefer to put it in my morning smoothie so I cant taste it. Way too strong for me
Pren says
Mel thats a really good suggestion. Will try
Sharon E Johnson says
I just started doing this 2 tblsp and 8 oz of water. I can feel a difference. One question, can it cause diarrhea. I am taking it by spoon full and then drinking water. My stomach does have an odd feeling drinking straight. I'm going to go to mixing in tea and see if that helps. Just wondered if anyone has developed diarrhea just from starting this regiment. I think I'm going to like this way of diet help. I will be starting an exercise program in a couple weeks. Thanks in advance for information.
GayLynne Boutte' says
I like it in water as a wine substitute with Italian food. Saw a recipe recently with orange juice.1 cup o.j., 2 t. cider vinegar...add honey or stevia if still has bad taste.
Courtney Emery says
I started taking Acv, december 28.2016
Almost a month now, and i am down an incredible 16lbs and have so much energy!!!
I mix 2tbs with a glass of warm water 3x a day before each meal. And i replaced my salt with Acv. Its amazimg how beneficial this is and i only found about it 3weeks ago!
Cassandra says
I just started drinking it today and I drink mine with a half teaspoon of honey half teaspoon of cinnamon half teaspoon of lemon juice and 8oz of water.
Anoa says
I love this stuff, it gives me energy. Is it true that you can also put it in your hair?
Mickey says
The article says teaspoons but a few of the comments say tablespoons, which one is it actually? Also if you are juicing do you take it before or can you mix it in and still get all the other benefits?
Jenna says
I am a terrible person and tend to not eat breakfast most mornings. Does it have an effect if you don't eat after drinking it?
Shikha says
I have just ordered Apple Cider Vinegar. Lets see how it would work. Will update again after 2 weeks.
Anx says
Jenna, not eating breakfast is fine despite what most people will tell you. Many people do intermittent fasting which involves skipping breakfast with no ill effects.
Anx says
Mickey, you can take a tablespoon, that's what I've always done.
Pat says
ACV is brilliant stuff. Also recommend coconut oil which is really good too
shika says
If I put this on my skin and hair, how much water should I dilute it with?
shika says
I'm thinking a 50/50 solution of water and acv.. maybe a little more water. Hoping this works
Shawn says
It help with my blood pressure... my blood pressure was always high. Been taking meds. For it for two years.... Always 156/89 or 146/83 I goes to the Dr. Monday and it was 123/83 I take 2 tablespoons with warm water every morning and before I go to bed... was down well ( In 3 weeks) no workout. Just drunk this.
incey says
Great tips, thank you.
Tom T says
I started taking it Sunday 3 times a day when I caught a cold/flu. It's now the Saturday 6 days later. Cold/flu was mostly gone on Wednesday. This morning I weigh 3 pounds less than I did on Sunday, 6 days ago and I have not been eating less. As a mater of fact, I've clearly been eating more as I try to eat more when I have a cold or flu. I exercise everyday for 60 minutes but have been doing that for a long time so no difference there. I'm sold on this and will continue to take it daily even though I'm no longer sick.
Anin says
Shawn that's awesome. Didn't realise it could have such a drastic effect on blood pressure
Rina says
i will try for a few weeks and see results
Rina says
do i just continue my normal eating and weight will go down? also the taste of the vinegar is really bad. but most things that taste bad are good for you lol 🙁
Shannon says
I started drinking with cranberry juice...every morning and's the only way I could get it down. Haven't weighed or anything else....wonder if it still works with cranberry juice..anybody know?
Chaxx says
Rina, ACV mainly helps with appetite control which assists in weight loss. It just makes losing weight that little bit easier. Combined with a good diet it can be very helpful so it's definitely worth it. As previously suggested, there's a really effective diet program at:
As for the taste.. a lot of people like to mix it with fruit juice. I personally go with orange juice because it masks the ACV taste well. Hope this helps!
Ash says
Helpful article, looks promising.
EMILY says
I'm starting this today! Read ALOT of comments and it sounds promising. It tastes horrible though. And I'm makin my boyfriend do it with me so I'm not the only one that has to suffer
Nora says
I try out this last year in November with a diet plan and i can't believe my eyes when i weight myself and saw the result.Plus its make me sleep well at night and my body just feels great no more headaches.
Nancy Ortega says
I started drinking this like four days ago. I took it as directed with water 2 tbs vinager lemon cayenne pepper and cinnamon. 2 x a day before meals with healthy meals. I'm happy to say that I feel different. I lost 1.7 pds so far and feel light like a feather. I will be weighing myself weekly from here on in
M Welch says
I myself have only been taking it for a couple days but I use splenda with lemon juice,And water I heat it up a little on the microwave and drink it,it actually taste great ,but I also use the ultimate garcinia pills
Terrance W. says
I'm ready to give this a try!!
Brandy Shipp says
I just started today trying this.. I was wondering if anyone has tried it with the packets that u put in water. I can't get past the taste of anyone can help I would like that.
Kim says
Just tryed it with manuka active honey for sweetness and benifits.
Pam says
yes do this
1 cup of vinegar
1 cup of honey
2 quarts of water
shake well
take 3 sips 3 times a day
can be refrIgerate
Michael Wayne Lenling says
I am ready to give it a try faithfully for one month.
Ellen says
I started this today. The taste is really bad but wanted to try to see how it works for me. I have a 13 year old daughter who is pre-diabetic. I make her follow a healthy diet trying to keep her weight down, but she's hit a point that she doesn't want to diet anymore. Any ideas on what to make it taste better so she will drink it and hopefully help her with her health issues.
Alicia says
Can I just take a shot of acv 3 x a day and chug a glass of water after? Do I have to eat within 30min after? And does it have to be a full meal?
racheal Hoyle says
will be trying this today and i will follow up to let people know
Jen says
Just started ACV this evening. First I tried it in water but just couldn't get it down. I had Diet 7up in the house so I used that. It actually made me only want to drink 7up with ACV. Extremely great flavors to mix. Highly recommend.
Megan says
I couldn't do it! I got sick after the second drink! How do u guys get it down?
Ebony says
I've been drinking1 tablepoon of acv and 1 tablespoon of honey in a glass of warm water twice a day for the last month and I could honestly say I see a big difference in my skin and my weight... it works for me
Cathy says
This is my second day of drinking acv before my meals. I'm hoping to test it out for the month and see my results. It's tough to drink, but I'm rather familiar with eh taste. My family has always used acv as their "go-to" for things such as acne, stomach aches, sore throats, etc. I know it does work for those things, I've just never consistently used it for weight loss. My tip is to just mix it in about 8 oz. of water and gulp it down all at once without any breaks. The longer you take to drink it, the nastier it tastes.
Lisa-Marie A Baker says
Honestly i use a 200ml measuring cup
-30mls (1 tablespoon) of organic honey ($10.90 frm coles)
- 2tablespoons of moderatly hot warm water to dissolve honey
- 60mls (2Tablespoons) of ACV with 'mother' ($6.49 chemist warehouse)
- top it up with chilled water
I have lost my cravings for junk food, almost illiminating any sugary junks and truely do find my self craving fresh food way more than before. I wake up lighter sleep deeper and my skin is way better- funny thing is aswell is that i actually find myself telling the kids to hurry up cos i wanna "play" in the yard. I wanna burn the energy its weird but amazing aswell! - this is only after 8days i make it as soon as i wake up and slowly drink it as i make the kids breakky then as i prep dinner i have my second one. I have more energy and am yet to weigh myself, for me this is about having better energy levels to be stay at home mum. Any weight loss is a benifit. I
Felice forte says
Sifa says
Well, Hi there,I just started drinking the ACV for almost two weeks now, I don't if it is just me or anyone out there have experienced this maybe the ACV is not going with my body, my stomach is getting big with just gas or air whatever you want to call it . And I don't eat at all, I have only been eating once per day and that's only if my friends force me to, also I have got a lot white discharge from my V* which freaked me out for four days and it doesn't seem like it can be out easy. Please someone answer me, I have faith that ACV would also work for me but white stuff from my V* it's not fun at all
Gina Martinez says
I love Bragg's ACV.. My weight was 213Lbs and a size 24 and in 4 month's I'm at 125Lbs and a size 10 .I mix 1tbs of Bragg's ACV & 1tbs of honey with 1 full glass of warm water before bed & 1st thing in the morning .You must have the wilpower to want the fat off of you in order to lose it like I did .
Sandie says
I'm willing to give this a try...
Joelle says
Alicia I was doing shots but from what I read that may not be a good ideal as it can burn your esophagus and irritate the lining of your stomach. I suggest mixing it with something.
Dr Pat Barton says
I take one teaspoon in a little warm water before breakfast but will try before other meals too. I also take a Garcinia tab with some water straight after drinking down the ACV which I can't taste because I hold my nose while drinking it. Three days later and I can feel the reduced appetite for junk food already!
Amy says
Should I be doing 2 TABELSPOONS or 2 TEASPOONS
twice a day? I've been mixing with about a cup of OJ and it goes down smooth. I rinse my mouth out with water after for a couple of seconds.
Carmen says
I started using ACV in Sept. as a health supplement, did not know it was also induced weight loss. BE CAREFUL & monitor your weight, I've lost 12lbs I did not need to lose,& losing more at a rapid rate. I took 10ml with an ounce of any juice just once in the morning. Rinse mouth afterwards as it eats away at tooth enamel. Overall it has greatly helped my health.
Jan says
I mix the vinegar with my daily berrocca n the morning, can just taste it but I think its refreshing, cleans the mouth and tongue, I've only starting taking it so don't know if I hve lost weight, but fingers crossed. Good Luck everyone Jan
Tauna Cowin says
I have high blood pressure will apple cider vinegar help keep it as well
Angel says
I started the acv diet about a week and a half ago I take 3tbs with a glass of sunny Dee sweet and smooth and you can't even taste iit I also take the garcinia pill at 1st I was just drinking one glass a day and the pill but now I take the pill in the morning with one glass and one at night with my dinner it has boosted my energy by 1000 foreal I work 2 jobs mom-fri and have a 5&6 year old and I'm able to get up with out a problem because of you knew me I was the lazyest person in America I have been craving veggies and fruits a lot I tried to eat a piece of donut last night and had no want for it it does help me sleep better I weighed my self Wednesday and I had lost 8lbs I was so excited and I wana start weighing myself every month on the same date so I'll be weighting in again feb25th hope more sheds off I have faith good luck everyone!!
Courtney J says
Just started this plan yesterday, I drink 8oz ginger ale + 1tbs ACV (3× a day), that's the only way I can get it down. Already I can feel my digestive system responding to the ACV, looking forward to my results by the end of February!
Also, HIGHLY recommend that you eat while doing this! Wouldn't want to burn a hole through your stomach!
Michele says
I'm on day 2 and last night I slept like a baby and was surprised because I didnt know that AC would do that. So, that is a first benefit I'm going all the way with this!
eross says
started drinking this 2 weeks ago. I took it as directed with warm water 4 tbsp vinegar lemon juice cayenne pepper and raw honey. once a day before breakfast with healthy meal lunch. work out 1 hr a day, 4 days wk, I’m happy to say that I feel different, skin is clearer, and can notice my tummy doesn't look or feel bloated.
Mallik says
Hi I started taking ACV,warmwater,honey during early morning from today and from afternoon i have got loose motions is it because of the above can anyone pl suggest...
Pamela Schmidlin says
I just started a few days ago mixing it with water and the juice of one lemon.......SHould I increase it to every meal or is once a day fine for results!!
Sandy says
I absolutely love the assistance of the Apple Cider & Honey in the morning and night, along with a daily gym routine. For 2017, my plan is to respect my body instead of abusing it with fast foods. Being 45, is a powerful number and I'd like to be around for my grandchildren. Great article as well!! We have to do this girls', for ourselves!!
Coops says
I have doubts about the credibility of an article that says something is "unhealthful"
Amber Roszman says
Do you have to use the organic apple cider vinager or can you use any of the apple cider vinager.
Gail Goodwin says
I'm starting this today I have tried everything a friend at work is doing this and she has lost 27 pounds so far I hope it works for me
Jaanu says
I can vouch losing the muffin top has some merit, by drinking appx 2tspn of ACV, with a pinch of baking powder.
I stumbled upon this as was researching what may be causing facial excema on me. My research indicated one of the reasons for this can be "leaky gut", anyways long and short of it, is that within 3wks of using ACV, I saw my muffin top/belly bulge significantly diminished. yet to find out if it'll help with the excema...
Adrienne says
I get around the taste by treating myself to "Naked" juices. They are available at most stores. So far, the orange based, mango based and carrot juices have worked fine. I put 2 tablespoons of the ACV in the 15 oz. bottle, shake well, then drink 1/2 of the bottle twice a day. It also helps to do the mixing ahead of time, like the night before, to give the flavors time to blend well.
CHris says
I mix it with club soda. The fizz makes it much easier to drink. I saw a lot of people mix it with fruit juice but that's so much sugar I can't understand why you'd want to do that?
Jenn says
Would it still work if I just take shots of acv and then the water. I can't get pass the taste!
Barb Fischer says
I have been taking this for a month don't know if it helped with weight loss but I think it has helped with my crohns disease and energy level
Rita says
Does unfiltered apple cider vinegar do the same job
Nava says
Amber, it's best to use ACV that's both organic and unfiltered.
Shel says
Do you all follow a specific weight loss program or do you lose strictly as a result of the AVC?
maria says
I don't know about this comments from this people can you loose weight with vinegar? Do you have to do exercises and diet? How you doing this? Please can someone help me.
Margie says
I definitely love this I am so doing it every day I already see a difference in my body and I do work out of the gym three or four times a week thank you everyone for sharing all your comments I couldn't be happier
Janel says
Just started this. Mixed with cranberry juice, water and ice in my yeti cup. we shall see if this works. will try mixing with other drinks too. I read somewhere else that some used it to cook rice!
janel says
yes diet and excerise
Michelle says
I started January 8th at 193lbs my weight today is 183! I'm less hungry, no cravings. I started eating mostly fruits, veggies and good fats like alvacodos and almonds. I'm looking forward to my summer body. I'm so happy....I onl y use Bragg ACV. The hardest part is starting the routine everything else will follow if you stick to it.
Larna says
Great article. It's been said already but make sure you buy the raw, unfiltered apple cider vinegar. (This is important) Many people make the mistake of buying the tablets which are just not the same. Organic ACV contains something called the 'mother' which contains strands of proteins, enzymes and friendly bacteria. (Basically this is the stuff full of goodness) If you want to maximise weight loss and health benefits there's a very helpful guide at:
You can pick up a bottle of ACV for about $10 and it lasts for ages. It's a brilliant bang for your buck. Coconut oil is great stuff too!
Tiffany says
I have got Whitehouse raw unfiltered organic apple cider vinegar with the mother in it and I'm going to use it 3 times a day before meals and see what happens.
JIll says
I started almost 2 weeks ago and have lost about 7 lbs so far. Of course, no crappy food and no junk food. Trying to be cautious of what I eat. Its hard to drink as the taste is GROSS but I slam it in a little water.
Kayla says
I mixed mine with water, lemon juice, honey, cinnamon and cayenne pepper. Will it still be as effective or should I just take the teaspoons as a shot with watter??
joanna pena says
what other liquids can u drink it with.. I tried and I cant keep it down.
Susan says
I put a lemon slice in mine,doesn't tats bad at all! I just started two days ago we shall see!
Sexy peaches says
Well I want to know did it really work ok Jan.31, may first day ok.I will give two with looking at the scale
Evelyn Bolden says
Do you suppose to eat full meals before taking the ginger vinger? And does walking help for exercising
Evelyn Bolden says
Do you eat full meals? Before taking the vinger and does walking helps for exercise?
Dannetta winn says
Today Fed 1, 2017 I'm goin to start the Bragg's apple cider vinegar let's see how it goes
Di'Achki says
Thanks for your comment Tiffany, I bought the same exact brand of apple cider vinegar (Whitehouse), so we shall see. Reading the testimonial's has got me excited! i'm starting today.
kevin says
let's see how it works as I start,from kenya
Denese says
I will start this today also! I have been struggling for months!!! I eat right I exercise but can't budge a pound. Maybe just maybe!!!
Dolores says
I'm starting today. I'll post an update on my progress 2 weeks from now.
Daniela says
I plan to start tomorrow and will post my results in 2 weeks!!
Mea says
@ Evelyn Bolden, you drink the ACV before you eat your meals.
melissa says
Going to start this tomorrow , hope it works
Charla Taylor says
I bought the WhiteHouse ACV with the mother, raw and unfiltered, and the raw and unfiltered honey and lemon juice. I started yesterday February 1st and I'm going to see how it works for the first two weeks. Valentine day is my goal date. Good luck people...
LAURA says
Martin Rodriguez says
I recommend you guys drink it with metamucil fiber orange flavor, omg what a different . The taste is not that bad at all compared with drinking it with water by it self with the vinegar . And cut a small piece of lime or lemon , after to finish drinking the vinegar up with that metamucil fiber i sucked on the lime or lemon . Trust me the tasted will be reduced.
Liliana Tsourounis says
I started two days ago on January 30th weighing at 160 lbs! My goal is to loose 30 lbs. I will check the results again in two weeks!
Darlene Loughrey says
I just tried it today. Going to see what happens for the next 2 weeks.
Trina says
Starting today 2/2/17 I weigh 238 had back injury doing good now been trying for a year dieting excerise haven't lost a pound.
Beth Helber says
Starting tomorrow. Exercise and diet along with this. Will check in two weeks and see what has happened.
Jennifer huynh says
I started today 2-2-17. Weighing in at 135 and trying to lose that stubborn 10 pounds. Good lucks guys! We can do it
Jennifer huynh says
Started this today 2-2-17. Weighing in at 135 and trying to lose that stubborn 10 pounds. Good luck guys! We can do it
Suresh says
I started 2 months ago and using Bragg with mother (acv) and I am taking once in a day 8-9 ml before the meal, and also I am doing gym/excise every day, but so far my weight is almost remains same, would you any one share whether I should take before meal or?
Kim says
Hey everyone,
I just want to thank you all for comments, I've been trying to lose weight now for the past three years. It seems impossible. You all have gotten me psyched to start this regiment. In fact you got me so excited that I had to get out of bed to start it now instead of waiting till morning. I mixed two teaspoons with about 3 ounces of O.J. and it wasn't bad at all. I'm washing it down with some raspberry/lime seltzer. I can't wait to see if it works! 2/3/17
Wanda says
I have been on the apple cider vinegar for almost a month now I was 170 and now I weigh 145
Sheba Rawlins says
I just started this today am using Bragg organic raw unfiltered ACV. I take two tsp with water hope it works am over 200 pounds. What I want to know is what should u eat when taking ACV.
Marilyn says
I"m going to start today I hope it works.I weigh 136 lbs. My goal is 115 lbs.I'll keep in touch..,.
Vicki says
I started 12/01/16 was weighting 358 now Am down to 325 4:am i use 3 teaspoon of bragg 1 teaspoon raw honey 1 teaspoon real lemon juice microwave for 1 minutes drink it like coffee
ROZ says
GOING TO START THIS APPLE CIDER DIET SUNDAY,I'm HOPEFUL.Weight 156 starting,check back in two weeks.
Chris Rivas says
My name Chris Rivas from Port Arthur Tx I've been taking Bragg's apple cider vinegar forr the past 2 days I have lost 3 pounds feeling pretty good if you take it twice a day in the morning and at night it will make a total difference in your body it's truly a fountain of youth
Chris Rivas says
My name Chris Rivas from Port Arthur Tx I've been taking Bragg's apple cider vinegar
For the pass 2 days I have lost 3 pounds feeling pretty good if you take it twice a day in the morning and that night it will make a total difference in your body it's truly
A fountain of youth )
Keri Nelson says
Started this morning, been working out very regularly. I hope adding this to the mix helps give me a boost! I mixed mine in 4oz. of filtered water and blended in agave juice, that took the edge off nicely!
Nathy says
I just bought a bottle of it, I'm starting tonight with 2 TBSP. if you mix it with lemon juice or detox aloe vera, you'll see more results soon. I can't wait for my 2 weeks check.
Leigh says
I am very intrigued by this! I have just ordered the Braggs that everyone seems to recommend, so we shall see what happens!!
Dipak Patil says
Besides all these health benefits of apple cider vinegar, it can also be use as Natural beauty products to enhance your hair and skin beauty. You can use it as a conditioner after shampooing your hair. The alpha hydroxyl acid content in ACV help to cure your skin from acne and pimples.
KIm says
I lost 5 lbs in the last 2weeks using the apple cider vinegar, 2 teaspoons twice a day. I mix it with a 1/2 cup water and drink it, once in the morning and then evening before dinner. It has been staving my appetite. I have not been craving sweets.
Nash says
Hi , where can I buy it ?
LeaAnne Mercalf says
NASH you can get BRAGGS at Walmart. I picked mine up tonight, starting tomorrow. My friend drinks hers with hot water and the natural unfiltered and raw honey. I weigh about 260ish, getting correct weight in morning. I hurt my back in 2012, and have a 10lb weight limit.
Let's see what 2 weeks brings.....
Ann says
Starting today 4th Feb . Weighing in at 147 lbs looking to lose 14 lbs . Wish me luck
Kathy says
I weigh 248. Starting diet today. Great encouraging comments. Will update in 2 weeks.
Nava says
You can also order Bragg on Amazon, and most natural foods stores (and even some large supermarkets with natural foods sections) carry it.
Denise says
Is it 2 teaspoons or tablespoons, everybody is different.
Kelly kent says
Does the hienz acv work the same?
Addison says
Some great info on this page. I also did some research and found out there was a study in 2009 that supports the weight loss claims. Here's a small extract from it: "At the end of the study, the people who drank one of the beverages with vinegar had less belly fat, lower triglycerides and waist measurements, and a lower body weight and BMI, compared to the no-vinegar group."
I believe ACV combined with a good diet plan works well for fat loss. (Just don't make the mistake of cutting out carbs altogether.) Contrary to popular belief you can eat lots of carbs and still lose weight. There's a really good guide on this at:
One other thing... if your teeth are sensitive, it might be worth drinking acv through a straw. (Apparently it can be quite harsh on tooth enamel.)
Maggie says
I started last Sunday Jan 29 2017 I was waigthing 196 giving it time so I can waight my self next week !! I hope it work ive been drinking mine with only water and 2 tsp or avc
Maggie says
I started Sunday the 29 acv with water I seen how it work by next week started at weagthing 196
Dana Veihl says
I'm starting tomarrow. Let's be vinegar buddies
RENEE says
Hi all
Good to see so many positive reviews on this acv
I too have started on this on the 31st Jan 17 and alreDy lost 3 kilos.. not much I know but only just under a week so see how this goes. I have also cut out a lot of soft drink and bread.
Good luck everyone
Shaide Tallent says
I started this diet and put the acv in juice with honey I will have to see what the scale says next week when I weigh in.
Angie glover says
I started on jan 25th 2017 will be weighing myself on the 15th of feb. Wish me luck. I weighed 179 so we will see. I do 2 tbs braggs 1/2 tsp of honey. Ya it has 60 cal in 1 tbs but raw honey is good for u. And i only do 1/2 so its 30 cal. And 8 oz of hot water. Do it only 2 times a day. Morning and 6am and again at 4pm.
Jane Taylor says
I have under attack thyriod, will it work for me?
Anna says
Can I use any apple cider or do i have to use a specific brand
Klb says
Bragg Organic "Raw-Unfiltered" w/'Mother' is most populat but Heinz has an ACV w/'Mother' also
Blezzung says
Should acv goes with cold water,I like in cold water easy 4me to drink,but hard in wrm water..
Marilyn Thomas says
I started February 4th weighing 188lbs. I'll weigh again this Saturday to see if any difference. I feel as though my stomach has gone down. We will see.
Marilyn Thomas says
Hello. I started taking acv Feb 4th. I'll weigh in again this coming Saturday. I feel as though I've lost stomach fat. Idk will see.
Carole says
I have started on tablet form started at 76 kilos on Friday already 73 kilos. Cut out carbs too
I lost a lot of weight says
It does help. I was weight like 168 lbs but after 3 weeks I weighted 140 lbs.
Dawn says
I Started taking ACV Feb 6. We will see if this diet does work. weight is 152 lbs. I need to drop 20 pounds. Wish me luck!!
Nava says
Jane, we can't give medical advice here; please consult with your MD or a Registered Dietician.
Nava says
As long as it's raw and unfiltered (with "the mother" in it); but it's good to use an organic brand if you'll be taking it regularly.
Sue Steiner says
HI ladies. Ive just started today on ACV. Like the taste.. Im weighing in at 98kg and am a size 18/20. Will cut out milk drinks and will take a natural appetiite suppressant to try and half the meal sizes. See how it goes. Im really praying for something to work and I figure this is worth trying. Good luck all.
Melissa Cadena says
I have read the effects of acv is like a marathon not a sprint so don't get discouraged if you don't notice a change in one week. I have been doing this for six weeks and have already lost weight plus my digestive tract feels clean.
Kathy says
Hello, I started Today 2/7/17. I weigh 178 I have to lose about 30 lbs. I keep you informed on how Im doing.
Wendy Stanworth says
Do you mix the vinegar with the water?
JUDY says
Nicole says
I will be starting tomorrow 2/8 I an also going to cut carbs out of my life. I weigh 289 and my first goal is weigh 280 then I will move on. I will let you know how it goes.
Bobbi says
Can I just take 1-2 tbsp of the ACV straight? Without diluting it with water? I'd much rather just get it over with quick.
v. siler says
I wonder if you could drink acv with warm water like a tea, and still have positive results. I'm going to try the acv and water, with garcinia cambogia. I'm really looking forward to doing this.
Marie Zamudio says
Starte today
Julie says
Hi, i will be starting this tomorrow 9/2/2017. I am hoping to see lots of weight disappear lol, i weigh 105kg will let you all know next Thursday how the 1st week went 16/2/2017.
Jury says
I started acv today and im 180 pounds will see if this one works for me. Ill try a lot of stuff and disnt work will see this one
jodie says
Started 3 days ago, no results yet.
Nava says
Judy, we're not qualified to give medical advice. Please consult with your MD or a Registered Dietician about this!
Nava says
Yes, the vinegar goes in water; or another beverage if you prefer.
josh yoder says
I use this 2-3 times daily. I mix two tablespoons of Braggs with the honey already in it. I use a dash of cayenne, a dash of cinnamon and two tablespoons of lemon juice. Add 6-8 ounces of water. i did not like the taste at first. After a couple glasses, I now look forward to taking it and love the taste.
Moni says
Can you mix it with anything
Bunny says
Good Morning 🙂
Started today 2/8/17 weighing in at 329lbs & hoping to see results throughout the next few weeks. I also cut out salty foods and snacking (all the bad foods) lol. Hope it works. Ill keep you guys updated. Good luck to everyone else 🙂 Stay Blessed!
sondra Armstrong says
Im a mom weighing and need to go weigh on. 😉 I hope this creates baby steps on my losing weight journey and satisfies cravings...
cream says
i weight 223lb last saturday and i started on sunday wish me luck to keep continueand check weight after 2 weeks
Barb says
I am drinking this with sugar free cranberry juice, don't like the taste with just water, hope that works
AngelW says
Can u use any acv
Sephelia Franklin says
I just started this apple cider vinegar diet today need to lose at least 30 lbs . I am very committed wish me luck.
Sephelia Franklin
Tammy Alexander says
Here goes..... I will see how it works. I like to put about 25ml in a wine glass and fill with filtered water. It tastes no worse than a bad wine and i can have it socially with friends that drink wine so don't feel like i'm missing anything other than the hangover the next day 🙂
Maria says
I started this on jan 9 at 190 pounds, today makes a month and i am 175 pounds so it does work. i drink 3 teaspoons of apple cider vinegar with 2 teaspoons of aloe and 2 oz of water. it is nasty thats why i make it this way so i can just take it as a shot. i do it 30 min before meal. i also try to eat at least 2 hours before bed time. i do not exercise and i do not diet but all my meals are home cook and i do not fry food. i also suffer from fibromyalgia and i have not suffered from chronic pain since i started. also my glucose has been in control from 200 it has go stable on a 125. i'm happy with this product and i recommend. good luck on your journey ladies!!!
Stephanie says
What about apply cider vinegar tablets?
Malisa Baldwin says
Hi, I just started today 2-9-2017 I weigh 225 need to loose 50 pounds by next month I will keep you posted. Good luck to everyone I'm try it with water and juice also.
Maria Nunez says
I started today hope I can lose weight before my wedding weight 189
Valerie says
All of your comments have really helped and I have hope. I plan to start this Sunday. I will be cutting out bread, fried foods and sodas for the next 6 weeks in hopes to shed a least 10lbs and 5 inches from my waist. Good Luck to us all looking for a healthier YOU!
Coralina says
Been doing this with Garcinia Cambogia for about 2 weeks and already down 14 LBS. Absolutely loving this!!!
Rosanna Ramirez says
I am 168 pounds will start today 02/10/17> Wish me luck I would love to shed at least 15 or more pounds by my birthday in May.
Iris Centonze says
Hi am starting today am at 185 looking to loose at least 50 pounds,and hoping it helps me with my sugar problem and blood pressure. Wish me luck !!!
Tabitha says
Hey everyone! I recently found at Smiths a juice variation made by Braggs. It looks almost like the Apple Cider Vinegar featured on the page but with added flavors! There are 3 flavors that I have found. Apple-Cinnamon, Pomegranate-Goji Berry and Concord Grape-Acia Berry. I havent tried them yet but Im excited to now that Ive read some of these comments. They are very low calorie drinks and low sugars. I particularly love that they are a christian based company and have the quote, " Heres to Health,Peace and Love" 3 John 2 I want to wish everyone the best of luck and Ill post my progress soon 🙂
Frankie Caraballo says
I have tried it, it does work. But keep in mind that the acid will break down the enamel on your teeth. So, I recommend using a straw to drink.
Tina says
I am starting this today 2/10/17 I am 245 I just went though a divorce and food have been my comfort. I've gain 30lbs In 6 months try to take off 45 before June'
Stephanie says
I am beginning this adventure on 02-11-17 with the expectations that this is going to be the aid I need to lose the fat around the belly area. Wish me well.
Liz says
Hey Nava. I eat 6 small meals per day. Shall I have a small amount of ACV before each meal? Thanks
Liz says
Or is it best to just stick with the 3x/day recommendation?
Martha says
I've started my ACV today 2/11/17 hoping to loose weight by summer time. Do you loose 1 pound a week or what should we expect in order to determine it is working?
Donna M Powell says
I'm. Starting today for health reasons belly fat and waistline must go 172 pds. Is too much for my frame of 5' 5".
Rina says
Can i put this in my smoothie or is that cheating lol
Rina says
Just cant seem to stomach it with water
Orb says
I've noticed the difference in my skin, great stuff.
g says
for how long should i take it? 1 month, 2 months..... i know 3 times a day 1-2 tsp of cider vinegar mix w/ water before meal.
Lorra says
Can you drink after meal or does it have to be before
Diane says
i'm going to start trying this. I hope it works.
Mandy says
Make it into tea it tastes much better add some brown sugar for a little flavor.
Iinton says
Love ACV, I will it take every day from now on.
SDiggy Halm says
how much would I loose per week if I take it 3xa day
with a glass of water each time
.Beverly laurenza says
I have started few weeks ago and have lost 4 lbs without really dieting.
Hapnen says
SDiggy its hard to say, a lot depends on your diet also.
Hapnen says
Just try to be consistent with the ACV and have smaller portions of food. It works well
Susan says
I can't seem to lose weight. I've been trying everything I can think of and I'm also Type II Diabetic so I have to deal with carb count and calories...I hope this helps.
Laura says
I'm going start this tomorrow 2-13-17.
Hoping to loose 55 lbs and maintain the weight ! 5'7 @ 228
That's too much weight for that height. Will keep you posted on results 🙂
Trish says
Imy going to start this tomorrow wish me luck
catherine waruingi says
hi i'm starting the diet today hoping for the best with this information is very helpful
Hali Schultz says
Hey i am trying this today! a friend of mine has done this since december and she has lost INCHES around the belly she looks fab!!!
Leonie says
I bought mine yesterday and am about to start on this journey, I'm five feet six inches and weigh over 200lbs 🙁 I've been struggling for a long time to lose weight. So far I've started using Organic Agave Syrup instead of refined sugar to adding this to my regime may increase the results.
Martha says
I'm starting tomorrow 2/14/17 I've tried everything so let see if this works I'll keep you posted. Wish me luck
Kathy says
I started 2/7/17. Down 2 pounds. Found that if I mix it with Diet 7 Up goes down easily.
I was holding my nose.
Chris says
I've been doing this for about a week now, I started 02/08/17 and it's 02/13/17. After just a week I've already lost 6 lbs. I just take 2 tbsp with 12oz of water as soon as I wake up weather it's with food or not and 2 more times throughout the day just befor I eat. I've also been eating healthier so that probably has some play in it. So good luck everyone, I hope it works for you too.
Hamik says
I see what people mean about suppressing appetite, this stuff definitely works. Instead of reaching for the biscuits, have a tablespoon of ACV 🙂
Hamik says
Kathy I haven't thought about using soda. I will try it with diet 7 up
Victor says
@Rina I agree...I mixed 1tbsn acv with 8oz water and 1 tbsn of raw organic honey...I must say it's not bad at all
Patty says
I tried drinking it with water last week, it was really hard to tolerate. Today I started again but mixed it with a little Wylers sugar free Pink Lemonade and I could barely taste it.
Maxune says
With warm water and two mint leaves is quite nice. I also added a tsp of Manuka honey.
Donna R says
I started mine last week and my pants slide on so easy today and my stomach bloat is down tremendously.
mareta tekotia says
is this true those is work
Tasia says
So if I'm not so much dieting but I'm eating smaller portions do u think it will still help me. Also working out In the gym two to three times out the week, then I'm drinking more water now also.
Mia says
I bought my bottle today. Hopefully this works for me. Wish luck
David says
I just started this diet a few days ago but I weighed my self today. So It's officially started. I'm at 257pds, so lets' see how it goes.
Julea says
Donna I also found the same. Does wonders for stomach bloat
Julea says
Patty I think thats key to being consistent with acv every day. I couldnt stand it with water now I mix it with juice and its so much better.
Julea says
Mareta someone posted part of a study to back up the weight loss claims so I think there's good reason to believe this stuff works.
Terri White says
I am now starting this. It is hard to drink with a sour taste to it. But I weigh over 200 pda. And definitely need to loose a lot.I am desperate in ideas on making it taste better. I do like to know if I could just mix it in the food I eat instead of before I eat my meal.
Pam says
I found that taking 2 tbsp ACV in 8 oz cold water and one squirt of lemonade water enhancer , and you can't even taste it. Plus, the enhancer doesn't have any calories. I take it 3 times a day.
Vince says
Also wonder how this tastes with food. Will have to try
melissa says
started a week ago im down 5lbs no dieting at all
Terilee says
I'm starting this today .... well, actually tomorrow since today is more than half over now. I'm 140 so I'll check in a week and see if there is a difference.
Tasha says
I started this morning to support my daughter with her losing weight, but I cant stand to lose a little myself too. I just hope with everything i read researching this diet that I dont do anything wrong to hurt our body in the process. Wish us luck!
Ren says
Also found out you can put ACV on your skin/hair 🙂
Nicole says
Can you drink the acv straight?
Joanne Hijazi says
Going to start 2-15-17 will post if it works
KayBee says
Trying this ACV hopefully it helps . Im %'7 and over 200lbs would like to shed pounds for the summer so will be starting this 2/18/17
Maria says
I started doing the apple cider vinegar the 12th. Will let you know if it works.
Kevin Haigh says
Hoping to try this today ☺
Shaun Gove says
It works, I've been on it for three weeks a little different drink though. one tablespoon honey, two teaspoons of Apple cider vinegar and one cup of grapefruit juice. I've lost fourteen pounds and five inches of belly fat. i weighed 300 lbs when starting.
D G Me says
coming soon
Michael Butler says
Yes I'm Michael and my friend Natasha we're both getting on the ACV today will let you know in a month oh by the way her and I are eating healthy and she's lost eight pounds already now she want to lose the belly fat alright.
Maggie S says
Maggie S will start February 16 2017. need to loose 10lbs, will let you know if it works.
Tonya Clark says
Is it just 8oz of water or more.
Shunt'e says
Do it have to be just water that I drink it with for it to work?
Sherry says
I too will try this. I like vinegar water anyway so I will give a report in 2 weeks.
Flotinda Golden says
I am going to give it a try already purchased everything to help me reduce my A1C and more weight loss so hopefully in the next 3 months I can come off of medform medication.
Eujin Sace says
I started today, I already drink this morning and I feel that I'm already thin.
Viktoriya says
About to start the ACV and I hope I get the results I want!!!
Orlandis says
I started 2-13-17 I'll let you know if it works for me.
Tina says
Do you drink honey and apple cider vinegar and grapefruit three times a day or just every morning?
Joe Nichols says
I started four days ago and I'm down 6lbs
I think clearer and have more energy
Unbelievable I'll post more in a couple of weeks
Jason Thompson says
Will start today and give feed back in 2x weeks.
Jojo says
I just started it today need to lose maybe 15-20 pounds will come it back if it works
Rose Whittington says
I started Feburary 15 hope this works I have tried everything but I want to do it healthy. Let you know how I do
bunny says
I can't drink grapefruit because of a med that I have to take, is there any other fruit drink that I can take?
Anita says
I started 2 weeks ago. It definitely helps with digestion, metabolism, and appetite suppression. Will post more after weighing in this weekend, whether good or bad.
CesarLeo says
I'm starting this 02/17/17.. I started ketosis yesterday (No Carbs at all not even veggies/No Sugar) Going to drink this 3X a day. I'm 5'9 205lbs.. need to lose 30lbs.. will incorporate light exercise (40min of cardio) 3-4 times a week and veggies/fruits on March 1st... will post results!
kim says
while taking this do u need to work out?
Lony says
I'm sure it's nasty all alone, but do you need to take with something else to get the benefits or can I choke down only the ACV amount before meals? Is the water to make you fuller before you begin eating or just to dilute the ACV?
Arias says
I started drinking ACV in January but I just realized it was the wrong type (supermarket name brand) but I just started on 20-13-17 drinking the organic with "the mother" kind but I have to say that even with drinking the wrong kind, I have not felt tired since I started driving ACV, I have been loosing belly fat but I've also been working out. My stomach is definitely feeling funny this week, so I guess it's working.
michelle sanders says
can u just take it without the water
Savannah S says
started tonight!
Angela says
Please give me any recipes or recommendations on best way to use cab. Thanks in advance.
ovic lafazes says
am starting tonite feb 16, 2017, will let you the result in a month
Missfitrovang says
It's really good in Fuji Apple flavored Sparkling Water. I put 2 tablespoons in 8 ounces and drink 3 times a day.
Nickole Floyd says
Don't drink it as a shooter by itself, in the end by doing that it starts to break down the esophagus and tooth enamel just FYI. I started this yesterday. Taking it and garcinia. Hoping for the best.
Smileme says
Start drinking acv today (17/02/2017) and mix it with pure honey and water hope it works for me.
lee says
started 5/01/17 using the tablet form lost 1st 8lb it defo works for me 😉
Fay Alford says
Starting today, hoping it works. I'm almost at 300 lbs and want/need to lose weight.
bonnie says
started today, im 5'0 and 155 lbs and at my height im " fat " , i drank one glass so far and i feel it inside my body. i know it sounds crazy but it is true... good luck to everyone and keep them updates coming
meagan says
Started today will comment again if this works...I really wish it does work on me .thighs and belly fat is my main concern 🙁
Kay Flett says
Is cider vinegar good for gout?
Timbervotti Tyke says
I'm starting ACV today. I'm 5'3" & weigh 185. I'm doing @ 45 min's cardio 4 days/week along with daily squats, planks & stretching. Will post my progress.
Best wishes & great results for everyone & thanks for sharing!
Mrs Foley says
I started taking this today. I'm sure it will work. I know several people who have been taking it for months. I've heard lots of great reports about BRAGGS APPLE CIDER VINEGAR.
Cynthia Diaz says
12lbs.....drinking Mothers 2 tablespoons in 8oz of water before each meal.....starting 02/19/ it 2 wks....should feel lighter......will see!
Michael Milkowski says
Well I heard about this from my sister she been doing for a month and has lost 29 pounds. So I'm going to try it weigh 287 pounds, and would like to lose 75 pounds so I will repost results in a month
Hilder says
Just starting it today, am 197lbs will post results in two weeks will also work out 3times aweek.
Elaine Arrey says
I heard about the ACV diet from a coworker & it has worked for her. I'm starting tomorrow 02/19/17. I'm 5'3 and weigh 182lbs. I'll post in 2x weeks my results. Wish me luck & good luck to every1 trying it..
Elaine Arrey says
Starting tomorrow 02/19/17. I'm 5'3 and 182lbs. I will post results in 2x weeks. Wish me luck and Good luck every1.
Chef Sean Dennis says
I start on the 16 of February 2017 and today is the 18 am feel thin and emptyou,. Suggested you drink before bed and first thing in the morning I drink it with apple juice and then a juice after
Beth says
It's 18th of February and I started BACV, i can't wait to see the results from this in a month! I'm excited about it too! I want to lose 60 pounds so here goes!
Helen De Nobrega says
I started 2/17/17. 3 times a day. I added a teaspoon turmeric to the drink. I was told to also take 3 table spoons of organic refined cocoanut oil as well. Let's see what happens. I'd like to lose 40 pound by June.
Dee Dee says
My husband and I drank our first dose with dinner last night. I will report back in a week. Is it 1/2 cup warm water with 2 tablespoons of the vinegar?
Emily M says
Ok, so where did the honey and grapefruit juice come in?? It only says here to drink the ACV and water.. so how are you really supposed to do it?? Details please?
I've already lost 40lbs doing a diet my dr put me on..guess some have said it's like the Atkins/south beach on no carbs or sugars for two weeks then reintroduce slowly.. works AMAZING for me! Would like to use this as the final booster I need!:)
Thanks in advance!
Greg Kevakian says
Is it two tablespoons or two teaspoons?
Dee says
I'm 5/0 140lbs want to loss 25lbs see what happens I started 2/15/17 Good luck to everyone
Jim says
I'm starting the ACV with garlic cloves and honey today. It's been steeping for 4 days as instructed. I'm doing this primarily in an attempt to lower my cholesterol. I recently had it checked at 275. If weight loss is also possible, great! I'll check back in 1 month and share my results.
Hilder says
For those who can't stomach ACV with water, you just need to mix it with something so you can't taste it. If you have a blender, mix it in a smoothie and you shouldn't be able to taste it at all. There are some good recipes at: - that overpower the ACV.
Usually the things that taste the worst, are the best for you. ACV definitely falls into that category lol.
amanda phillips says
I'm 5"6 286lbs I would like to get down 80lbs I'll be starting tomorrow 2/20/17 will see if this works
marie says
IM 5'5 and weight 160 pounds i want to lose 30 pounds ........pray for me and good luck to you all
Christopher Jaramillo says
I just started ACV today i have high hopes
Kate says
I'am 5"7 i weight 157 I would like to lose 25 pounds
I will start 2/20/17 Good lucky everyone.
Lori says
I love the flavor of Bragg Apple Cider Vinegar on salads. For me it is an added benefit the fact that it helps with weight loss and it is healthy.
I will remind myself to drink it before meals as recommended in this article.
Hossana Adorno says
I will start 2/21/17 I weight 284 pounds and I pray i can loose woo pounds. Well I will check within a month..good luck to all of us..
Hossana Adorno says
I weight 284 pounds. I will try to loose 100 pounds, starting 2/21/17. Good luck to all of us.
stephanie says
I am 5'6' and weigh 169 I want to lose 20 pounds.. starting this tomorrow... let's see how well this actually works!!
stephanie says
so im going to start this tomorrow...
5'6 169 hoping to lose 20pounds
Latesha says
Hi everyone i weigh in at 64kg would like to lose 10kgs. Started the Acv on the 16/01/17 hopefuly this does me some good
Joyce B says
I just heard about this and am going to start today to loose some weight. I'm a diabetic and sure hope this helps my sugar levels so I can get off medication. Wish me luck
Retha Thornton says
Hello everyone, I weigh 170 lbs and would like to lose 30 lbs. I started this diet on 2/18/17, and will inform of the results in one week. Good luck to you all!
Tanya Holmes says
Hi I'm 5'9 and weight is 364 2/20/17,im starting ACV today,i want to lose 180lbs.t . Holmes
Claudia Larsen says
We started 1 tablespoon in daily daily around 3 weeks ago. I have a Dr appt today and we will check my weight.
Cynthia Johnson says
I am starting the regiment on today. My goal is 15 lbs with a change in my eating habits.
Vbailey says
I mix mine with pineapple juice, the only way I can drink it. Just a little in t table spoons of ACV.
Sori says
I started taking ACV yesterday with Garcinia Cambogia. So far feeling great. I am also doing the Scarsdale Medical Diet. I am 5'3" and weigh 170 lbs. I am hoping to lose at least 40 lbs. I will check in soon. Good luck to everyone.
Sagal says
Hi I weight 168. I want to lose 40lbs
Star today 2/20/17
Brittany says
Started 2/16/17 @ 223lbs and its 2/20/17 & im at 219..
Betterme says
I am 5'5" and 239.6 lbs, and I start this tomorrow. Would like to lose 60 lbs by my birthday in 8 months. Wish me motivation ")
Kitty says
I am 5'5.5" I weighed 237 now 232, I lost 5 lbs so far and 95 lbs to go with the apple cider. I have been doing this diet for 1 week now
Stormy Lindsey says
I can't wait to see some of the follow up comments! I'm 43, 5'9", 155 pounds and normal weight for me is 137. I have had trouble losing weight for the first time ever after having my 4 year old daughter. My mom started this diet 2 weeks ago and looks amazing. She drinks 2 tablespoons twice daily. No strict diet or exercise, which are two things I'm going to utilize. Start date for me 2/19/17.
Melaney says
Ive read good things about ACV an some bad but im 5'8 an weight almost 300lb an would like to lose 150lb to get my body back. After i had my son 5years ago the weight seem to stay on an kept going. So im goung to pray like crazy that ACV works.
Orlean Taylor says
Hi my name is orlean I weigh 195 pounds I would like to lose 70 pounds I'm going to start the apple cider vinegar today and check back in with you in a month
precious says
Hi everyone,i weight 125 and hoping to lose 35
Ibs am starting tomorrow. wish me luck.
Robert t says
I'm 5ft8 I weight 190 I want to lose up to 35 lbs I started as of yesterday I drank it with water so good luck to everyone you have to continue with it to get the results you are seeking
Amanda says
I am 5'2 and weight 164.2 lbs. for the past two weeks I have been on the Mediterranean diet and have lost 6lbs. I had a friend tell me about ACV and I have started this today 2/20/17. I will have to keep everyone posted 🙂
Lisa says
Ok ima do it. starting in the morning! 2/21/2017. I'm going to lose 175
Heather says
I am 5'4 and weigh 190. I would like to lose 50 pounds. I will start 2/21/2017.
HaiL MarY says
Hi!! I just purchased the Bragg Organic Apple Cider Vinegar this evening. I had my first glass as instructed and it taste a little weird but I was able to stomach it. I was able to drink half (4oz.) in one continuous. I'm 5'6" and weigh 155lbs. I'm African American and have Thyroid Disease (I had my Thyroid removed in 2005). My goal weight is 130 but I will settle for 135-140. I will keep everyone posted in two weeks.
Felabrie says
I am 214 lbs at 5' 3" after having a baby 10 1/2 months ago. It seems I'm working out all day running after her but eating just as much. I seriously need to get motivated! I'm going to try the vinegar starting tomorrow to see if it helps as well. Good luck to everyone!
Kim k says
started 2 days ago good luck and hoe it works
Cecile says
I am 77 years old and I never in my life had to loose weight I am 5'1''and allmy life I was 115 pounds to 120pds but the last 5 years I gained lots of weight fat now I am 155 pds I am going to try this apple cider Vinegar because I try South beach diet does not work for me ,
Mindy Garris says
I'm 5'7 & 240 lbs started this in the am today. Added 2 tbs to my hot cup of tea. Made me go on the pot right away but, it's seems to be working in that aspect so far.
Kerishia says
I started this on 2-19-2017. It is definitely not good tasting lol. But I'm gonna keep at it. I've actually gained a few pounds but Im hoping since it's increased my appetite just a little I'll lose it soon. I have noticed I'm not as bloated and gassy. I'm going to try and make a tea out of it with natural honey just so it doesn't taste so bad.
John says
I started the acv dirink with welches pineapple orange and a Tablespoon of Honey. No taste at all. Heat the honey and acv in a small glass to dissolve the honey easier. I buy the welches 10 oz. bottles they come in six packs at wal mart for abot 2.99. Thats 1.50 a day = .50 each meal. Benn doing it for 4 weeks now and have lost 13 lbs. thats with normal exercise also. I'm 6' 310 was 323 shooting for 220 or 250.
cfostey says
starting today feb 21st 2017 185 #'S WANT TO LOSE 60#
Tiara says
I started this yesterday! I pray that within a week I can shed some pounds just like some of you. I'm 155 5'3 and my goal is 135... I'll be sure to come back with an update by Friday !
Iwearmanyhats says
My cousin did this and she dropped a LOT of weight, I know many people who have done this and it has worked for them.
I am starting today, it's a hard journey mixed with light exercise and low calorie meals. I am off of sodas and trying to do the gluten free as much as I can.
It's a new day... a new beginning. Good luck to all. I will check back in a month and give a progress report.
Stacey Bray says
I have been making a hot ACV drink with honey and can add cinnamon and Cayenne if you like. It's honestly a very pleasant drink!!
Melissa keen says
I'm 5'4" and 205.. I'm wanting to lose at least 50. Starting this in the morning.. I pray it helps along with the exercise program I'm doing.
Barbara Fernandez says
Well I'm trying today myself, I'm 49 yrs an weighing 160@5"1 want to lose 30 pounds, giving a week.
David schultz says
I started today with my first glass of apple cider vinegar and water. I should have read the directions. Way to much vinegar, that like to kill me. But every things good now. I read the formula. lol
Kim says
Hey everyone,
I would really appreciate some feedback, I started with the apple cider vinegar on February 3, 2017; I take 2 Tbs. 3 times a day with 3 ozs. of orange juice and follow it up with either a 12 oz can of seltzer or 16 oz bottle of water with lemon and lime. I cut back on bread and incorporated more fruit and salad into my diet. I see that a lot of you have lost weight using the acv with and without change to your diet or exercise, I actually gained a pound! I also noticed my stomach has felt MORE bloated! Anybody else??? I would love some feedback and any advice I can get.
Jose Reyes says
I just did it tonight with my husband gonna start doing it 3 times a day tomorrow along with my diet and exercise. hope you all get the weight your looking for.
Meghan Pittman says
HI! I'm between 5"5 and 5"6 I weigh 126.4 I want to get down to 100 or so. so I fix into my pants again!
Clare says
5'5" 118 want to get back to 110
Marybeth says
Starting this morning, 2/22.
Would like to lose 50 lbs over time by changing my habits in lots of small ways.
Everyone's comments have encouraged me!
Thank you!!! ☺
Vicious says
DO you have to use Bragg vinegar because I purchased Organic great value raw unfiltered Apple Cider Vinegar will that work!
Nava says
As long is organic, raw, and unfiltered, that's fine — doesn't have to be Bragg!
Jemma-lee says
Just wanting to know how is the ACV going for some people. I'm wanting to start but I'm wanting to know more about it.
Nava says
Read back through the comments; there is tons of feedback on how it's working for people!
Johna D says
I started 5 days ago, and I am already down 3lbs, I have never had so much energy!
I am 51 y/o 5'6 and weigh 155, I hope to get to 130lbs
I have noticed that I have been craving fruit, something that I might eat once a month or so, I am now eating daily. I am so excited!
Dianne Cawsey says
I have a problem with my stomach and I have to take medication for it. When I drink this with just water it burns my stomach, is there any other way i can take this?
Leo says
I'm breastfeeding can I still take apple cider veniger
Theresa says
okay i am gonna give this try ,I weigh 198 i would like to get back to 140 -130. I am 62 yrs, i just pray this works for me .Thank you for the information.... Today is 2/22/ ,2017
Dee DeOliveira says
I have been struggling with my weight since i turned 40, 12 years ago. I am going to start today and see if this works for me
DM says
I'm 6'1 @ 203#. I want to lose 35-40#. I started drinking ACV last weekend and could barely get past the taste. I've since started adding 1 tsp of honey to it.
Rebecca Lopez says
I'm 37y/o & 5ft even & i weight a Lil under 200, yeah i know, but bought this today, I've already been working out & I'm on somewhat of a diet, I'm hoping this will help me cause i wanna get down to about 130-120...cross your fingers for me guys! Good luck to all who try this..
Mama D says
Apple cider in tablet form may help with the stomach issue
Mama D says
I too started the acv. Not seeing the results I expected But with the OJ and seltzer, you may be sabotaging yourself. OJ has a lot of sugar slight weight gain and the seltzer has the sodium, bloating. That could be causing the issues you're having. Hope this helps.
Lucile says
I'm 5"9 297 pds i just started on saturday feb 18. I take my acv with 2 teaspoons of honey 1 tablespoon of acv 1 cup of grapefruit juice i feel a difference already in my whole body i eat 1 meal a day i eat fruit i will keep you inform
Jan says
I just started this also, I am 58 5 feet 6 and my weight is 185.
I want to get to a healthy 145-150
I find it gagging at most times, is the pill form as effective as liquid? Which juice low in sugar would be well mixed with?
I have already changed my eating habits, now just want to see it work!
sam says
Ive been drinking ACV and water daily for about 2 months. I haven't dropped massive amounts of weight because I still eat junk. But I have gone down from 175 lbs to about 168.
Laurica says
Thanks for the info. My coworker is a very fit lady and swears by this. She takes 1-2 teaspoons with a tablespoon of honey twice a day. I am excited to try this out. I read all the benefits, so even if I don't lose because of it, I think it will help with my health! 🙂
Diana says
I just started on this before meals. Really curbed my appetite. I put one teaspoon in a cup of hot tea. I'm already sugar free so it's somewhat bitter but it does the job. I would think adding honey to the tea would make it taste better but I'm sticking to my no sweets. However others may want to try it. I figure I'm not eating as much so that's gonna help me lose weight. Let's all hope for good results
Bonita says
I was180 lbs last week. Today i'm down 8 lbs by eliminating sugar, bred and meats. Starting tomorrow I wii take the ACV before my 2 meals. I want to fit the new outfits I just purchased that are perfect for my body when I'm 165 lbs. I need to lose a total of 15 lbs to get there. Thanks for all the useful comments.
Jennie says
Can u use any kind of acv I bought some it's not raw it's just acv? I put it in carbonated water is that OK?
sangay zam says
apple cider vinegar is really working for me to reduce my weight...i started last month and now i loss 4 kg without any work out.
Darrcy says
I foumd this article really helpfull as I am overweight and I am trying to lose weight with a suplemenet isagenix cleanse https:// for a month I have lost 30 lbs but I want more and I am thinking to try acv.
Sharie says
Can you take this while breastfeeding? My son is 22 months old,and I plan on weaning him at 2 years old.
Aleah says
I'may 43 and 186 lbs. Two weeks ago I was 191 lbs! Check out Thomas Delaurer's early morning drink on YouTube. It'seems with the apple cider vinegar, lemon juice, and cayenne pepper. I added turmeric for the anti-inflammatory properties. This is the easiest diet ever. I have tons of calm energy, and am just hopping it continues to work. I'don't like to get back to the 120s in pounds. 🙂
Nana says
I had the bartric surgery and I would like to know if I can drink the acv also to help speed up the process.
Stephanie says
I just started today. I had one drink in the morning on an empty stomach one couple water 1 teaspoon of raw honey and 1 teaspoon of apple cider vinegar. To be honest, it's very bitter and kind a hard to get down. I just made another one this time I'm using Green tea hot 1 teaspoon of the vinegar and 1 teaspoon of the raw honey. This method is going to be the way I drink this. You can still taste a slight bitterness but not nearly as bad if you just mix it with water. Hope this helps!
Iram sheikh says
I'm breastfeeding can I stil tak apple cider vinegar
Brenda Young says
Im hopeful!! I just started with Organic Braggs Apple Cider with water, Cinnamon, Lemon and Stevia three times a day, 30 minutes before each meal and have lost three pounds my first five days!! Probably water weight, but Ill take it!! Im 147 pounds need to lose 17 pounds, ughh... It has curbed my appetitive, I eat a lot less and feel great!!! I think its going to help!
Lisa Lemke says
I too have started drinking Apple Cider vinegar. Being diabetic and have a bee allergy, I have mixed it with 2 tsp. Of agave nectar. I have my physical in 2 wks and I'm anxious to see my numbers. I'm praying for a lower A1C.
Mimi says
Just started taking 2 teaspoons acv today waiting for good results in no time.
Chuch bong says
Start it today with orange juice, is that ok
Mary says
It is exciting to hear lots of testimonies. Started taking ACV today and hoping for great results.
Diana Nance says
I have read where it says 2tlb and others say 2t. I have been using 2tlb. I have been doing this for two weeks and haven't lost any weight yet. Am I using too much. I mix it with a cup of water and honey
allan charles says
i received kidney transplant 2014 will this interfere with my medications
please share your thoughts plz
Jen says
Try putting the ACV on your salad if you can't stand it in the water. I am drinking it mixed with hot water like a "tea". Trying not to put the honey in it though that is tough. I need to lose 20 lbs. Good luck everyone!
I also recently started the apple cider diet im hoping for great results im 45 years old and noticed over the years that the pounds pack on and really hard to get rid of,,im watching what I eat now and cut out all junk foods and sodas lets hope this is a win win for me,,,fingers crossed.....
Shirley says
I just started ACV. I weigh 150 and would like to get down to 135. Not sure how long this will take but I hope to be down by the middle of May. Is that reasonable? I am 80.
Donna says
I am going to try grapefruit and act I saw this on face book has anyone tried this I need to lose at least 60 lbs before my next knee replacement in Novemberish
Deborah says
I started my apple cider diet this morning -the taste was so terrible but I know people who have been on this for a lifestyle and I decided to start!thd taste stayed in my mouth all day but I also noticed I was not picking all day either ! I will be 50 in May boy I pray that drinking this and a healthy diet will make me drop sizes ! I am 224 pounds I will keep you all posted! Good luck everyone ✅
Lori Wintersteen says
I must be the strangest person out there because I like the taste. I can't say if this is helping lose weight because I have been working on my weight for a year. But started this two weeks ago and noticed a ten pound drop in my weight. I have never had a problem with what I eat or the amount. It is the soda that kills me and I can't seem to break that habit. But for the first time since I was in high school I am down to 190 pounds and feeling great.
Tammie Williams says
A week ago Thursday I was 199.8 lbs. I have stopped eating anything after 8 pm and drink 1 small shot glass of Bragg ACV and a glass of water to wash it down with right before bed, checking my weight before bed and wake in morning daily and weighed in at 188.6 this morning 2/26, I have honestly lost 11 lbs in little more than a week. I eat a lot more fruits and vegetables but enjoy them more and have better control around snacks that I used to eat regularly that was stored in my desk at work (now removed). The taste of ACV is pretty harsh, but seeing the results I've accomplished keeps me on track.
Mel Coleman says
I am 24 5'4 210 lbs after i had my daughter i gained 50 lbs. I really want to lose them do so I will be trying this diet. Is the shot followed by water safe?
Gail says
I have been doing it for 2 weeks today as well as exercising stepping in place to equal 5 miles. I started at 2 minutes at a time every 15 to 20 minutes. I now am doing 3 minutes at a faster pace and then slower for 3 more minutes. I am 4'11" and over a 100 pounds overweight. My goal is 150, even though charts show 95. I am not 15.
Terry Schmidt says
Hi my name is Terry.I am 67 yrs old 4'11"and my weight is 178 lbs.I have tried so many diets just to regain weight.Today I started with ACV I pray it works.My Grand-daughters wedding is in June the 17th.I would love to eventually get to 120pounds, but will take this process day by day..
Thanks for any help and encouragement.Terry
witmerchewning says
Go to WooPep diet website webpage if you'd like to learn about diet.
Sally North says
I to have started this. I am 55 and always been fit and trim ,one day I woke up and looked in the mirror and asked who is that person. I am not looking to be super model. I would however like to be Healthy and Fit. We all know that fast food sports work and life in general can make are eating habits very bad for us. I will keep you posted on my progress what working and what's not. I hear many success stories but they never share what they did to get there. No magic drink or pill . Just have to be determined and hard work. I wish all of you best of luck and much success on your journey to get there. " Always remember to love yourself, and one day at a time. 🙂
vicky gribbins says
I just started this an I love it but I do it 1 time a day ,until I read this so I will start drinking 3 times a day is tat 8oz of water with 1 or 2 tbl spoons of vinerger. ty Vicky Gribbins.
Chanel says
I am 54 204 lbs I just started today. 2tbsp acv & 2tbsp lemon juice in a shot glass! Bottoms up. Will keep you ladies up dated.
Sally North says
Is it OK to take it with nothing else. I find it easier to get down if I just take a shot of it
Asla says
Sally, apple cider vinegar is very acidic. I think it's better if you at least dilute it 50/50 with water or your preferred beverage. Also, consistency is key. If you take it every day you will eventually start to see the benefits of ACV. For weight loss, it will work better with a proper diet plan.I buy a litre bottle of ACV and it seems to last forever. Also I'm pretty sure it never expires either!
jeanette says
does really this ACV work for to loose weight
Jo says
This is Jo. Please keep updated on how you all are doing.
Tisha says
Heard about this from friend last night. I decided to give this a try. I cut out soda on New Years Day and lost 10 pounds. This morning I had my first 8oz glass, just chugged it down. Then put a piece of gum in my mouth. I made a bottle to last through the day. Any helpful hints appreciated
DEE says
I stared ACV 2 days ago and I keep you posted with my weight lost
Juli says
I started using ACV to help with acid reflux. I did not consider it for weight loss. It worked for both though. After a few weeks I am no longer using my prescription medication for acid reflux and I have lost 11 pounds. Cool thing is, I have not craved any sweets and I am a known chocoholic. I am actually wanting more healthy alternatives. Best to drink with a straw and rinse your mouth with water afterward since it is so acidic and might be rough on the teeth after continued use. They also make capsules.
Arianna says
Great taste diet one of my favorite: Roasted sweet red pepper recipe. Take 3-4 sweet bell pepper and roast them (I have electric range glass top and just put the peppers directly on rotating for each side when turn black). After pepper is roasted, let cool then scrape the burn off and put in a deep dish. Separate make a mixture of 6oz water + 2tbs ACV + 1spoon honey(or 1/2 spoon sugar if you prefer).
Pour the mixture over the roasted peppers and place in refrigerator for few hours. Eat the pepper as a snack when feel hungry. The vinegar mixture will actually taste good so you can drink it with the snack. I usually make a batch of 4/day and eat mostly at night when I want to go for that bag of chips or sweets. I also use the same mixture for my salad, it makes me feel more full and less hungry.
Kim says
I started using the Apple Cider Vinegar on February 3, 2017, I just finished my first bottle. Sadly I have not lost a pound! I do take it 3 times a day with an ounce and a half of orange juice and follow it up with no sodium seltzer or a bottle of water with lemon. I cup my soda intake to 1 7.5 oz can of Coke a day and started eating a lot more fruit. I will admit I feel better and I find that I have a lot more energy than usual but I haven't lost a pound! I will continue taking the ACV for the other health benefits it offers but I'm not holding out much hope for weight loss as a benefit. I'll let you all know if anything changes.
Jenn says
I started to slowly take the acv putting one teaspoon in glass of water for two days then I started to use teaspoons for two days tomorrow I start three a day I will let you all know but also am now drinking 2 litre of water daily wil let you know if it dies what it suppose to do
Marta says
Thanks for a great article. Now I know why I always crave acidic food when I am low in iron.
I wonder how long before meals should I drink ACV? Should it be like hour or right before?
Thanks in advance!
KC mitchel says
ACV will help you loose weight, no doubt. But do not take it with orange juice. Come on, juice is sweet and has CALORIES!!!!!. Calories make you gain weight gosh. Do not add anything sweet to it. Just take it with water. Water is neutral. I have lost 25 lbs. And if you just walk 15 on a treadmill, it will accelerate your weight loss guarantee. This 25 lbs that i lost were in less than a month. Just ACV three times a day WITH WATER (take it like a man) and walk 10 on a treadmill and pooof. Just dont find ways to sugar coated. ACV with water.
Lisa P says
I think that your weight loss might have been hindered by your intake of juice with it. I've heard lots of ways to drink it but the healthiest way I think is with water. The sugar intake from the juice can't be good. I think it just makes the taste better , not better for you. Try it with cold water and not juice and see if that helps in weight loss. Good luck !!!
hfiers says
My wife and I have been on a weight loss program for 2 weeks. Heard about ACV and have incorporated this in our program. BUT, the key to weight loss includes diet and exercize. We go to the gym 3 times a week. We also follow South Beach Diet meal plans, which really make sense once you understand glycemic control. Using these 3 together makes our program very easy. Not hungry, feel great (we are both 68), and losing weight. Our first goal is 12 lbs in 6 weeks (half way there).
Mary says
I am going to try it for the first time.
Mary says
I weigh 277, I want to get down to 150.
Mary says
I'm trying ACV to try and lose weight. Today is my first day. I'm glad I read about rinsing you mouth out after use, keep you informed on weight loss.
Carrie says
I am excited how this has worked. I have been struggling with acid reflux ever since I had my youngest 5 years ago. I have heard about drinking ACV to help with the AR and how it may help loose weight. I'm not sure if it's just one or the other, but combined with drinking a product I found to keep my body in ketosis and using the ACV to detox my body, I have gone down a pant size in two weeks. I'm thrilled and now have the energy and motivation to exercise which I have not felt in a long time!! I know there are amazing benefits to the ACV and also the many benefits to having your body in ketosis!! I have been drinking my Ketones first thing in the morning and a glass of ACV with honey, another combo at lunch and the AVC with honey just before dinner...I'm thrilled with the results!! 🙂
Wenz says
Well i got mine today. So will let you know how I go.
edith mwaliki says
Today is my first day on ACV. I really yearn to loose weight. Thanks for the directions on how to use it. I will take 2 tablespoons with water before meals twice daily. Ihope to post results after 2 weeks. So optimistic!
Christina says
I just started the acv today
laura says
I am a dental hygienist please use a straw as acid can wear away your enamel over time
Susan says
My sister told me about this for weight loss but I found it works for acid reflux much better now & I could stand to lose some weight
Minh says
For some reason after taking this, my body feel a lot lighter. My blood pressure went down and i gain a lot of weight. I didnt lose any weight, instead i gain a few pound after taking this. My body bulk up with muscle that i think i didnt have. Somehow this change the hormone in my body. So glad my wife push me to take this with her. Still kicking and screaming trying to drink it down.
Minh says
For some of you who say you look bloated after taking it. My wife look the same way. She didnt realize that everything else shrink but her stomach that is why she look bloated. Do some stomach exercise to slim down.
Robert oetjen says
I'm just getting started in this ACV diet. Can you use this in any drinks like sweet tea, tea with honey in it??
Nava says
Robert, you can put ACV in all types of drinks; we even have a new post about it: — though keep in mind that any fruit or sweetening like honey will add to your calorie count and may counteract the weight loss action. Seems like those who've had the best luck with the ACV diet are the ones who bravely chug it in a glass of water a half hour before meals. That being said, any ACV you add to your daily regimen is a healthy habit to keep in your life.
Michael S Hughes says
I am taking it with V_8 and lemon juice perfect
Alicia Morris says
Ammo start Monday, wish me luck guys really hoping to lose some of this weight I'm currently weighing 140lbs and I really wanna get back down to 120 before summer...
Emily says
Hi, I've ordered ACV now after reading all above comments, plz keep posting your results.
Martins Irabor says
I started using ACV for Tommy reduction and in 2days the result is so far encouraging. I will keep you posted as time goes on.
Terri Lobner says
Just started on Thursday night 3/2/17. Been mixing 50/50 in about 4 Oz's of water. I believe this may be too strong of an dose? Stomach getting Quizzy on & off. Heading to Florida in 2 weeks, hope to loose 20 lbs.
Patricia Russoniello says
I just started the acv diet on Friday. I put 2tsps in warm water and add a cambogia garcina
capsule to it. I am 48, wI'll update to let you all know if weight loss happens.
(Oh, I was only taking this in morning aND before bed, but will try the before meals and drop using capsules.
Barbara says
I usually do not comment or post; however, I had to respond to Kim. You need to be drinking lots of water, (five 16.9 ounce bottles a day) do not drink any Coke-it is loaded with bad sugar, and fruit is OK, but one fruit a day is all you should have. Even though fruit is natural, it still contains many grams of sugar which can lead to weight gain. Water and lean protein with the AVC should help you lose weight! Good luck.
kiesha paymond says
I've been drinking this since March 1, 2017 with tsp of organic coconut oil and raw honey and 8ozs of warm
Water? Let me know if this is ok somebody please!!
Scott says
Does any apple Vinegar cider work?
Karen says
Hello, I started this diet about two weeks ago,and i was a size 9 and now staring to fit back into some of my 7's.but someone told me that I should only do it for 2 weeks at a time then take about a week break,and wanted to know if that was true?
KC says
WHY can no one who has had success with this simply add details about HOW MUCH and WHEN they drank the stuff??
"My sister lost 20 pounds in a month with this!" Super, but WHAT dosage and WHAT times of day?
Reading through all these comments, and very few add such details. Useless accounts without the details.
Jackie Lynn Fuss says
I am starting my ACV tonight March 5th know that you need to drink 8oz of water with 1or2 table spoons of ACV No Sugar drinks or orange juice. I weigh 204 and want to get down to 120 wish my luck.
Duane says
I started AV 7 days ago and I have lost 3 Pounds. I use 1/2 lemons juice, honey and 2 tablespoon of ACV in 8 ounces when I get up in the AM. I try to exercise 3 time a week. You need to brush your teeth after You drink your ACV.
Peter K says
Can you read? Can you scroll?
Try it - the answers are there
Tanya jane lambert says
Hi wanna start this, how much and how many times a day?.
Kathryn says
I been using ACV for 2 weeks now and so far I have lost 15 pounds! 2 teaspoons ACV + Milk for me. I still eat the same food I always do, its just I eat smaller portions of it now. It either kills my appetite or I just eat once the whole day. I don't drink soda pops only water all day and coffee in the mornings. Was 255 when I started now 240.
Camellia Pearson says
I can't wait to start
ReRe says
Where do you get the capsules?
Tamara Graymtn. says
I'am starting my ACV tonite. And thank you for all of your idea's. I weigh 210 but I want be 120. Wish me luck.
Kat says
I started march 5, 2017 I will keep u posted
Karen says
I added some yesterday to my green tea but I wasn't consistent in taking it before each meal. I will begin before each meal tomorrow. I will add to water.
Jill B. says
If you take too much ACV at once it will act like a laxative within a couple of hours! Don't take more than 1 Tablespoon (3 teaspoons) at one time!! It does kill your appetite. Take 3 times a day before meals. It's very good for you and has many beneficial properties.
Rish says
I like to squeeze 1/2 a lemon in with the ACV water. I'm not going to lie, it doesn't taste great but both ACV & lemons are packed full of goodness. Try not get too obsessed with the weight loss side of things and just be consistent. It's worth checking out: if you're not convinced. I think many people stop taking it before the benefits happen. Take it 3x/day for 6-8 weeks and then report back.
B. Bolton says
It definitely works. I use it 3x a day but I sometimes poop my pants. Worth it though.
Beth says
I have been using ACV for about 2 weeks now. I was 215 and now 211. I know that is not a lot but everyone keeps saying how good I look as if I've lost 20 lbs. I use 2 tbs with water 3 times a day. I'm now starting to exercise, walking 2 miles a day. I hope this helps with losing more. I will keep you posted on my success in about a month.
Envy says
Tomorrow i start my workout
leslie says
this will be my first time trying this i hope
it really works and it helps me lose weight
Gwen rocha says
Do you have to mix the Bragg vinaigrette with water, how about with out water
Ursula Morrison says
Can I shoot this and chase it with a glass of water? It's awful! (@.@) lol
Nava says
Generally, that's not a good idea. Hard on the stomach and teeth! Read some of the comments to see how other readers have made this more palatable.
Erika says
Safe during pregnancy????
Fonda palacios says
Does filtered apple cider vinegar work also?
erika gonzalez says
My name is Erika im 36 yrs old, 5'6 and justed passed the 200 lb mark (i'm 204)started twice a day for the last 3 days- 3 topfulls in about 4 oz of water, i don't think the taste is THAT BAD!
Joy says
The ACV should be unfiltered, or have "the mother" in it. I mix 1oz in 7ounces of diet apple juice (like Crystal Light) and it is very tolerable
Mar says
I will start tomorrow let see how it goes
Danisha says
I have used a tablespoon of ACV and small cup of water off and on for at least 6 months. Along with no longer drinking pops, I lost about 25 pounds. Everyone keeps saying how I've lost so much weight. I need to get more consistent and change my diet more so I can see a bigger difference.
marina says
I am just starting this, I put two teaspoons in a glass of seltzer water and it taste like sparkling lemon Not bad at all
MissJ says
I am just starting today. 2tbs of ACV with 8oz of water before meals. Trying to lose 4-6lbs per month until January 2018. Currently 189lbs. Got my wedding next January. I'm also working out at least 3xs a week and watching what I eat. I've lost 8lbs since late January with out this, so hopefully, this will give me a boost. I'll update in one month.
Diana says
I need to lose ~40 pounds. I'm starting this diet using the Bragg Brand, adding honey. Making a tea". Not bad. My goal is to lose the weight by mid June. I'm starting today.
Carry says
Do you have to order off lune or u can get at a walmart?
Joyce. Williams says
I. Started using Briggs vinegar on Monday and today I weighed. It is Saturday and I Have lost 3 lbs in my first week!!!
AJ says
AJ- I'm starting this today because it's a Saturday and as I've seen others say they poop their pants,well if that's gonna happen at least I'll be home for the weekend!
Currently a high functioning and whooping 360 pounds! I know I can't believe it! I daybreak I mean miserableness and wanna lose but I never do much about it! I WILL report back weekly
James says
I take 2 tbsp with 1 whole squeezed lemon, local honey and Cayenne pepper mixed in about 10 oz water every morning 1st thing. Ive been doing it a week so far. The cayenne and honey makes it not so bad. I have a cup of coffee made to go right behind it so I don't keep tasting it.
Kendra says
What other liquids/drinks can I mix with acv to make it taste a bit better? I hear cranberry juice is ok, any other ideas?
Joyce winecoff says
Starting today. But slowly 1 spoon in. Water once today then at supper. Trying it for 2-3 weeks. See how it goes
Yolonda says
I just started this today and I mixed mine with raw honey and grapefruit juice. It doesn't taste that bad.
BDN says
Umm #9 why would you do this while your pregnancy first of all LOL you can't do it while your pregnancy it's RAW cider means UNPASTEURIZED! Watch what your doing for your unborn child and focus on it not you! I have a 6 month old focus on YOU later! But anyways I did it in the morning and it was helping but had no idea you have to do this with every meal it should definitely work :)!
Donna says
I'm just wondering if someone is on a blood thinner, a water pill and metoprolol, is it ok to use this ACV everyday? Thank you in advance for answering. P. S. I need to lose weight so that I can have knee surgery. My Dr. wants me to lose about 75 pounds and it's very hard to excerise with a bad.
michael morales says
im starting this today 3/12/2017 hope it help my is keeping me from getting a job 400lbs try to remember to write every week
Nava says
Donna, this is definitely a question you should ask your practitioner or a Registered Dietician. We're not qualified to give medical advice. Good luck!
Nava says
Kendra, you can definitely mix with other liquids and make drinks, but I'm not sure it will have the same weight loss action as ACV mixed with water. You'll get the health benefits, though, and that can only be a good thing! Here's an entire post with apple cider drink recipes and ideas:
ray says
I want to try. I want to lose weight, can I add honey? or vanilla?
Debra says
I have been on this for 2 weeks and I haven't seen any results .
Jodi MacDonald says
Ok, sounds good guys. Im going to try this. Ill pick it up at the store. Ill let everyone know if its working for me. Im female, 51yrs young, & need to loose at least 20lbs. Good luck to all of us!! Have a blessed year!!
Blessing Emmanuel says
Am starting today and hope it works for me
Galina Bondar says
If some of you can't loose weight by using account than here is the best recipe.1/4 cup of acv before meals 3 times a day.And when you lost weight by your goal,1 table spoon before meal 3 times a day
Dora Rodriguez says
Trying out today for the first time i made a mistake and went 1/2 cup of apple cider vineger and 1/2 cup of warm water and drank it with a straw non stop man that was rough. Found out i did it wrong. And my daughter knowing and laughing behind my back. Shes ain't right.
Latoyia Johnson says
I'm starting this tomorrow,I bought 2 bottles of this. I am going to give it a shot. Nothing else seemed to work, so hopefully this does. I will also try a workout that I've been dying to do, I'm always on the go. I'm 206lbs now. I'll post results in a couple of months to update my progress.
Nava says
Galina, conventional wisdom tells us that 1/4 cup ACV at a time is too much; harsh on the stomach and teeth. Generally 1 tablespoon in a cup of liquid is sufficient.
Beth says
Do you all use Braggs or just regular ACV. If so which is best to use?
john says
This works, but remember, the 1st cup of it should be done when you wake up in the A.M on an empty stomach.
Then before lunch & Dinner.
Cut it with water, the purpose of it is to get the ACV absorbed by the body as quick as possible. Using "sugar free" (galactose, ethyl maltol, dextrose, dextrin,saccharin,sucralose, etc) is defeating the purpose of the ACV. Don;t make your body breakdown anything unnatural.
Heres my recipe
8oz cold water
1/2 lemon squeezed
2 tablespoons ACV (Braggs unfiltered)
small squirt of local raw honey.
Barb says
I've been doing 2 tbsp. of Braggs 2 X's a day for a week and a half but haven't lost any weight, Do I have to do it with a cup of water? If so, I'm only doing it with about 3 tbsp. of water. Maybe that's why it isn't working. I'm trying to do shots of it as opposed to diluting it with water.
Lucy says
I started last week and I lost 2 lbs already! I mix it with my drink with greens in it and it's amazing!
Harsh says
Very nice article! I also facing lots of problem with my weight. This article helps me lot. Thanks for sharing this helpful guide.
Tiffany Hughes says
I have been thinking of trying this for the last couple of weeks but the i cant get past the smell. Would it be possible to take as a shot with some juice or something to cut the taste and then chase it with a glass of water? My husband and my mom can drink it with water, lemon and honey but i just cant get past the smell.
Carol says
I mix mine with low calorie orange juice or pineapple juice. It cuts the taste and makes it very tolerable.
Nava says
Tiffany, try mixing it with tomato juice, regular or spicy. You'll hardly detect it!
Charles Hagan says
I've been doing it now for about 2 weeks. I do about an 1/8th of a red solo cup and mix it with a little low sodium V8 juice. Taste great.
Dragonfly says
Well I'm going to start my vinegar routine bottoms up. My goal is to loose 25 ills I have already lost 70 lbs on my own.
Tink70 says
What a great article. Concise and efficient. I am starting this tonight along with Hydroxycut. Thanks for the advice and I enjoyed reading all the comments.
kimberly says
first time trying today im taking with cranberry juice and a stick of cinnamon 3x a day, with my regular diet and exercise. starting weight January 6th was 224 I am 200 now im going to see in a month what will apple cider vinegar do. will update in a month
Deborah says
Sounds Great, I'm going start this tomorrow. I've already mixed me some up for a couple of days.
Bragg vinegar
cayenne pepper
Anita says
Hey everybody I have started ACV today and I would like to and Need to drop at least 10kg's-20kg's within this time next Month.
I am going to do it 2 times a day before Meals and add 1 Tablet of Garcinia Ultra Slim Once in the morning. Increase to 3 times a day if needed within 3 Weeks.
I am 75kg's and also starting the Gym next Monday.
I really hope it works. All the Best to Everybody.
ntombi says
ive been using ACV for two weeks now ,my starting wait was 76 now im 81 so ive gained i dont know what im doing wrong please help
Kimberly Brooks says
I'm in a wedding on April 1st I need to loose 20lbs. Will taking acv everyday help speed up the process?
Nancy Martin says
Does anyone have an answer as to what to take for belly pain after the apple cider vinegar and water or does the tummy get used to t ?????
Jessica says
I started the 2 teaspoons of acv today. I had to down a ton of water to get the taste and burn out of my mouth and throat. It made me nauseous. So I drank cranberry juice and then ice tea and ate a cereal bar to get the taste and nauseous feeling away. Hopefully it works. What else should I do?
Crystal Sedore says
Try drinking the acv in Orange juice. It tastes pretty good.
Adrienne says
the burn in your stomach and the nausea will go away n you'll get used to it. Also, I've been doing it for a month now, I take the two teaspoons of vinegar, immediately drink a 16 oz glass of cold water with a dash of cayenne pepper n a dash of cinnamon before each meal. I drink water throughout the day with the cayenne n cinnamon and sometimes sliced lemons and cucumbers. Very refreshing. I've lost 8 pounds already.
tommy reynolds says
I take a drink straight from bottle, about 2 tab, spoon worth
Parker w says
Ok best way to use acv is to drink iced tea sweet preferably and put honey in it use a standard mason jar as your glass and portion fill the bottom with honey a few millimeters tall full the jar half full with ice then the tea and 3 to 4 teaspoons of the acv honestly it won't taste great but you want to lose the weight you got to suck it up an drew down the drink 30 min before every meal
started today with 1 teaspoon with water before each meal..start working out tonight also..good luck to everyone.
Winn says
@Crystal Sedore
I wouldn't recommend using a juice to mask the taste, if the purpose of drinking the ACV is weight-loss. On average a cup (250ml) of Orange juice has 5 teaspoons of sugar, which is more than a healthy daily allotment of pure fructose which really doesn't do anyone any good.
Susan M Benson says
I drink 8 oz of water with a half tsp of cinnamon, 2 tsp of ACV and 1 Tbsp of Honey and juice from half of a lemon. Drink it before I go to bed and before lunch. Lost 6 lbs in a week and NOTHING else has worked.
Syed Sarkar Naqvi says
I regularly take ACV in the morning before meal ... my question is can i take AVC before going to bed?
Syed Sarkar Naqvi says
I regularly take ACV in moring..... can anyone guide me that i can take ACV at night before going bed?
royal says
Just started this diet and it has me running back and forth to the bathroom (not to tinkle) is that normal?
Syed Sarkar Naqvi says
I take ACV regular in morning... my question is can i take ACV at night before bed?? Please anyone can guide me
Laura says
Just started this as well before breakfast and before bed. Using Tablespoon per 6-8 oz of water with packet of trivia. It does make me gag, but gonna stick with it. would love to hear thoughts about best times of day.
Ann Marie says
I boil 8 oz of water, with 1 inch of ginger sliced into 4 pieces. After it boils, then I put 2 tsp of AVC mix it in and drink it like a hot tea. It taste great, does not make me gag. You could also use the powder ginger. You could also put 2 tsp of fresh squeeze lemon juice. Some people like it cold. The lemon juice will be good if you like it cold. Don't use anything sweet it defeats the purpose. It will still send you to the bathroom. That is good, because it is giving you a good clean out. Getting rid of all the old waste. Drink a lot of water through out the day. I tried taking it at night, and did not fall asleep until 4 hrs later. I tossed an turn all night long and could not sleep. I was exhausted the next day. I want to try at night again when I don't have to work the next day. Good luck to all of you. I hope we all will be successful in losing the weight we want.
Ann Marie says
Started today hope to lose 20 lbs.
Rob says
Started ACV yesterday. Made a mistake and took 2 tbsp with 8 ozs water. Gagged it down and then had no appetite but I did have energy. Forced myself to eat, got hungry about 12 hours later. I'm not eating any sugar or using sweetener or dairy since I'm lactose intolerant. I'm cutting the ACV down to 2 tsp with water today and see what happens
Elane says
I started this week and have been doing it with 4 oz water and 4 oz pineapple juice and 1 tbls of acv. I can not taste it at all. I also drink a lot of water all day.
N.Smith says
Hi guys .Male 55 -- 155kg Start 6'1" tall
I started on my diet on the 12 Jan 2017
I eat normal but small portions
I also made a mixture of
2 teaspoons Cinnamon, 1 teaspoon Cayenne pepper, 1 teaspoon of Turmeric and 3 table spoons of honey just brought to the boil with 1 Liter of water, then let cool and add 4 table spoons of lemon and 4 table Spoons of ACV add 1 more liter cold water.
Drink this twice a day.
Today the 24/03/2017 and lost 8 kg
Must say I also walk around a km every evening
Debra Maxwell says
Just started yesterday taking ACV 3 times per day prior to meals. It has really suppressed my appetite in the last 24 hours and caused me to urinate ALOT....I just got on the scale and lost 3 lbs since yesterday???
Holy Moley, I'm loving this!!!
Sarabu says
I started today drinking 2 tablespoons Acv and a half of teaspoon cinnamon .I hope it works
Jayliz63 says
I have been using apple cider vinegar for ages. I use it when making stock, for mint sauce with lamb and sprinkled on fish and chips etc. Today I have started to use before meals. I do have some weight to lose, probably about 15-20 lb would be good. Dr Eric Berg suggests 1 teaspoon ACV, 1 teaspoon lemon juice and 1 teaspoons of proper cranberry juice added to a glass of water. The taste is pleasant I think. Dr Berg did say if you find it awful, you may not need it. (interesting)
Lameika says
Thank you for all of your suggestions. I'm going to start tomorrow. I wish everyone well.
Margaret cotter says
Can you take acv with grapefruit juice
Kathy Groendal says
I drink ACV all day in my water I love it. I sometimes add cucumbers it's so good. The taste of ACV in my water I drink it all day. I usually drink about half cup to 1 cup everyday. I lost 10 lbs really quick so I've played but I've learned to eat healthy and not eat after 6 so satisfied and love my new life habits. So many people are doing the same thing and some can't do it so it's per person but I love ACV all day. Good luck to all.
Kathy Groendal says
I drink ACV all day in my water I love it. I sometimes add cucumbers it's so good. The taste of ACV in my water I drink it all day. I usually drink about half cup to 1 cup everyday. I lost 10 lbs really quick so I've played but I've learned to eat healthy and not eat after 6 so satisfied and and love my new life habits. So many people are doing the same thing and some can't do it so it's per person but I love ACV all day. Good luck to all.
susan says
I need to no if it really works
Leigh says
I've drank this off and on for years. I put it in warm water with 2 teaspoons of honey and a teaspoon of lemon. Tastes good
Judy says
I just started drinking ACV in the morning. I put 2tsps in hot Green tea with a little sweetener. Was rough the first day but got used to it. Now I know I should be drinking it 3 times a day. Will start tomorrow and see what happens.
Rabeya Chowdhury says
ive been using ACV for 3 months now ,my starting wait was 154 now im 159 so ive gained i dont know what im doing wrong please help me.
Beth says
I think regular ACV works better than Bragg. Seems to take hunger away, however, I still make myself eat healthy throughout the day even if I'm not hungry for it.
Samantha says
I've been drinking 1tbsp ACV in 8oz ice water before meals for 3 weeks now. I've lost 10 lbs
Nava says
Rabeya, you might read through the many comments here to see what has worked for tother visitors.
Amanda Bittner says
I've been taking ACV for a long time and it won't work if your not doing something like exercise. Exercise will help it as well with the ACV.
TA Lamb says
I usually use 2 Tbs ACV IN 3-4 oz of well grade vodka or gin, after a few sips I don't care what it tastes like. I don't really care about anything. It's a diet I can stick to.
Lin says
Awesome article, Im excited to try this.
Lin says
Amanda I agree that exercise helps but its mainly your diet. You can run an hour on a treadmill and burn maybe 500-700 calories. That's equivalent to not eating a burger.
Royal, A says
Hello everyone. I've just started drinking ACV as of 03/27/17. My mixture consist of Vinegar, Lemon Juice, Ginger, Cinnamon, Cayenne Pepper and Honey. I had watched my Grandparents and my Stepfather drink ACV for years while I was a child. So I believe there is something healthy about consuming ACV. I am trying this for overall health reason as I have High Blood Pressure and need to lose weight. In reading some of the comments, it is true that exercise and nutritional health are benefactors. I have been a yo-yo weight loser for the past Thirty years. I have always been able to lose 30-50 pounds fast with exercise when I was a younger person. In fact, I can still do it now whenever I make up my mind to get it done. The problem is it always have come back. I am attempting this method to assist me with keeping it off as well as losing it at a slower pace. I am trying to drink at least three eight oz servings daily. I just finished my last serving around 1730 hours. Do not know if I will be hungry after or before bedtime. This will be a working progress. Good luck to all.
Paley Institute says
First of all, Thanks for sharing the benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar with us. I add ACV in my diet from last 1 month. And after that I go for exercise daily. These tips really help everyone who wants to lose weight seriously.
Anita Gilbert says
I've been on a 21 day "diet" of acv just to drop a few pounds gained through the winter. I'm on my 20th day. I've found my appetite is suppressed and I'm not wanting sweets or chocolate. I'm very impressed. I put 2TB ACV, a squirt of honey, 1/4 tsp of ginger,1/4 tsp.of cinnamon,and a squirt of stevia...not bad tasting at the fact that is a pro biotic as digestive issues
sandra k powell says
i like to know if this eal works and how long it take to see results
Reece says
Interesting that people are adding ginger, cinnamon, lemon juice etc. Haven't thought about mixing these powerful foods altogether.
Reece says
Do you just put it all in one drink? Like a smoothie?
Steven Esteban says
I take my tablespoon of ACV in suppository form. I got the cellulose capsules and fill them up beforehand.I have found that it is absorbed through the mucous membrane faster this way and no more burning tummy!
Yolanda says
Can you use regular acv like a generic brand? Or does it have to be the braggs organic?
Dwight says
I've been drinking 2tbsp acv with water and a tsp of lemon juice to cut the taste. Was able to get off of High blood pressure medicine and cholesterol meds. Feeling better but haven't lost weight. Getting off the meds is worth it.
Rosa says
Do you need to diet whilst taking ACV or just eat normally?
Leigh says
Yolanda, it doesn't have to be Bragg's but it does have to be organic to get the full benefits. There's plenty of good brands out there.. I get mine on Ebay for around £7/bottle.
Rosa, your overall diet is always going to help if you're trying to lose weight. Although as mentioned in this article, ACV contains Pectin which should help suppress your appetite. If you're unsure about the diet side of things, there's a great plan at:
I've found that to really experience the benefits of apple cider vinegar, you've got to be consistent every day. Try to make it a habit to drink 1 or 2 teaspoons before every single meal. It's crazy cheap and so good for you. Definitely worth it!
Bren says
Dwight does the lemon juice really take away the taste? Seems like it would be really sour
Ray biggs says
Can you mix it with raspberry juice or honey, lemon juice?
Jaime says
Great article! I loooove acv. Anyone interested in this stuff should definitely check out the book Everyday Roots. It teaches you how to replace all of the harmful chemical products in your life with organic ones. It's completely changed my life and how I feel everyday 🙂
You can read a good review of Everyday roots here:
Adriana says
can you make a pitcher of this and have it ready in the fridge or is it best to make it right there on the spot every time.?
William Jordan says
Going to try this diet hope it worked.
Geri says
I think I'm finding out that my insulin is causing me to gain weight, got diagnosed with Diabetes(D-2) I was told by my Dr, my weight triggered it, get rid of the weight, the D-2 goes with it. His nurse came in right behind him and cast doubts on what he said, I looked at her & told her to shut up & get out! I was a nurse for almost 40 years and never would say anything like that to my patients.
Alana Wilder says
I mix 2T of Braggs with 6oz of low sodium V-8 every morning. Not only is it a great way to start the day but I have found it to be a slow way to see pounds slip away.
Bigman says
Try taking 2tsp of the organic vinegar with some lemon and ginger tea the lemon and ginger also play a la in burning belly fat but mis if all it helps for the taste of the vinegar to be bearable
Anna T. says
I take 2 tablespoons of Bragg, 2 pinches of cayenne pepper and a squeeze of lemon in my water every morning on an empty stomach. This has definitely helped my digestive system.
Teri says
I mix 1 tablespoon of organic apple cider vinegar with 8 oz of pineapple juice and it pretty much cuts the taste of the vinegar almost completely!!
Boodah says
I started today with 1teaspoon of ACV with hot tea and honey but I've noticed my ACV isn't Bragg organic bottle it's the regular ACV from shoppers would that be a good one to use also??
Bruce says
Is it ok to mix a little honey with apple cider vinegar drink?
yes i wanna know wat the results would be for mixing acv with honey and cinnamon
Ben says
Wow amazing info! Have heard a lot about apple cider vinegar but it can also be used to loose the weight. I used this to treating my skin tags and warts and got great results.
Laurie says
I bought it a week ago and it is still sitting there unopened. I'm a scardie cat. I know I don't want to add any sugars to it. I guess I will try it with Truvia although that isn't to good in my coffee. I hope it helps me loose weight. Now if I can control my eating. Been of cigarettes for a month now. If anyone else has a good suggestion for the taste. Let mer know.
Crystal Morales says
I just started the account today. I have underactive thyroid so I hope and pray this works for me.
Daphne says
I've been taking 2 tbsp acv with lemon juice and honey, my stomach is much smaller and digestive system better also.
Sandy says
How much lemon juice and honey Daphne
Gemma says
Is it possible to just drink the vinegar on its own without water?
Nava says
Gemma, drinking ACV straight can be hard on the stomach and on tooth enamel, which is why that's not recommended.
Emma says
I am on the acv and I have it withhot water and a little honey ... I need to replace the pasteurized honey with raw or pure honey .. I am also taking Bromelain .. got this at the health store .. I take it once a day ....I still eat pretty well the same things but smaller portions and I am loosing weight .. it's our digestive system that can get us in trouble .. if we take care of it ....It will take care of us .....
Eryn says
Daphne, what exactly are you doing and how? It sounds like something I'd like to try, as I have a thyroid problem and put on 30 pounds in less then six months. I need help!
Shalini says
Should we take ACV with hot water or the regular water can also do?
Nava says
No need to use hot water, Shalini.
Kuuipo says
2 spoons of apple cider vinegar with honey in every 8 ounce of bottle water , the ACV smells rotten but honey kinda killed the smell will see in a week what happened Good Luck Everybody
francina says
Good reading will open my bottle today
corinne says
iv just got mine today does it really work please as desperate to loose weight
Lorraine says
Started today with Braggs ACV 1tsp with 1tsp of lemon juice and 100mls hot water.hope this helps with my weight loss
Kae says
Hi I just bought acv awhile ago, is it okay to mix it with honey and lemon? Thanks
Twila says
This was a very thorough article that answered all my questions about acv and weight loss. Thank you!
Jessica says
I started using it 4 times a day! Before every meal. I eat 6 times a day small snacks in between 3 meals. Small portions. When I started I weighed 236 Now I weigh 180. I started mid December of 2016. It really curbs my appetite. I love it.
Kandy says
Kae, I personally know two ladies that used ACV with honey and lemon juice and they both had success with losing weight. I just started in the same thing yeaterday. I hope it works for me too. Good luck.
Franvisco says
Well i also started yesterday, 2t of ACV and 1t of lemon with 4oz of water in the morning...boy does that sent u to the bathrooom..
Rebecca says
Can I use apple cider to get the vinegar down?
jackie jackson says
ima try this formula and see what happens
Judith says
ACV is the Best and Healthiest way to lose weight. I started using it a month ago, and I have already lost 6 pounds. My BMI (Body Mass Index) has decreased, and I'm feeling and looking heathier. It helps with one's digestive system;getting rid of those toxins that are just stored in one's stomach....THE DREADED "BELLY FAT." I had my fu (follow up) exam with my PCD (PRIMARY CARE DOCTOR) on yesterday,and she is so proud of me,as I am of me. Stick to it...IT TRULY WORKS.
Ana Laura Martinez says
I feel it was easier for me to drink 1 tablespoon of vinegar straight with a little water instead of a full glass. I am going to add one more tablespoon before dinner. I don't add anything else to it. It goes down quick and I am done with it faster.
Mary says
I am mixing 2 tablespoons of ACV in a water bottle with crystal light (or similar) singles to go water flavors. Is this going to be counteractive? I do it purely to cut the taste of the ACV and its working great with masking the taste, but I don't want to cancel out the results if the water flavors aren't my best choice. I am not a huge fan of honey that is why I avoided that first. How long before you see results. I rejoined weight watchers and also going to the gym again. Need to lose about 20 pounds the safe and healthy way, but am curious when you start to see if the ACV is working. Thanks!
Felicia Curry says
Well i just bought mines 2 days ago n started it yesterday, i just drink it with water no lemon juice or honey does it really helps that way.
Marta Tullos says
I used the ACV several years ago, back in 2013, and I maintained my weight much better then. Now after gaining 30 additional pound I knew I had to start this habit again. Even only one serving daily was rewarding. I can only imagine results if done at every meal. Returned to ACV today! Marta
michelle briggs says
I started the acv 2 days ago. I excercise every morning for 30 minutes with tiffany rothe. Ive lost weight by doing her 10 minutes workout they are very easy to follow. So now i just need that little bit help to shift baby belly fat. I drink 2 tsp with 1/2 a cup of warm water 3 times a day. Hoping to get the right results. At present my weight is 11st 5lbs. Will keep updating x
stoney says
I've started my ACV about 5 days ago, I mix mine with about less then 8 oz of water and 2 to 3 tsp 3 times a day, yes it does take away your appetite, I eat less, I don't mix it with anything else but water, and down it real quick, to be honest the taste is really not as bad as people say's it is. I've already loss 3lbs and 1 inch off my waist in 5 days, can't wait to see how my results are in 4 weeks, definitely worth trying! I also added in 3 to 4 days of workouts for an hour, to speed up the process...GOOD LUCK EVERYBODY
l am very interested in trying this diet with apple cider question is can l buy this from super market or health shop ..without going on line to buy..
Nava says
Wendy, it's really important to use organic, raw, and unfiltered ACV. The clear pasteurized kind probably wont do the trick.
Cece says
^^^^Buy Braggs ACV.
Audrey Brown says
I stared the Apple Cider Vinegar on 4/17/17. 2Tbsp. of ACV w/8oz. of water & 1tsp. of raw honey. I take it 30min. before my meal. As of 4/23/17 I have lost 4.6lbs. My diet consists of salad, chicken, tuna, fish, fruits etc. It's working so far. Will keep you all posted. Good Luck!! A.B.
Flower says
Apple cider vinager helps us in so many ways. Not only drinking water with vinager; also adding to our salads, and seasonings. Soups, meats everything it taste so good and it helpbus keep our digestive system clean, help our hair shine and grow, ourvskun shines and no pimples or rashes, look healthy. Youbshould start it today. Some ppl say organic or other brand but really ANY APPLE CIDER VINAGER WORKS! IM DOWN 20 POUNDS.MOTHER of 4 believe will be pleasantly SURPRISE!
Maricela Lopez says
Can you add juice to it like orange or pineapple juice to the ACV plus water then the juice or does it have to be ACV with water thanks
Sandra says
Just bought a bottle of ACV today. Think I'll try it with pineapple juice. Do I have to take it before meals? Or can drink it three times a day?
Yvonne larkin says
Hi everyone I've just started today hopefully it will work I've read all the comments it sounds great I will let you know how I get on
Brittny says
I just bought the apple cider vinger I had 2 tablespoons with a